"We'll you heard her,come help....I'll give you one hour."

The Taxi Cab Killer

"It's me... The Taxi Cab Killer...."


A spine chilling silence trickled through both ends of the phone and just as Leeteuk's phone was about to slide out of his hand, a voice brought him back to the call and his hand tightened around the phone in response.

"I guess your hearing is getting worse with age....I said its me, the person who makes you toss and turn at night..."

"Y-y-you-" Leeteuk's stutters were cut off by another very personal remark, which only left the Sheriff in deeper confusion.

"No its the man of your dreams that has come to sweep off you off your aged and tired feet. Yes its me...don't sound so surprised, you know old people's heart can't take much." an overly arrogant voice continued, while chuckling coldly at his own remarks.

"H-how-" once again Leeteuk's reply was cut short by a disturbing comment, plowing through the another end of the call.

"I bet right about now you have that same stupid puzzled expression on your face, the one you always do when you can't figure something out...I can image it right now, our poor OLD frightened little Teukie...your eyes frantically scanning the room, to the point where your head starts to hurt..." the man bluntly said without a spec of life left in his voice. The laugh that followed those sickening realistic facts, made the hairs on the back of Leeteuk's neck stand up. The Sheriff's palms grew clammy, as he came to the realization that The Taxi Cab Killer knew him all TOO well and that could only mean one of two things; either the killer had been watching Leeteuk at this very moment, or the killer was someone he worked with. He honestly didn't know which was worse. "Oh! and before you fall to the ground in shock, let me warn you about one thing....stop flirting with deputy Kangin."

With those words ringing in Leeteuk's ear, he could no longer hold up his own weight and finally let his body slump against the wall. Just as Leeteuk was about to spend endless hours without sleep looking through the countless employee background checks at the presynct, a faint tap on the window snapped him out of his deep train of thought. His body went cold as the faint tap grew into a glass shaking worthy pounding. When Leeteuk was able to bring his face to the window, he found himself looking straight into the eyes of a masked figure. Any sounds that tried to be voice from Leeteuk's mouth were trapped as he hardly managed to keep air in his tensing lungs. His eyes widened as he watched motionlessly behind the glass, the masked silhouette raised one of his gloved hands to the window and began trace his message, in the dirt collected on the window that hadn't been cleaned in weeks. Leeteuk's body remained still, as his eyes followed the man's index finger dragging across the window.


As the last letter was finished, a devilish smirk formed on the masked man's lips. With his presence now being know, he took a step back from the window and shot Leeteuk one last posion filled glare before the older man lost site of him. Just as Leeteuk was about to rid himself of any and all sanity he had left, a clumsy young man stumbled his way through the front doors of the Police department. His auburn hair was slight disheveled, as he tried to hold a coffee cup in his mouth and carry in a huge stack of paper with his slender arms. Of course everytime he tried this little balancing act something ended up falling, and this time it was the papers who took the first dive onto the floor. Now in a panic the younger man rush to set the hot coffee down on Leeteuk's desk, but only ended up making it tip over and spill on a pile of paper.

"Ryeowook, ryeowook!...Just stop. I'll have the cleaning lady get up the mess you made, again..." Leeteuk stated, fed up as he watched Ryeowook scramble to fix the mess he made, for the nth time month.

"I'm-m so sorry hyung- No scratch that-I mean Sheriff...I didn't mean to ruin your files again this week." Ryeowook said while on ground still trying to sop up all the coffee stained papers.

Ryeowook was only hired a month ago as Leeteuk's assistant and he wasn't the most graceful or coordinated person, but the Police Department was desperate and his application was the only one that came in at the time. The sigh that Leeteuk made, as he landed harshly in the seat at his desk, was clearly heard throughout the police station and it caused a few heads to turn his way but was far from noticing. The more Leeteuk thought of the indicent at the window, the lower he sank into his chair. Seconds before his mind dive into a world of unanswered questions, a pair of warm familiar hands began gently messaging his sunk in shoulders. Leeteuk flinched slightly, as his body turned arounded to see who was touching him. Luckily he was greeted by a beaming smile placed on Deputy Kangin's face, Kangin always knew when Leeteuk was tense and knew what to do to fix that.

"Is there something wrong Teukie?" Kangin asked in a soothing voice but his toned changed to worried, when he felt Leeteuk's body wince sharply in response to being called his nickname.

"Ani, y-you just touched a spot thats been kinda of sore" Leeteuk lied, trying to make a believable excuse.

