Chapter 3

Knight Life


 “I think I should mind the event now” They walked through some hallways until they reached a small room. The perfect place to leave Sophie, few more steps away from the band she needed to talk to. They entered a small room, walls painted white, a small black leather sofa in the side, a small TV hanged at the top corner of the walls, just like what you see in waiting room, and of course random stuffs would be there too.

She was on her way to the band, four to five rooms away when Rob, her staff, came. “Ma’am, we really can’t find anyone who can sing in here. We really lack time” he was somewhat in a rush when he came running towards her and accidentally kicked a bucket filled with water. A guy suddenly walked passes them, a very familiar guy. She looked at him more, those black hair, black eyes, and him, it’s just him.

Few years ago, she remembered a guy who was once famous in her school. It was her senior years when she met that guy, but not was the best year of high school life. She only sees him pass by like before, that’s why she is familiar with it, and she often sees him perform in school events. They didn’t become friends but her best friend Haesung was the one who succeeded in making friends with him. He is not actually that type of guy who you can easily be friend with, he is so quiet and serious at many times, they say he’s mysterious and creepy, and a certified rebel. But Rian was never afraid to him.

Haesung often bring her along to his gags, like street performances, singing in some event, and if lucky the teachers sometimes ask him to perform inside the school grounds. No one actually knew much about him, he remained mysterious, until he left after his last performance during the year end party. They say he shouldn’t have graduated because of him cutting classes, his failing grade, and he got no manners, but no knew how it happened that he still graduated.

She immediately went back to reality and called him. That is her only chance to save the night. “Jin Yoojin!” she shouted. He remained frozen to where he was standing until he was curious enough and looked back. “Who are you?” he looked at her. She is not that familiar and he’s sure enough they haven’t met before, Total stranger. “You know how to sing right?” she immediately asked without brakes. “I don’t sing anymore” he continued walking without even minding. “what’s your price” she grabbed his arm, stopping him from leaving. “I don’t need your money” he shook away her hand and continued walking again.

They almost burst into laughter when they saw him slide on the floor; the mess weren’t a mess after all. “Need a hand” she went near and offered her hand. “No thanks” he stood all by his self then stood up. Rob that was with them cannot take it anymore. He laughed hardly when he saw his pants soaked in water. It looked like he peed with pants on. “Cool it down, I should be the one whose hot headed here” she teased. Noise came out again behind the curtains; it seems that the crowd cannot wait anymore.

“Ma’am the people are getting impatient” he spoke. Rian looked at yoojin again. “So, are you performing or not? Are you gonna step on that stage or not?” she looked at him for seconds; it seems that he is thinking about it. “I can’t” then it’s all done. “That’s your choice, not mine” rian and Ron walked away.

That’s all that he wanted. to perform in stage, to sing your heart out, and own the stage. It was all that he dreamed for.  Maybe, that’s why his path brought him here. He left singing but he can’t really forget what music is. Music is his life, his heart, and his passion. Being a guitarist was just an excuse to get closer to what he loves. Now that another opportunity had passed again, will there be another one in the future for him. But he cannot take betraying one like what Nana just did.

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stuartlittle #1
i'm confused, she has a niece or a nephew? it says nephew but you always refer to him as a 'her'
At first I was "Who the heck is Arrian"? LOL.
i will be your freakin supporter if this story tell me about Gminor !!