


(Kris Pov)
“AHHH KRISS!” Tao screamed in my ears, I looked around.
“Maybe we have a Blackout.”
“MAYBE? KRIS FIX THIS!” he shouted angry.
“ Tao calm down. It’s nothing it’s just because of the thunder.” I said calmed but I felt something in grabbing me. I realized it was Taos hand squeezing my hand.
“Tao? Calm down..”
“..f-fix this..please.” he said but his voice sounds more softer and a little scared.
“I will, but we have to go downstairs.” I said and helped him up.
I put my Cell phone out of my Jeans pocket and I lighted the floor to see the way downstairs.
I thought it would be funny to scare him, so I made a fast move. He flinched up and hugged me tight. I widen my eyes to see him so clingy and scared.
“Cutie are you alright?” I asked while laughing. But he began to shiver.
“P-please..d-don’t j-joke around..” he said sad and nearly to cry.
“Oh..Tao. I’m sorry, but seriously are you alright?”
“I-I’m..scared. “
“It will be better ok?”

Ok to scare him was a mistake he was really scared. I felt bad, really bad. He is so cute when he is scared..omg stop it-….
“Tao.. I think we have to wait till tomorrow.”
“’s dark..”
“You are old enough to sleep without the light.”
“So..It’s late already lets sleep.” I said and sparked a candle.
We walked to our rooms. I felt worried because Tao was still scared.

1 hour later..
“huh?” I opened my eyes slowly because of the noise. I looked out of the Window, it was still raining hard. I walked out of my room and towards his room.
“Tao?” I knocked again and it was opened. I looked around with the candle and saw nobody lying on the bed. I stepped and went to the bed.
“K-kris..” I heard him while sobbing. I looked around and followed the voice.
“Tao where are you?” Suddenly a hand grabbed my foot. I flinched up and saw his hand..under the bed.
I helped him up saw his face, his eyes were red and puffy. I touched his cheeks gently.

He couldn’t stopped sobbing and crying.
“Psst..tao calm down.”
“s-shut u-up!” he hissed and slapped my hand away.
“Tao why didn’t you say you are afraid of thunder?”
“W-why s-should I? Y-you would making jokes about me.”
“Tao I would never do this..”
“Shut up! I hate you!” he shouted and wiped his tears harshly. His hands were still shaking.
I grabbed his hand and looked to him.
“I’m sorry ok? I have to apologize a lot you know?”
“Yes, because you deserve this to apologize to me.”
“Tao when you still acting like a kid I go, when you just say “ I’m scared” then I’ll be here sleeping next to you, ok?”
“I don’t need a babysitter!”
“Ok I’ll be leaving, see ya.” I said with a smile.
I smirked and walked to the door.
“I’m scared…” I heard him quiet. I looked to him and thanks the light of the candle I saw his blushing face.
“So difficult?”
“Yes, now come!”
“haha ok ok !”
I lay next to him, he felt really uncomfortable. I began to his hair, like a mother do when his child is scared.
“Sleep now.”
“O-ok..” he said and closed his eyes.
“I blow the candle off, ok?”
“O-ok..” he stuttered, and I blew the candle off and hugged him instantly. He flinched up but the noise of the thunder made him to hug me back.
“Tell me..” I started.
“About your mother..”

“…shut up.” He hissed quietly. I smiled and leaned my chin on his head.
“Well… I don’t have any contact with my Parents anyway.” I said, I heard him moving.
“It’s not your business.”
“argh..sleep.” he said annoyed and turned his body away.
“haha sleep well.”

While in the night the thunder don’t stopped making loud noises.
I turned to him and touched lightly his arm, he was freezing. I noticed his heavy breathing.
“Tao, calm down it will be better.”
“Come here.” I said and pulled him to me, I hugged him and we fall asleep.


The next day:
Still gray outside but the electricity was working again. Tao was still sleeping, he hasn’t much sleep last night. So I called the school, I said he was sick or something.
I made breakfast and watched TV till Tao came tired downstairs.
“Are you feeling better?”
“Hungry..” he mumbled. I smiled and followed him I already prepared the food.
“I called the school, so don’t worry about that.”
“Tao, you look really sick.”
“It’s because of the thunder last night, I hate it.” He added and started to eat his cornflakes.
“Ok, it’s still bad outside… I hope it won’t –“

“Huh? Yea?”
“I want to know about this..”
“Your parents..”
“ hahha next time, maybe.” I said and walked away.
“I will tell you my story ok?” he said with a kind of cute tone?
“Oh really? Promise?” I said and raised one eyebrow. He nodded instantly.

SO. XD Since I was so in Taoris mood, I wrote so much. 
Hope you like it and comments are welcome. 

SNSD-TTS-TWINKLE= SOOO OMG...D= crying my eyes out! 

so much emotion right now,....


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I miss Taoris :(
ok i'm waiting for the next update ^^
nice story.
like a old couple? bwahahahahahahahaha
bunnysanduck #4
Chen D:
The non pov..
Cookie7 #6
Sooo cute!!!! Lol the title does not fit the fanfic at all lol!
minzy-woo #7
uploand YOUR SMILE ON MY PICTURES ..................
lol. the 'omg's