Cooking Contest

No One Knows

“_______-ah, have you prepared everything?” Min asked _______ in the cafeteria

“Prepared for what?”

Min rolled her eyes, “Babo. Tomorrow is the cooking contest.”

“Ah, that thing. Of course. Let’s do our best tomorrow!”

Those two girls are bestfriend. _______ and Jimin aka Min. Both of them shared everything together. _______ is a very good listener and good at giving advices. That’s why Min always trusts her. But _______ never tell her about her problems neither secret. She’s a very introverted person. She prefers to keep everything by herself.


“_______-ah, I’m getting frustrated with Kyuhyun.” Min told _______ from the phone. Kyuhyun is Min’s crush since high school. He’s so (damn) handsome, he’s genius yet lazy, and he’s very mysterious. All the students always tease Min and Kyuhyun. It’s because Kyuhyun ever helped her when Min was bullied by the seniors. Since that day, everybody teases them. They’re hoping Kyuhyun and Min to be a couple. Of course, Min who is a very flirtatious girl, likes when she’s being teased. Kyuhyun doesn’t seem to care.

Sometimes Kyuhyun texts Min, asking about homeworks, and bla bla bla until saying goodnight. But sometimes Kyuhyun doesn’t reply Min at all even Min texted him first. That’s why Min is confused with Kyuhyun.


“Waeyo? He doesn’t reply your text?” _______ asked back. Min nodded.

_______ sighed. “Look, Min, he’s not your boyfriend, so it’s not a problem if he doesn’t reply your text.”

“But you know when a person is in love!” Min said in a higher tone.

“Arasso. But you now I can’t do anything right?” _______ defended herself.

“I know. I just want you to know that I’m frustrated. Oh, my umma told me to eat. Bye _______, I’m hanging up.”

_______ sighed.

Actually, _______ likes Kyuhyun from the first. But she doesn’t know does Kyuhyun like her also. Same with Min, sometimes Kyuhyun texted her, but not asking about homeworks. He texted her just to say goodnight or something else like that. Kyuhyun and _______ ever texting until 4 am, and Kyuhyun was the one who wanted _______ to accompany her. It made _______’s heart wanted to explode. Again, Kyuhyun is very mysterious. No one knows who he likes.




“Yeorobeun, you may begin to cook, now!” Ahn sunsaengnim said. Everyone is rushing. Some of them are panicked because they forgot to bring meats, some of them are confused because they didn’t buy the correct indgredients. Only _______’s team who’s working perfectly. Today, their school is having cooking contest. Each class have a team that contains 3 until 4 people. Luckily, Kyuhyun, _______ and Min are in the same class and be in the team for this cooking contest. Kyuhyun and Min can’t cook, so they’re really counting on _______. _______ told Min to crack some eggs and stir it until _______ says stop, while _______ told Kyuhyun to cut the vegetables. Kyuhyun stands beside _______ who’s busy mixing some seasoning and Min cracking some eggs beside Kyuhyun.



“_______-ah, since we’re in the same team with Kyuhyun, please let me cook with him.” Min pleaded to _______ when they’re in _______’s room.

“Mwo? But you can’t cook, Min. Kyuhyun also can’t cook. If you two can’t cook but force yourself, we can’t win the contest. You know I hate to lose in a competition, Min.” she told Min. actually, she’s quite annoyed by Min’s request. First, she doesn’t want to lose, second, she wants to be with Kyuhyun also. But ofcourse she can’t say that to Min.

“Ah, keurae, you and Kyuhyun don’t like to lose. I forgot you two have the same personality.” Deep inside, _______ is smiling because Min told that she and Kyuhyun have the same personality.

“How about if you do your work a little bit further from me and Kyuhyun?” she smiled widely.

“Mwo?” _______ raised her eyebrows. She doesn’t understand.

“You give us instructions, ara? Tell us to cut the vegetables or else, and you cook. But you stand further from Kyuhyun and let me stand close beside him. Arasso?”

_______ only sighed and nodded. She lost.


*end of flashback*


This is unfair. Why I always grant her wishes? I feel like a genie to her. Babo! Now she’s sabotaging Kyuhyun and I look stupid. She’s standing beside him too close. Now all of the teams are “hooray-ing” for them because they look like a newlywed couple._______ is mad at herself. She never talks back to Min. She always lets Min be the first.

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Why kyu?! Why ?!!!
A sequel pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee >w<
Your fics is really GOOD ! But why it must end
I'm kinda sad if its sad
But its a good work ! (:
Tell me your another fics
OMO!!!!! Why Kyu did this?? Even though thanks for the fic ^_^
OH MY. :DD New reader here =))) Update soon pleasssse? ^^
MinTaeKyu19 #4
When I saw that this is true story, I became interested, I'm thinking of doing my story a true story too, thanks...

I hope you will update asap!
angelinaxton #5
please update soon :>
I'm really irritated by those '___' even though I know why they're there.. I just would have wished to get a name, that would have been easier. :3 But keep updating.
interesting story..
update soon ;)