
The Marriage Recipe
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Ingredient #10;


She huffed silently with her lower lip jutting out an evident pout as she held the remote up in mid-air, clicking and clicking, shuffling through the channels but nothing intrigued her. She grew frustrated as she carried on channel-surfing, grunts and sighs of exasperation filled the air and her eyes were no longer concentrating on the screen of the television – though her finger kept clicking the remote. ‘Such a boring night,’ she muttered to herself after finally stopping. She tossed the remote onto the coffee table nonchalantly; in which she earned a loud clang from the glass material but she stood up anyway, paying absolutely no heed.


She threw a glance at the opened window on her left; the sky was now colored with a splash of crimson as it slowly darkened. A smudge of red-orange – what seemed to be the sun – blended with the endless canvas as it was about to set. She stretched both of her arms and scanned around the living room of the apartment; it was quiet and empty. ‘I wonder what Yongguk is doing,’ she thought to herself. A mischievous smile graced her lips as she started walking to their bedroom – assuming he was there since she remembered him telling her about working on a new song earlier in the afternoon.


“Yeobo~” she called out, smiling cheekily at the thought of finally being able to amuse herself by bugging her own husband. That’s what she always did on a daily basis anyway – to bother Yongguk whenever she had nothing to do or bored out of her wits. Yongguk never minded; well it’s not like he could complain either. “Yeobo,” she tried again when she heard no response. As she neared the bedroom door, she could hear a faint sound of music playing from inside.


“The music is probably on too loud,” she rolled her eyes but giggled as she skipped hurriedly to the door. She twisted the door knob and swung the door open, poking her head in as she searched for her husband. She smiled when she saw him sitting at his work table, his head bobbing to the rhythm of the music that was blasting through the speakers. She stepped into the room and decided to quietly creep behind him, planning to shock him from behind. But then she stopped, eyebrows furrowed when she realized the fact that her husband was listening to a sappy Backstreet Boys song.

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Chapter 10: It's finish~ DX
Fierce rapper of B. A. P~ keukeukeu~
Thank you for the story~ *bow*
Hwaiting for your next fanfiction~ *\(^0^)/*
Chapter 9: Yah, Yongguk oppa, you're a rapper also a dancer. You have strong feet, don't you? This is funny~ XD
Chapter 8: Pregnant! Woooww~~Hoooww~!!!
Another Bang Yong Guk fanfiction??? *running like lightning*
Chapter 7: Poor her DX
It's normal for men to forget such thing but for women, anniversary is important thing. I'm proud she could understand *hug*
Chapter 6: LOL
Poor Yongguk oppa, his mother is funny~ XD
Chapter 5: Yeah~! Just like I wanted to say since the second chapter!! Patience husband!! Wooo~~Hooooww~~~!!!! *\(^0^)/*
His wife is so~ During her period, she is getting worse~
Chapter 4: Matoki!! XDD
Chapter 3: Yongguk oppa~~~ >/////<
Should I give a comment~ That's my feeling. Just smiling in front of my laptop *babo cheorom*
Chapter 2: Should I give a comment? No?
It's just cute~ His character is cute~ And he is really kind
Chapter 1: KYAAAHH~~!!! SO SWEEEEETTT~~~!!!! >///////< *CAPSLOCK ERROR* *SHUTDOWN*
My heart just... Aaahh~~ Couldn't hold this sweetness!! >/////<