her plan



(Kris Pov)
In the next few weeks, my Father was still calling me and tried to come back again. Tao was begin curious about it, he still thought it was a Friend.


“I said no, please I don’t want to scream anymore…” I said frustrated.
“Kris… you know this. We need you and she needs you more.” He begged. It hurts, it hurts not to tell my feelings I was in love in Tao, the son from my Chef.
“J-just…please I don’t want this, dad you married Mum because you love her. And now you try to marry a girl who I didn’t love?”
“This is different, we need this money… “
“Dad, this is difficult for me too. Can—“ I stopped when I heard someone opened the door.
“Dad I have to hang up, bye.” I said. I walked to the hallway and saw Tao tired face.
“Cutie what’s wrong?”
“Just don’t talk with me.” He hissed dropped his bag on the floor. He went to the Kitchen and drank his orange juice.
“Tell me…. Is something wrong?”
“Geez.. so annoying.” He mumbled and rolled his eyes, ohh there is diva-tao again.
“I was just asking, I’m just worried.”
“Correction “ Curious”.” He added. I looked at him confused.
“Did I do something wrong?”
He shook his head and sighed.
“I-I.. just have a bad day…” he lied.
“O-ok… oh! Is it okay, when we go to my Friend, he invited us.” Tao just rolled his eyes again and nodded.
“I hope he cooks good.”
“Of course, his boyfriend cooking skills are the best.” I said.

“He has a boyfriend? You..mean..”
“Yes he is gay, they lived already 4 years together.” I said while we were in the car. He just looked surprised away but nodded.
“So.. you are not homophobic?” He asked. I shook my head. Of course not…
“Oh.. ok.”
“Absolutely not!” he said, I smiled and we drove to my friends’ house.

“OH YOU CAME, COME HERE!” Luhan said happy and hugged me tightly.
“Oh and you are surely Tao? How cute you look.” He said.

(Taos Pov)
“Thank you so much for the lunch.” I said happy, but Luhan and his boyfriend looked at me like I was a baby.
“AWW look Sehun, isn’t he cute? Omg I could adopt you ,you know?” he said. Sehun just smiled and kissed the cheeks from his boysfriend.
“We will see.” He just said and looked to Kris.
“Kris you seems like you think a lot?”
“Yea… just work. I have to promote some things.”
“What about my Father?”
“Still overseas, he has to do so much work.”
“AH! You are the Son of the..”
“Yes, I’m Huang Zitoa Junior, son of the Company Huang entrainment.” Both of them widen his eyes.
“Wow… sorry but for his age… you are still a student right?” Sehun asked.
“Yes, my Father has…3 ex wife’s, I’m his second son from his last wife.”
“I didn’t know this?” Kris said surprised.
“Of course, it’s a secret. But yes…I have a brother who is 4 years older then me. I have also half 4 sisters? I’m the youngest from my Family.”
“Sisters?” Kris asked again. I chuckled lightly and nodded.
“Don’t you know this?” Luhan asked him.
“Honestly.. I shouldn’t say this. But keep this as a Secret.” Everybody was nodding.
“So.. I’m so curious about you now. What do you do in your free times?”
“I do Wushu since I was young.” I said.
“Ok… wow isn’t that difficult and dangerous?”
“It is..but yes I’m one of the best since I started to do it when I was 5.”
“Wow… that’s cool.” Sehun added, I smiled and blushed lightly.

Hours later we drove back home.
“Had you a nice day with Luhan and Sehun?”
“Yees! They are so funny.” I said happy.
“Hahaha and annoying, I remember when they tried to become a child.” He said, I looked at him shocked.
“Oh.. psst! Don’t tell him that I tell you this. He was born with two s.”
“Oh is this possible..to get Pregnant?”
“Maybe, they tried..but faild. The tests was always negative and yes about work and stuffs. They annoyed me because they talked the WHOLE time about babies.”
“Do you don’t like Babies?”
“Just let me say…. Every Child or baby is scared of me.”
“hmm.. I don’t think so, you have to smile friendly. Now you smile like you gonna murder someone.”
“Really? But this is my way to smile..”
“Then try to change it.”
“YAH! You look like you had killed someone, with you angry eyes.”
“I don’t have angry eyes, they are just small…”
“OH! I could remember..your father has round eyes but you.. you surely have your eyes from your Mother.”
“I look like my mother.” I added, he just smiled and parked the car.

Suddenly my Phone rang.
“AH Tao, it’s me your Brother. Can we meet us at the Café shop?.” He asked, my heart was beating hard. I was happy that.
“YES SURE!” I said and hang up. I smiled widely.
“What’s wrong?”
“My gege wants to meet me. Is this okay?”
“Hmm yes? But be here before it’s getting dark.” He said like my father, I just nodded and walked away.


“Gege! And… you?” I asked and saw a girl next to my Brother.
“This is a old good friend from my University..”
“Hello, my name is  Ye-eun.” She said friendly I bowed and introduced me too.
“What why are call me when you have already a friend with you?” I asked kind of disappointed. He just smiled at me.
“She is new here and I don’t have any time because of Work and etc. So I asked you to spend some time with here.” He said.
“I would be really proud when you can do this.” He added. I wanted to be a good little brother so I agree.
“And she lives next to you, that’s why I called you. Thank you my lovely Brother.” He said smiling. I smiled back and felt again this happiness.

