chapter 19

destined to love you



Next day bom and mark had their date, it was almost 6pm so she wasn’t able to meet with jiyong. The feeling of both of them was still awkward.


“how was work?” he asked trying to ease the tension “fine”

“bom, I gave to tell you the truth, I know you don’t like me” she was shock “no, why would you say that?”

“what I mean is that were better of to be just friends” she calms down “owh”

“im sorry for causing you this mess” he chuckle a little “oh its nothing mark”

“be careful when you’re with him ok?” she scrunch a little “with who?”

“I know he likes you it’s just he’s finding the right time”

“who? Who is he?” bom getting confused “secret” he gave her his sweetest smile and winks at her, she giggled a little with his childishness.

“be careful ok” mark held her face and caress it with his thumb, a smiled form in their lips and broke the awkwardness and became friends.

The dinner ended and they were out from the restaurant,  Hara was spying on them, when bom entered the taxi mark bid her goodbye, mark started walking so as hara. She blocked him and pulled him.

“what do you think you’re doing?”


“why did you let her go? How about the plan” a smirk formed in his lips “why are you so worried anyway?”

“you know that, never mind” she said turning her back “know what?”

“when you want things done you need to do it by yourself” she walks away.


One day bom, dara and mark are eating  at a restaurant, they were having fun especially the two.

“seems like you two are getting closer” dara said looking at them “yes we are”

“bwoh?” she said shock “were now friends dara, just friends” mark said smiling.

“guys I need to go I have to meet jiyong today” bom said fixing her things

“I thought you were supposed to see him yesterday?” dara asked “well im gonna surprise him anyway, bye” she waves her hands then went to exit.


“so you told her?” dara asked mark “no I just told her we should just be friends”

“that’s good mark, high five” high fives “hope they’ll understand”


Bom arrived at his rehearsal, it wasn’t that good thath day they were having a hard time in getting the right timing and right coordination. He was frustrated that day.


“that’s not it!” he shouted “we’ll just, im sorry guys let’s do it next time”

Bom hides at the back door, he sat on the floor all tired and frustrated, his back up dancers and cast went home they were the only one left in the place.

He was lying on the floor, she smiled and clap her hands but he doesn’t see her. When he heard someone clapping he suddenly stand up.

“who’s there?” he said searching the place “who the hell are you?!” getting mad, bom showed up and was clapping making him sigh.

“me?” she smiled then  skipped towards him “be careful you might trip”

“why are you so evil this day?” trying to  make him laugh “just tired and all”

“oh really?” bom said getting nearer  “what are you doing here anyway?”

“well standing, talking breathing, blinking blinks her eyes

“pabo” smack her head lightly “aw! What’s wrong anyway?”

“we cant do the mv right”

“can I help or anything?” bom said looking at the place “im just gonna tell it to you ok?” she nodded and sat down, he started blabbing making her sleepy.

“bom! Listen” she moves straight “im listening im listening”

“please hold my hand” he reached out his hand and she grabs it. He started to twirl her and danced.

“the last part will be, the guy will lean towards the girl” he leans slowly looking deeply in her eyes “then” he was about to kiss her “wow the girl will be lucky to kiss you” she moved away but still he was in that place for a few seconds.

“I need to go now ji” he looks at her with a serious face “ok then”

“bye baby jiyong kiss his cheek rest ok?” she waves her hands and went home.


One day heerin and jiyong were habing their conversation.

“woah long time no talk?” jiyong said sitting next to her “maybe?”

“so how was school?” he drinks some coffee “the usual”

“look sorry if I don’t talk to you too mucj lately”

“I wish jinu oppa was alive” she whispered making him look . jiyong stood up and started to silly dance making heerin laugh.

“oppa, what are you doing?hahahha”

“do the dance” both of them were laughing. They were now being serious.

“so oppa, what are the words that  you don’t wanna hear from a girl you love?”

“you mean like words that will hurt me?” she nods “well if the girl said that were better to be friends, or something like she wont really accept me”

“oh looks at the time I need to sleep now oppa, nght” she stands and kiss his cheek “sweet dreams honey”


Days had passed and bom’s career is going well, she was presenting the other business man their new product from hara’s company, at the end of the presentation she received lots of applause. The guest were all gone and the company employees were still congratulating her.

“nice job bom” dara said and hugged her “bom” hara said, when bom turns to look at her she threw a glass of juice to her making the others gasp

“huh!!!” bom said with eyes widen “what’s wrong with you?!” wiping her face

“stop stealing him from me!” she said with full force “what are you talking about?!”

