"Fine....I'll do it, but don't you DARE touch my Tae baby!"

The Taxi Cab Killer

"I don't care how, but find this infamous Kibum and bring him in....he is now our number one suspect...." Leeteuk said in a low tone, unlike anything they had ever heard before.

"WAIT!" Eunhyuk shouted causing everyone in the room to flinch, including himself. "Please don't hurt Kibum, promise me you won't and I'll tell you he should be these days." He continued as he lowered his head and talk no louder than above a whisper.

When the rest of the men managed to turn their heads toward Eunhyuk, there was a mixture of expressions but Donghae's was quite clear, he was hurt and almost of the brink of tears. Just when he thought Eunhyuk had opened up to him, he went back to his old ways and continued to have feelings for Kibum....

"Eunhyuk ssi, I'm going to ask you to come with me back to the presynct." Siwon interuptted Donghae's sulking with a serious tone as he motioned for the blonde's wrist and led him out the room.

"Kangin, Sorry we have to leave you here with this dementia patient but I have to go do some real work...." Heechul spat as he directed his gaze toward Leeteuk, not missing the chance to crack on his old age -overlooking the fact that he was only 9 days older than him-

Kangin only nodded his head in response and quickly refocused his gaze on Leeteuk, who had unknowingly drifted off. That was when Leeteuk looked the most vulnerable and frail, and Kangin couldn't stop himself from caressing the Sheriff's feathery hair. Donghae could only turn away from the Kangin's loving actions and hide his face as he felt his cheeks grow hot with tears.

-This scene jumps past Siwon and Heechul get as much information as they can about Kibum from Eunhyuk and jumps back in on the way to Kim Kibum's residence-

After getting turned around in three rat invested alleys and witnessing five dumpster cat fights, Siwon and Heechul finally found theirselves infront of this hole in the wall; more formally known as Kibum's last trackable residency.

"What the hell is this thing!?! I could built a shack out of carboard and sheets and it would look better than this piece of trash!" Heechul shouted in disgust, while pinching his nose shut as he took in the new scenery.

"Shh! Be quiet or I'll leave you here." Siwon silenced Heechul as he grabbed his shoulder and forced him to crouch down beside, underneath the only visible window.

"WHAT DID I-" Heechul was cut off by a stern look and instantly lowered the volume in his voice, then proceeded to complain. "What did I tell you about touching me, I know you are obessessed with skinship and everything but seriously get some help!" He continued as he jerked his shoulder out from under Siwon's grip.

Before Heechul could keep his rant going, Siwon motioned for the door and to his surprised he found the door already cracked open. And in their line of work Siwon knew from this point on this whole situation could go from bad to worse. With even more hesitancy than he used previously, Siwon slowly pushed back the door and quickly hid behind the closest wall in response, just incase something unexpected happen. Heechul on the other hand, had enough of this crouching business and decided to walk straight into the open darkness. 

Just as Siwon's body motioned to follow after his touchy partner, his eyes widened at the sight of a lamp slowly raised up . Suddenly SIwon's quick reflexes all were rendered useless, no not by the sight of his dearest Kim Heechul in danger but at the very sight of the perfection connected to the arms holding the lamp. If this is what fairy tales call love at first sight....Heechul would call it Siwon knowingly letting him get bashed in the back of the head with a heavy lamp. Siwon finally snapped to when he saw Heechul's body slump onto the filth coated floor (he knew Heechul wouldn't let him hear the end of this). The man once carrying the lamp, bent at the knees in shock and immediately felt remorse for the woman he irrationally struck.

"Miss! Wake up! Are you okay!? I'm so sorry!~ I didn't know you were a girl!" the panicked man *who looked like he just stepped out of a magazine shoot, despite his houses current condition* shouted and tried to get the young woman to open her eyes.

"M-iss....Girl?.." Heechul questioned in a groggy filled strained voice, while propping himself up on his elbows. He contiuned to look around with a puzzled expression and when his landed on Siwon he wondered why that horse didn't rush over to his side and help him, "Serves me right, I should have took that thing back to the pet store when I had the chance." Heechul thought to himself and shot the ungrateful beast a dirty look. Heechul shoved the man trying to help him up out of the way and stumbled over to Siwon. He had no choice but to grap hold of the taller man's collar, because Siwon didn't even lift a finger to help him stand upwright.

Siwon looked right past Heechul and ask the stunning man's name, "Are you Kim Kibum ssi?" the horse-like man continued looking forward and trotted toward the heavenly being. Heechul was knocked to the ground once again, hissing and rubbing his head.

"Who's asking?" Kibum posed, leaning against the doorway. As he shook off his previous concern for the slightly battered woman outside his door.

"The Seoul Police Departmant is instructing you to come with us" Siwon continued, falling deeper for Kibum's bad-boy charm while blatanly ignoring his injured partner.

"Why should I come with you? ....and is that girl over there okay?" Kibum changed poses and lowered his gaze to the fallen Kim Heechul.

"What girl?" Siwon asked, eyeing Kibum with a furrowed brow.

"The girl behind you" Kibum continued as his index finger led Siwon's eyes to Heechul.

"You mean hi-" Siwon cut his own sentence off and decided that this may be their one and only leg up in this situation. "Oh her, yea she's a tough girl, she'll be fine." Siwon assured Kibum and quickly checked behind to make sure Heechul hadn't heard any of this conversation. To his luck Heechul was still sulking on the ground, cussing under his breath and massaging his head.

"Do I look okay to you!? Would you stop yapping you centar!? Just hurry up and take that bastard to the presynct!" Heechul screamed, fed up with the lack of attention and the splitting headache surging through his skull.

