2nd Chapter : The First Couple

GetADate.Com {axiz , dulcet , exo}


“What?! We are paired together?!” Me and Minty asked the producer with a O_O face. I have learned it from D.O though. I don’t know where she learned that from.

I slightly look at Minty for a while. Her face blushed a little when she knows that she will be paired with me in the upcoming television show featuring us, EXO-K and Dulcet.

“Is that clear? Now I have something to do, you two can introduce yourself and know both of you better.” The producer says and walks away. Me and Minty just stand there looking at him walking away. Our situation is kinda awkward though. So I going to try to break the silence…

“Hello.” I say with a simple tone. She turns her head to look at me. With her head hung low, she just nodded her head and reply me back with the same word. I just stared at her with my head titled a side. She looks familiar to me, I know I saw her somewhere but I just forget it.

“My name is Minty. I’m the main vocalist in Dulcet. Nice to meet you…” She stopped a while. “Oh yeah, my name is Chanyeol.” I put a killer smile on my face. But she don’t care it and just keep staring at the floor. She is really really very shy. Just a perfect type for me!

Wait a minute! I remember it! She is the girl that me and D.O had bumped into last time in the SM Building. Why I didn't think about that? Oh crap, D.O once told me that he had feelings for her, and now I'm her husband. Aish, how can I told D.O that she is my wife? But.... he will also have a wife, right? Then he can take care his wife and forget about Minty! Oh, what a great idea you have, Park Chan Yeol. Kekeke.

In this time, the manager came in and called us to the living room. Both of us walked to the living room and sit on one of the sofa. All the members of the producing team are busy doing their things while me and Minty just sitting down there doing nothing.

For your information, today’s meeting is just for me and Minty. All the other members of EXO-K and Dulcet didn’t come. I still remember that time when BaekHyun called m to introduce my new ‘wife’ for him. Haha, he is still always my best friend.

“Okay, this is it. Well as you two know, you will be paired as married couple and will be staying together. Both of your managers have packed all your clothes and things to this house. Each couple will not only live in the same roof but will live in the same room. Is that clear? Later my assistant will lead you to your room. Okay? Meeting dismissed, see you all on the first episode of this show.” The director says and walks away, as usual.

I turned to look at Minty, and smirk. “So, my new wifey, are you ready to be my wifey?” She looks at me with big eyes. “U-um… I guess so? Well I’m kinda shocked when I know than I’m gonna be your wife. Because you know, you’re hyper and I’m…quiet. I think I cannot fit well as your wife.” My heart suddenly beats quite fast after heard her words. How could she says that to me? Is she really very scared to be with me? Am I not good for her?

She stands up. When she started to walk away, I softly hold her wrist. She’s a bit shocked at first but then turns around and looks at me, with a why-are-you-holding-my-hand face. And the action I do next is not in my expectation. So please don’t be shocked when you looked at it.

I stand up and come close to her, wrapping my arms around her waist, whispering next to her ears. She was very shocked at my action and just stood there like a mummy.

“Have faith in yourself, Minhee-ah. I believe that you can become a good wife and I will be a good husband to you. Just let me try to so something to you. Okay?” I can feel that she is nodding to what I have said. And this is great, why I suddenly want to do something to her? Is that because I’ve seen her before or her silent and shy personality. Well this is the start of my life as Minty’s husband then. And this idea of how-to-get-a-girl’s-heart by Mr Kim Jong In is quite useful too. I bet she is really smoothen by my action.



author's notes
this chapter is based on chanyeol's point of view. hope you like my new style of writing. please comment and subscribe. the first couple is chanyeol and minty.

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please apply to my new fanfics feat EXO~!


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Chapter 31: "Call me oppa." NO.
miinterr #2
Chapter 31: Yay you're finally back omg <3

Kai and Jenmi~ So they know each other before debut? :D
miinterr #3
Chapter 30: Yay you're back! <3 And LOL why are everybody so dirty-minded? Tsktsktsk.
Chapter 30: Awww so cute!! But lol everyone has such a dirty mind.
Chapter 30: Omg omg !! Sehun and cristy are so cute >.<

I also agree the comments below.. I thought of something dirty already >.<

Thank you for the update auther-nim
keep up the good work ^^v
Chapter 30: YOU ARE FINALLY BACK! Wait, have you always been a sole author? Didn't you have a co-author?
Anyway, ohmygod Sehun! I can't believe you would do such a thing.
DIRTY THOUGHTS CAME IN WHEN HE PLACED HIS ARM. Then, I was like "it's a show" ... kekeke
Ah, I hope you don't abandon us for a long time again!