After Chen has to leave, me and Ye-eun had a nice small talk.
“So you are Chinese?” I nodded happy and she just smiled.
“I like you, you are so sweet.” She said. Her smile was really beautiful, more then Kris.
“Oh.. it’s getting dark.. I have to go..”
“I go with you, I live basically next to you.” She said again with her beautiful smile.


While walking back home she looked at me the whole time.
“So.. I heard you live with someone?”
“yes, with a boy called Kris.” I said.
“Ah… do you..?” her voice changed up a little.
“ERM.. N-NO! he is just a good friend like you to my Brother.” I lied.
“aww ok. Oh is this not your House?” she asked, I nodded but was surprised that she knew it.
“Is this Kris?” she asked, I looked to the direction were she was pointing. Kris stood there outside, crossing his arms around his chest and a angry expression.
“Tao! Where—“ he stopped and looked at us shocked, like he saw a ghost.
“Sorry, we talked a little to much so I forgot the time.”
“Hello, kris, nice to meet you.” Ye-eun said and raised her hand to him, they shook hands.
“Hello..” he said quiet still with the shocked expression.
“So anyway I have to go.. Bye Kris.”
“And Tao..” she said and pecked my cheek. I blushed instantly.
“Where….when…?” Kris tried to talk.
“She is a friend of my brother, and I spend the next few weeks with her. Isn’t she nice?”
“Erm.. yes.. but… ok come inside it’s cold.”

“So she kissed you?” Xiumin asked me through the Phone.
“Yes… I felt shy and in front of Kris…”
“So do you like her? I though you like..”
“Now… I’m not even sure if I’m or not… I never had a kind of relationship..” I said honestly.
“Oh… you are weird, you don’t have a relationship but you think you are gay?”
“I… I don’t know, but since…this boy … kinda kissed me.. I feel like this.”
“You mean…wait… you mean KAI?” I blushed lightly and didn’t response.
“Aww you still shy about this.” He teased me.
“Shut up, we…w-were drunk…” I stuttered. He laughed loud and I could hide my red face even we are talking through our cell phones.
“You was so cute when you were drunk, you nearly kissed everybody.”
“When you keep talking about last year I hang up!” I said sharp. He just giggled lightly but stopped talking about it.
“And how is you brother doing?” he asked curiously.
“Erm.. fine.”
“ok..” he said softly.
“Wait? What? N-noo, I think he is nice.” He lied. I started to laugh hard.
“O-ok got it. Omg sorry… but truly you and my brother were actually a really sweet couple.” I said.
“O-oh really?”
“Hmm, but I think he is straight.” So with this words  Xiumins voice changed a bit.
“Anyway.. I have to hang up. Bye!” he said and hang up.  I took a deep breath and calmed my a little down.


“Where are you going?” I asked saw Kris opened the door.
“I have to meet a friend of mine..” he said while looking angry down.
“Can I co—“
“NO. Stay here, eat or sleep or learn something. I come soon as possible.” He said and shut the door close.
“O-ok? “ I said and walked to the living room.

(Kris Pov)
I was angry. My anger filled my body already and I could hit someone in the face.
“She planed this already?” I asked myself. This girl is the last; she would make everything to get me. Even him…
After I shouted at Tao, and this was just accidently. I walked to her house.
She seems like she saw me and opened the door with a smirk.
“Nice to meet you, Kris.” She said seductive. I rolled my eyes and walked to her.
“What do you want?”
“Nothing… only… you!” she said tipping with her fingers on my chest.
“I said already to let me alone.” I said warningly. She just chuckled and walked closer to my and pulled my neck closer to her face.
“You promised me something…when we were young.” She whispered to me. I pushed her away.
“I said nothing, this… was my Family idea!” I said.
“Just remember… I’m watching you. Now I want to enjoy my new life here.” She said with a smile.
“But… just wait.” She said looking at the right side.
“Your little Friend is really cute.” She added.
“Please.. don’t make..”
“No no no!” she said. “he is really cute, and I kinda like him.”
“Remember I won’t marry you!” I said.
“Pff.. don’t be stupid.”
“I mean it!”
“Yea yea.. I have to sleep. I have a date with your Friend tomorrow.” She winked at me and closed the door.

I walked back home and saw the sleepy Tao lying on the sofa. I sighed and looked at him for a while.
“Why me?...” I thought.

(Ye-euns Pov)
“Just wait up my Yifan…you wanna regret this..”
“And you Tao, you have to go…” I smiled and went up to my room.

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she kinda look this in this FF.


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I miss Taoris :(
ok i'm waiting for the next update ^^
nice story.
like a old couple? bwahahahahahahahaha
bunnysanduck #4
Chen D:
The non pov..
Cookie7 #6
Sooo cute!!!! Lol the title does not fit the fanfic at all lol!
minzy-woo #7
uploand YOUR SMILE ON MY PICTURES ..................
lol. the 'omg's