

(Taos Pov)


“sorry I’m just..” I stopped talking and pouted.
“haha aww, you pouting cutie?”
“DON’T CALL ME CUTIE!” I said angry.Why is he always smiling at me? Isn’t he scared of me like the other People?
“Okay, but I call you cutie.”
“Didn’t I say to stop calling me like this?”
“But I call people by their personality.” He said simply, I looked at him with huge eyes..he thinks I’m cute?
I heard him laughing again, god..this laughing..

We enters the room, it’s still new for me.

The next day was like always, they are talking again about me because of some Rumours about me. They looking at me, so annoying. I don’t have many friends, only Xiumin.
He is the cutest boy I ever saw. He is honest and yes, cute. He is too shy, but he isn’t that scared of me.
“Hey Hyung.” I said, and yes he is older than me.
“Oh hey. You already know right?” he asked and pointed with his eyes the students still looking at me. I nodded and sat next to him.
“It’s like always right?” I said with a light smile, he nodded and put out his bag his pack of cookies. He loves to eat.
“Hyung, what did I missed?”
“Hmm nothing important. But can you help me with this?” he asked me and pointed at the sheet. I looked at it and it was again Math, I like to help him I live in Kris house. It would be weird..
“So can you?”
“Yes of course, but you know my new house?”
“No, but I can go with you after school. I already told this my Mother.” He said with a cute smile. I smiled back, now the lesson began.

(Kris Pov)
I walked to the Company and straight to my place. After sitting in front of my Computer and tipping some important meetings. Suddenly Taos Dad came and looked at me worried.
“How is it.? You know… to live with him.” he asked with a curious tone. I shrugged my shoulder calmly.
“He has still a sharp tongue, but he is just a Teenager.” I said with a smile.
“Yeah…you are still young, you can understand it.” He said
“Mr. what do you want to say?”
“Sometimes..i think I made a mistake..”
“No, don’t bother yourself. He is fine, when he want to go back he can surely go.” I said.
“I wish..” he stopped talking and went to his Office.
“OH!” he said.
“Prepare Taos birthday, I have a meeting in Germany. Don’t forget it. The May 2nd!”  He said and closed the door behind. I widen my eyes and wanted to say something..but my throat was like ..urgh..his birthday. And it’s in a few weeks.
“Geez…I ..”

I had only day duty, so I came earlier home. I was about to opened the door when I heard a light laughing. Huh?
I opened it and saw tao..LAUGHING?
“KRIS?” he instantly stopped laughing and looked at me shocked.
“Tao..hello and hello Taos Friend.” I said gently.
“OH hello I’m Xiumin.” He said and bowed polite.
“oh hello” I said with a smile.

“ are really tall, Tao you said he is stu—“
“Psst! Min, we have to learn.” He said covering Xiumins mouth with his hand.
“Oh? Ok I’m the livingroom.”

(Taos Pov)
“Gosh,…he is handsome.” Xiumin said in his dreaming voice. I rolled my eyes and kept writing.
“Tao, don’t act like this. I know you like him.” He said with a teasing smile. I glared at him, he already knows it…I’m gay. I tried to ignore his commend and started to work.
“Ok Min, do you want a tutoring or not?”
“OF COURSE YES!” he said instantly.
“Ok, have to write this and this…”

After 2 hours learning he has to go. We hugged us and I closed the door. I walked to Kris he was sleeping and the Tv was still on, and this is a habit I hate.
I turned the Tv off, and looked at him. Actually, it’s good that he sleeping so I could learn the other stuff.
“ngg….” He said while in his sleep. Tsk..stupid boy still has nightmares?
“ hurts..” he mumbled.
I bent to him so that our faces are only few inches away. I opened my mouth to say something but suddenly..
He pulled him and my lips slightly touched the corner of his mouth. He grabbed my jacket and whined in his dream. ..I nearly kissed him..
“KRIS WAKE THE UP!” I shouted and pushed him away.
“huh? W-what?” he said sleepy, he looks at I blushing?
I covered my mouth with my arm and looked away.
“Pua..Tao, don’t scare me like this.”
“Shut up!” I hissed and ran to the Kitchen. OMG!

I was still learning and Kris was watching lazily TV. I still couldn’t believe what I nearly did. But by the Imagination how soft his lips are, even only the corner of that.
“..stop thinking..” I said over and over again, but it won’t let me go.
“What of?” suddenly Kris voice appeared. I only shook my head, by looking at him. He was half ,.
“GOSH KRIS WEAR SOMETHING!” I yelled and turned my face away to cover my red face.
“Ok ok, but I want to eat something.” He said sleepy.
“Then wear something.”
“I’m lazy.” He said simply and opened the fridge.
(minutes later)
I was nearly done with learning, only one word..and…DONE!
Finally..gosh! I turned my body away and wanted to go to the Kitchen but flinched up by seeing Kris, still topless looking at my Work.
“H-how long..”
“Only few minutes, wow you write this?” he asked me and grabbed my Paper with the story of China.
“HEY GIVE IT TO ME!” I shouted angry but still blushing. He blocked me with his back and ..he was tall.
“Wait, I have to read this.” He said drinking his water.
“When not? Would you punish me?” he said with a ert-joking voice. My face got hotter by his comment. He suddenly laughed and pinched my cheek.
“Aww cutie is blushing.” He said softly.
“I-I..give it now..”
“Please?” I said annoyed, he smiled at me and gave it to me.
“So difficult?” he asked while rubbing my hair to a mess, I rolled my eyes and went back.
“You write this really good, like you know a lot about China.”
“Duh- I’m Chinese.”
“No not that, about the History, you know really A LOT of it.”
“Well, we lived in China when I was young, and my Grandparents are living in a really old traditionally house  in China. They are still telling me some stories.”
“Oh, that’s really cool.”
“hm, yes.”
I heard him coming closer, my heart was beating so fast I could hear it.
“What do you like?”
“huh?” I made a confused look but tried not to look at his..chest.
“I mean..what do like, in..”
“Is this because of my Birthday?” I asked annoyed and I already know my dad has no time for me ..again.
“ got me, so what do you want?”
“NO!” I said sharp and packed my things and went up. He followed me.
“lalala I don’t hear you!”
“YOU ARE SUCH A KID!” I shouted and locked the door.
“Hahah I’m sorry. Open the door.”
“What do you want? Huh?”
“First your wish.”
“You can’t fulfil it.” I said.
“Maybe I can?”
“OH REALLY? OK! GIVE MY DEAD MOTHER BACK TO LIVE!” I shouted and it went quiet.
“Tao, open the door NOW!” he shouted at me angry. I instantly opened it, I don’t know why but I had to my body moved automatically.
I only saw his fast move, later I realised he was hugging me really tight.
“I-I..s-sorry…” he whispered to me.
“Kris..I’m okay.”
“no you’r not..”
“you too.” He added. It went again awkwardly quiet, but meanwhile the past came up, and I tried not to cry.
“Kris..l-let me go..”
“Kris I’m o-.” Suddenly a really loud thunder came and everything went black..

wait for a few minutes ;)
Comments please!  sorry if they are some mistakes 

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I miss Taoris :(
ok i'm waiting for the next update ^^
nice story.
like a old couple? bwahahahahahahahaha
bunnysanduck #4
Chen D:
The non pov..
Cookie7 #6
Sooo cute!!!! Lol the title does not fit the fanfic at all lol!
minzy-woo #7
uploand YOUR SMILE ON MY PICTURES ..................
lol. the 'omg's