

3rd Person POV

"Kai! Its me Kyungsoo" Kyungsoo said trying to talk to his long lost friend.

Kai glared at him before he attacked. He aimed at Kyungsoos vital organs before but thanks to Kyungsoos experience he missed.

"Kai please stop!" Kyngsoo pleaded but Kai just kept attacking. By that time, Krystal  healed everyone and was watching the two boys fight.

"Kai! Stop fighting him! Don't you remember? It's Kyungsoo!" Krystal screamed. Kai then aimed his attacks on Krystal.

Before he got close enough to hurt Krystal, Kyungsoo made a cage of mud that trapped him from going anywhere. Kyungsoo then knocked his lost friend out to save them the trouble of hurting him.

"How's everyone?" Kyungsoo asked the medic.

"They're fine" Krystal said " Is that really Kai?" she asked while examining the said boy.

"I don't know" Kyungsoo replied, voice laced with fear but he remained calm. " If it is then he must be under a spell. His eyes show nothing like he has no soul."

"Let me check if there's anything wrong with him" Krystal said before she started examining Kais body.

As she was examining Kai's body,  Taeyeon, Tiffany ,Sooyoung and Changmin arrived.

"What happened?" Changmin asked seeing the bodies of his comrades.

"We were attacked but we have it under control" Kyungsoo reported. " Hyung we have a problem. We found Kai" he said pointing at where Krystal was examining Kai's body.

Changmin gasped as he went closer to Kai's unconscious body.

Just then Taeyeon screamed " Oppa, It's Jonghyun and Minho" while pointing to the bodies of the unconscious fire and air user.

"What the hell is happening?" Changmin whispered to himself.

Just then everyone started to wake up. Krystal hugged we sister as she finished examining Kai's body. Tiffany checked the other if they had any more injuries. Sooyoung made dopplegangers to check if there was any more enemies nearby while Changmin made a water cage to keep all the dark users from escaping.

"Ok, what exactly happened?" Changmin asked the team.

"Well, it was a normal patrol when suddenly i felt something nearby" Dongjun explained. " It was something i've ever sensed before so I told everyone that something was coming"

"Then we fought them and was winning when Kai snuck up on us and knocked everyone out except Kyungsoo, Krystal and Jessica~noona" Suho continued.

" I tried freezing his feet so he couldnt move but he just disappered and started attacking me." Jessica explained.

"What do you mean disappeared?" asked Changmin

"Like he was there one second, then he was gone, then was in front of me the next" Jessica replied.

"Like he teleported?" Changmin asked.

"Yeah" Jessica replied

"Ok" Changmin said as he made a hole in his cave. "Take Kai out and lay him down"

Kyungsoo picked up Kai and placed him on the ground then Changmin stood before him.

"Get back" Changmin ordered and took something out of his vest. It was a vile of purple liquid. He then took the water out made a thin layer about Kai's body. He then dropped the water on Kai and waited. Suddenly, there was a flashing light as bright as the sun then it was gone.

Kai then started to wake up. Everyone then prepared for anything that the boy could do. He stood up and looked around. Kyungsoo looked in Kai's eyes and saw the same eyes thats been haunting his night mares since that day 10 years ago. His friend was finally back.

"Kyungsoo~hyung"  Kai said as he ran up and hugged the said boy.



Heres the update for today:)

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BlackBrownPearl #1
>< Are XiuMin and luhan back go normal or they are evil for real ?
Gadd. I love this. Sobs.
Yuki_Hime #3
Wawawawaw .. Kyungsoo ... so powerfull >__< COOLL ....
Finally its going to end
jongnini #5
"Good, cuz your my " Ahahahaha XD
Way to go Baekyeol!
jongnini #8
Lovey-dovey Kaisoo makes me squeal like a little girl ^^ Baekyeol is so effing adorable okay ^^ I hope nothing goes wrong during the fight ><