"Oh, Okay...Sorry I didn't know you were in pain." Kangin said hesisantly, knowing Leeteuk wasn't telling him something but he didn't won't to bother him.

The awkward silence lingering in the air after their conversation was shattered by a violently ringing phone shaking Leeteuk's desk. The phone sounded as excited as the person on the other end of line.

"Leeteuk ssi? This is Choi Siwon and Heechul hyung wanted me to call and tell both you and Kangin ssi, that we may have a lead from the club close to K.R.Y. Meet us at Opera in 10. " Siwon stated happily, sounding as if he were jumping up and down with anticipation.

Hearing all he needed to Leeteuk slammed down the phone, grabbed his jacket and burst out of the front doors dragging Kangin close behind him. Within minutes, both Kangin and Leeteuk met the detectives at the club entrance.

"Well it took you long enough...." Heechul spat out mockingly, always remembering to keep score when it came to come backs.

Leeteuk just rolled his eyes in return and proceeded through the doors, not missing the chance to ram into Heechul's shoulder on the way in. Not longer after they entered Opera a dreamy, sandy brown haired, reporter -wearing a pair of fantasy worthy black suspenders on top on his white dress shirt, ed just enough to see some more than desired skin- flagged down the four men and motioned them to take a seat at the bar. Meanwhile the ice cold blonde owner, tried to shoot away the report but of course his attempt did not prevail. The four men cut across the dance floor and took a much needed seat at the bar. They were each greeted with a heart stopping gummy smile, all them except reporter Lee Donghae, who just received a bitter glance.

"Why are you here Donghae?" Heechul questioned, not hiding the irritated tone in his voice.

"Hyung, you of all people should know I'm here to help and to get some in return. You know "give n' take." Donghae replied not being phased by Heechul's sly remark, after being exposed to his attitude for over 5 years now.

"Whatever Donghae....just tell us what you have, or think you have..." Heechul continued, not even bothering to look Donghae's direction when he talked.

"Well, I've come here everynight for the past two month and I was here the night Park Soo Min was murdered but I'll talk about that later...I came here to question the previous bartender here, Kim Kibum, because I thought he was involved in your on-going investigation." Donghae stated hastily, knowing how Eunhyuk would react if he heard Kibum's name. As Donghae quessed, a flame ingnited behind the firey blonde's eyes and just when Eunhyuk was about to leap over the counter....Leeteuk's cell phone went off and silenced the men at the bar.

As Leeteuk raised the phone to his ear, he rapidly retreated when an ear shattering scream for help followed by an audible screech from the tires of a car speeding off, blasted through the receiver. Leeteuk as while as the rest of the men at the bar, shot up out their seats and raced outside only to see the back of a tagless taxi cab driving off.

They all stood there frozen in the street knowing who the owner of that cab was, the quiet that began to spread was stomped on as Leeteuk heard a familiar voice shout from the phone. He immediately brought the phone back up to ear and listened despairingly, knowing this could be the last chance this girl had at living.

"We'll you heard her,come help....I'll give you one hour." the voice creeped into Leeteuk's ear and caused his head to spin.

"This time a life in YOUR hands, play nice..." the voice chuckled souless as the Sheriff could feel the man's smirk seap through phone. The phone hung up harshly and left an echoing dial tone circling in the air.....


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chapter 6 is finally up, sorry for the wait^^ Chapter 7 will be up before sunday


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I Like it very VERY much ^^ keep updating pweeeeas *puppy eyes*
KIBUM OPPA IS HERE TOO! :'D 13 13 13 ♥
Thank you for commenting and sorry to all my subscribers since I have not updated, I have major writers block T_T
HeartGold426 #4
Hello~ New reader here! ^ - ^ I really like your story so far!
Sorry I didn't update yet but I will try to update before the day is over^^ please hang in there my subscribers and comment writers(: you make this process so much easier
Please Ron, don't tell me what to wish... and I'll let you know, that is when I am able to come here and write a decent chapter. Who knows who the killer is?~~~
write more kangteuk and eunhae. and I liked how the last girl didn't even have a name. lol YOLO.

This picture for the last chapter is fitting. let me know if you need some halp.

I wonder if kibum is the killer too~~!!!! omg so suspenseful. What's gonna happen next!! sends shivers down my spine~~~
SungRa #8
Could it be Kibum the killer? O_o
you spelled pavement wrong. I'd fix it myself but it's 6am and I'm tired from reading fanfics nonstop. You got this one.
lahdeedah000 #10
Yipee! Can't wait for Yesung then. :) and this is starting to build up... :)