“stop stealing jiyong from me!” right on time jiyong was about to approach them but stopped he was holding a bouquet of flowers for bom but his himself.

“what?!” bom asked hara was now crying “bom, please”

“do you think that im stealing him from you? ahaha do you really think of that?” jiyong was listening at the back all of them were

“why would I steal him? I don’t even have feelings for him, me and him are just friends, and aren’t you two dating and besides he will never date me! He doesn’t like me!”

“but you’re always with him you stupid little b*tch”

“its because were friends! Hara can you please act more mature? Im older than you, you should respect me, where is the friendship we have before? Don’t ever think that I would date him, he doesn’t like me the way he likes you, and being with him? Ha  Im just a normal employee,, dating him will be a wreck for his career and I don’t want that” jiyong was getting hurt with all the things she have said, he drops the flowers and went away.

“hara you are more compatible with him he doesn’t like me and he never will”

“im sorry” hara said and hugs her “it’s, its ok” bom said getting teary eyed.


Jiyong was getting teary eyes as well, hearing those comments of hers really breaks his heart. He was driving fast go somewhere they don’t know.

“jiyong” jinu said popping out of nowhere “what are you doing here?”

“maybe she’s just lying  you know” gd faced him “this is all your fault if you didn’t told me to like her this will never happen”

“I just told you to give it a try, I never told you to like her again!”

“leave me alone” he tried to smack him but then he disappeared, leaving jiyong crying.


Bom was on her room thinking about the things she have said.

“its really hard to lie huh but it’s better to be like that” sigh


Days had passed and he went back, bom was getting worried for she didn’t see him for weeks. She went to their house to see him.

“yah, wake up! Don’t do this to me!” she said shaking him “unnie he has been like that for days”

“jiyong it’s 4 in the afternoon” he was ignoring her “I need to go unnie”

“ok take care” heerin left. “jiyong ah! What do you think you’re doing? !”

He stood up and looked at her “sleeping?”

“haha funny, cook for me im hungry” she commanded “and who are u to say that?”

“my name is park bom lee at your service” he finally smiled and went to the kitchen.

She look around the room and saw one unusual notebook.

“are you ok with just ramen?” jiyong said when he was still at the kitchen “yes”

She picks it up and sat at the bed

“what is this?” she opened it and saw what is written on it she let out a giggle “his diary”

She scan through the pages one by one and saw her name. her eyes widen as she read the messages


Dear diary,



            I saw a cute girl today gosh, she’s so cute. But I think im too handsome for her. Oh who am I kidding? Of course you know her already her name is Bom remember? Im close with her right now she’s my best friend, also im kinda  feeling more than friends aigoo… must stop this now bye!!


 Dear diary


            Im over it!! Really!! I gave fallen for her!! I cant believe, it’s her 1st day of work and im scared I might loose her, no! bom is not going anywhere,, she’s going to be mine.


As she scan more on the pages her eyes became watery, knowing that she have him 1st . a smile also appeared on her face but confusion takes place.

Dear diary


Shoot! She said someone asked her out and you know what hurts the most? M twin is the one that asked her out why couldn’t it be me? Am I too slow? Or im just not that good? I hate this life, as long as she’s happy im ok with it X(



Dear diary,


It’s over you know they’re getting married im too late, it hurts you know that it’s like your hear was thrown at the trash then throws them a bomb them the bomb exploded and your heart scattered into million pieces? Yeah that kind of pain, so stupid of me to fall for my best friend and the thought that she liked me too, so sad, but still, I love her so much, if only I went first, I love you bom I wish you can hear that, but I know someone will say that to you, starting now, Im still waitibg for you bom, my corny bom :’).


“bom, the ramen is almost” jiyong entered and saw her holding the diary, she looked at him with tears in her eyes and also a smile in her face.

“is this true?”

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hanhyosang #1
Chapter 23: The ending was so cute ! ^__^ . They can finally be happy ! :X .
hanhyosang #2
Chapter 7: Finally ! I mean, now that he's dead, we can focus on G-Bom ! :x
hanhyosang #3
Chapter 1: I like this story ! :X .
Sooo interesting!
Keep it up!~
keep moving :) <br />
I'll support 4 U
it wasnt boring at all! This sounds so much like them!! so good!!
sarang143 #7
hi everyone! ^_^ please tell me if the story is getting boring? uhuhuh T.T comments are great! and hope that you will like the next chapter<br />
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~~~ thanks ^_^
Aera21 #8
Please do update soon! me likey ur g-bom’s stories kke