Please say i love you

Please say i love you

After you recover , you went back to school. You set in your class with your new friend , Seo hyun . You and Seo hyun talk about what had happened when you were in the hospital . Before the class start , you look around for Kyuhyun .When you finally saw him , you saw a small scar on his right hand . The scar looks like he just got a cut a few days ago . You had this weird feeling when you always saw him or come near to him .

When school end , you went for your cca . Your cca is traditional dance . You will dance so many kind of traditional dance such as Korean , malay , chinese , indian , Hip hop and a lot more but you mostly dance hip hop . You were about to reach your dance class , when you saw one class with light on . You saw a guy playing piano but you don't know who it was . When you here he plays the piano , you will fall for it . When you look at your watch , you still have a little more time so you stayed there to listen .

After a few minute listening , you accidentally pushed open the door . The person inside stop playing , he looked at you with a cold and unfriendly look and that's when you realize that he was the cold guy inside your class , Kyuhyun .

Kyuhyun : Do you want to cause trouble again ?


You : Bo ? Mworago hasyeosseoyo ?

Translation : What ? can you please repeat ?


Kyuhyun : You ! You want to cause trouble again is it ?


You : What ? NO ! By the way when did i trouble you ?

Kyuhyun : That time when we accidentally knocked into each other and when you almost fell , i caught you 3 times and i almost got hurt .


You : hmm.. i only counted 2 times and the other incident when was it ?


Kyuhyun : Erm.. ah.. i mean its only 2 times i think i counted wrongly . Sorry !


You : okay .

Silent filled the room .

Then you start the conversation again .

You : Okay then ! Sorry to trouble you again , i have to go for my dance class .

Kyuhyun : What ? dance class huh ? that's so lame  . Singing while dancing is way better then dancing only its to cool to dance while singing.

You : What ?! That's not true okay !

Kyuhyun : Okay lets compete each other then . When i lose you can take me as your servant for a month , if you lose you will be my servant for a month .

You : Okay its a deal then!

You walk out without saying a word because you were so angry. After my dance i will practice hard for that competition . After dance you went back home . you went to the toilet to clean your self after that you went to practice your dance before eating . When you were in school , you look different from at home . In school you were nerd looking wearing spectacles but at home , you look cute and pretty. In order to get away from danger , you always look nerd when you go to school. 

You : I have to work hard to win him !

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oh , i hope she wins!! Upadate soon!!!
ahhhhh so nice
i love it
HeartGold426 #3
Hello~ New reader here! ^ - ^ I really like your story so far!
ahahahhaa as always kyu will be so rude..
but yeahhh.. i hope there's something behind his attitude..
thanks for update.. hope you will update soon again
Update again^^
thank you (:
Wahhh you update again^^
Nice to knew it..
COLD HEART KYUHYUN?? Haha interesting
annyeonghaseyo *bows*,
seems l like i'm the yr first reader here..
hehe i like yr main idea because he is Kyuhyun >.<
hehehe you still update with a short story, but that's ok, i'm waiting for yr next update :)