Siwon grabbed Kibum by the wrist and swooped up Heechul in one swift motion, leaving the feline-like man kicking his leg in protest with a hint of relief. They had already wasted enough time and had to get back to the police station.

-This scene is the where Kibum is being questioned about the cell phone found at the crime scene that traced back to him. Kangin is doing the questioning along with Siwon and Heechul-

"Can you explain this?" Deputy Kangin questions the suspect, while sliding a cell phone across the table toward Kibum.

"Well....this is a cell phone and what you make on these, are calls..." Kibum spat back in a sarcastic tone, causing Kangin to slam his fist on the table and turn heads his way.

"I know what it is....I'm asking why was your phone found at the crime scene of last weeks bombing incident." Kangin retorted back, gritting his teeth.

"Your guess is as good as mine..." Kibum commented, pushing the phone back towards the Deputy.

"My guess is that you were driving that unmarked taxi and you killed that girl and injured to two other people with the bomb you set off. And you would have gotten away if you didn't drop your phone" The more Kangin said, the more Kibum's expression turned dark and confused.

"That was MY phone, but I lost that dinosaur a couple months ago and got a new phone..." Kibum pleaded his case and pulls out a smart phone from his coat pocket, to prove his innocent.

The three men interrogating the suspect all eyed one another, shooting each other the same dumbfounded look. They thought everything would fall into to place, once they found the owner of the cell phone....but things may have just gotten more complicated than they were ever before.

"...Well we may not be able to keep you hear for the phone, but we sure as hell can keep you here for assaulting me!" Heechul shrieked, interupting the thick growing silence.

"Isn't sorry enough, and your the one who barged into to my house without permission or a warrant....I know my rights." Kibum slyly pointed fingers, realizing he might end up having to stay the night here.

"You assaulted a private detective?...We'll have to keep you here tonight for processing." Kangin explained, fighting back a smile that was forming in relief and accomplishment.

"Whatever...its better than being accused of murder..." Kibum sighed as he shrugged his shoulders in defeat.

-Scene jumps to a conversation between Siwon and Heechul at their office. Heechul is icing down the lump on the back of his head and Siwon is about to bring up something he thinks will help bring this murder case to an end-

"I know something weird is churning in the horse head of yours...from that look in your eye, I can feel you want you to do something.  But don't even think about, after you let this happen to my flawless body!" Heechul coldly spat, holding an ice pack to his tender wound and cursing Siwon in his mind.

"It wasn't your whole body, it was just your head...And you haven't even heard me out yet~ just listen hyung~" Siwon pleaded, turning on his puppy dog eyes while he slipped on his combat boots to go head-to-head with Kim Heechul.

"Your lucky I haven't broken every bone in YOUR body! Last time I listened to you I ended up being forced to call Heejin..." Heechul bitterly protested and shot Siwon dirty look for emphasis.

"Just listen to me ONE more time, this could really help close this case..." Siwon continued, knowing this wouldn't be easy but it was worth a shot.

"FINE, but it better be good, OR ELSE." Heechul spat back with a disinterested look.

"Early at Kibum's house...he actually thought you were a girl and that got me thinking, since we can't send another girl undercover for this case, I thought....you could dress up like one and investage the case from a closer position...."Siwon winced prematurely, well aware of how Heechul would react.

"YOU WANT ME TO DRESS UP AS A WHAT?!?!?" Heechul roared, shaking some of the drywall loose in the building and dropping his ice pack in response.

"Think about it, who else could pull this off but you...." Siwon proceeded with caution.

"HOW ABOUT YOU DRESS UP YOURSELF AND LEAVE ME OUT THIS!" Heechul retorted, maintaining his ear-shattering volume.

"Seriously hyung, who would believe I was a girl?" Siwon desperately reasoned.

"How is that my problem?!?" Heechul snapped back.

"Well...if you won't, then maybe Taemin will volunteer...." Siwon hit below the belt, and motioned for his phone.

"You wouldn't..." Heechul gasped in disbelief, rushing to his feet and eyeing Siwon in shocked.

"Try me." Siwon smirked as he pretended to dial a number.


"Fine I'll do it, but don't you DARE touch my Tae baby!" Heechul finally broke, and hung his head in disgust at Siwon's cheap shot.


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chapter 6 is finally up, sorry for the wait^^ Chapter 7 will be up before sunday


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I Like it very VERY much ^^ keep updating pweeeeas *puppy eyes*
KIBUM OPPA IS HERE TOO! :'D 13 13 13 ♥
Thank you for commenting and sorry to all my subscribers since I have not updated, I have major writers block T_T
HeartGold426 #4
Hello~ New reader here! ^ - ^ I really like your story so far!
Sorry I didn't update yet but I will try to update before the day is over^^ please hang in there my subscribers and comment writers(: you make this process so much easier
Please Ron, don't tell me what to wish... and I'll let you know, that is when I am able to come here and write a decent chapter. Who knows who the killer is?~~~
write more kangteuk and eunhae. and I liked how the last girl didn't even have a name. lol YOLO.

This picture for the last chapter is fitting. let me know if you need some halp.

I wonder if kibum is the killer too~~!!!! omg so suspenseful. What's gonna happen next!! sends shivers down my spine~~~
SungRa #8
Could it be Kibum the killer? O_o
you spelled pavement wrong. I'd fix it myself but it's 6am and I'm tired from reading fanfics nonstop. You got this one.
lahdeedah000 #10
Yipee! Can't wait for Yesung then. :) and this is starting to build up... :)