3rd Chapter: The Second Couple

GetADate.Com {axiz , dulcet , exo}


careless, careless,

shoot anonymous, anonymous,

heartless, mindless,

no one who care about me...

Wait a minute! Why I want to listen to EXO's song though? Well they're kinda famous, because of the 23 teasers they released. And we, AXIZ are famous rookie too because of our senior Big Bang, 2NE1 and of course, we have good singing and rapping and dancing skills. We're known as "Infinite Female Version" because our dance are so synchronized that we are nicknamed that. I am so glad to be called like that. I've watched EXO's MAMA dance and their dance are even too. You can say that I'm a little fan of EXO, especially EXO-M.

Few days ago, me and my other members have been told that we are scheduled to act on a variety show. And that show is kinda like We Got Married but it was more amazing than it. Yesterday, I had a call from Minty, member of Dulcet in Korea. She said that she is paired with Chanyeol, the Happy Virus. I was shocked when she said that. How could a shy little girl be with a damn happy virus? I don't know about that. And she said that in this show, all the paired couple will be living together under the same house, under the same room. UNDER THE SAME ROOM?! Wow... I must find a good couple then.

Hmm... Which of the member in EXO-M that I like? Xiu Min oppa, he is a best friend of mine and it's weird when he become my couple. So, XiuMin... failed! Lay oppa, he is a great dancer though but I didn't even see him before and I don't know what type of person he is, so... failed too! Tao and Chen, they're funny and dorky but they are not my type... failed three and four! Leader Kris, he's a rapper, like it, he's tall, LOVE IT! But he's cool, I don't know what we'll do or talk about when we're in the same room, I can't imagine it, so... failed five!

Why its only five of them? I remember EXO-M has six members. Oh.... I forgot that guy, Lu Han. I cannot deny that he is cute, but his atitude that makes me wanna hit him! Sigh, hope I won't get paired with him though. The director is here. Oh! And someone is behind him....

"Hey, Anon. You're here. Sorry for making you waited for a long time." he says. "Oh, it's okay. I am listening to some songs to ease my boringness." I smile awkwardly. He turns behind and talks to the man and then leave him alone with me and walks away.

When the guy turns to look at me, our eyes met. I was going to faint when I know who he is. Seriously, LUHAN?! Why is the god playing with me?

"Nihao, I'm the deer LuHan from EXO-M!" He bows to me and using his cute smile to smile at me. I think he forget who I am, his atitude was way better than that day.

"Nihao, I'm Anon from AXIZ." I use my fake bright smile to smile at him and continue to listen to my iPod.

He sits down beside me and stares at me with his deer eyes. Ohmigod! Why he has to be so cute!? Kim Cho Hee, don't ever get seduced by his cute looks. He just want to play prank with me. When I turn my head a little to look at him, I was shocked when our face are inched apart.

"Umm... LuHan? What are you doing?" I was going to ask him what is he doing and I further myself away from him. SUDDENLY, he grab my hand and kiss me on the cheek. I open my eyes wide. He just smiled at me and says something that makes me shivered.

"You will always be mine, don't ever try to get away from me... Honey."

I smirked when I saw that Anon is shocked with my confession. I never failed to win someone's heart. Kim Cho Hee will fall for my at last. I want her not to hate me anymore and start loving me. I'm so sorry puppy-ah. When you see me in the television, please don't misunderstood me, my heart always belongs to you.



author's notes
the grey color are anon's point of view while the black are luhan's.

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please apply to my new fanfics feat EXO~!


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Chapter 31: "Call me oppa." NO.
miinterr #2
Chapter 31: Yay you're finally back omg <3

Kai and Jenmi~ So they know each other before debut? :D
miinterr #3
Chapter 30: Yay you're back! <3 And LOL why are everybody so dirty-minded? Tsktsktsk.
Chapter 30: Awww so cute!! But lol everyone has such a dirty mind.
Chapter 30: Omg omg !! Sehun and cristy are so cute >.<

I also agree the comments below.. I thought of something dirty already >.<

Thank you for the update auther-nim
keep up the good work ^^v
Chapter 30: YOU ARE FINALLY BACK! Wait, have you always been a sole author? Didn't you have a co-author?
Anyway, ohmygod Sehun! I can't believe you would do such a thing.
DIRTY THOUGHTS CAME IN WHEN HE PLACED HIS ARM. Then, I was like "it's a show" ... kekeke
Ah, I hope you don't abandon us for a long time again!