Italy, here we come (Part 1)

Love to Hate You (discontinued)


[Yuri POV]

“Kay Guys, come on, let’s go” Yuri squeals in excitement


“Uh… you’re such a pansy Yul”


“Why r u such in a good mood Yuri? It’s not like u never been to Italy before” Jiyeon kink her eye brow


“Well, uh… “Think Yuri think “cuz I got to spend my time with u Miss. Park”


Jiyeon smiles “Tell me u just did not did what I think u just did”


Yuri shrugs “Well, depends on what u thinking Miss Jiyeon”


Taeyeon agape, looking at both of the girl in front of her


“Dude! Are you hitting on my cousin?? Like seriously?”


“Whaattt??? Don’t blame me, cuz she’s beautiful”


“Euu… my best friend is hitting on my cousin that was just gross”

With that she receive a smack on the back of her head


“There’s nothing gross about me okay, beside, it’s natural for girls to falls for me” Jiyeon defend herself


“Yah…. Right the only girl who attracted to you and didn’t run away, is Hyomin… and I think she has been cursed by u anyway, I mean how could an attractive rock star could fall for the most… un likely girl to behave… like you”


As Jiyeon was about to kick the girl , suddenly, a slender arm encircle her and she receive a small kiss on her cheek.


“Hey babe, ready to go?”


“Yah” she smiles genuinely


“Damn, u just haveta teach me that Hyomin, she just got dumbfounded like… in a sec” Taeyeon teases


Hyomin just laughs lightly and obviously dragging her girl friend to get into the Limo before the sassy brunette literally kills her cousin.


[Park’s Limo]


“Why aren’t we taking my jet?” Jung Ah ask her wife


“Because….” Kahi ransack her brain “I like mine better”


“What kinda answer is that babe?”


“Well the kinds that u get, and the kinda off the truth actually”


“Are you saying that my jet is no better than yours?” Jung Ah squints


“No… B, why are you debating me about your jet anyway?”

Jung Ah pout “Sorry hun, blame it on my hormones”


“Aww… that’s cute”


“Uh, excuse me, in case you haven’t notice, there’s two other people here” Jessica waving her hand in the air “and try not to do the eye contact please, you guys making me nausea”


“Aww… Jessie, they were so cute tho, let em be” Tiffany smile


“One of the last thing I wanna see in my life is seeing my cousin and her wife getting-it on”


Giggles “I think you spend to much time with Seung-yeon”





[Italy air port]


Benvenuti in Italia all'aeroporto


“I miss Italy…” Hyomin says out loud

 “Ciao, Mia”

“Ciao, Hugo… come va?”

“Io sto bene…aa Miss. Park, E 'stato un po', non ti ho visto, sei bella come sempre”


“Hugo… grazie per il complimento, si guarda bello come sempre”


“Hahah3 okay, enough with the small talk ey, come2… someone is been dying to meet you”


[Hyomin’s residence]


“Ciao Mama” Hyomin drops her back pack and engulf her mom with a hug


“Hyominnie, Mi manchi, e tu signorina, non ha nemmeno la briga di chiamarmi. Che cosa è con quella, e non mi dire che sei troppo occupato, perché non sarà che come risposta”

Giggles “Ci dispiace mamma, non volevo troppo”


Before Mrs. Park could say anything, so

meone burst from the front door

“Da bist du, Mia ... Ich vermisse dich”


“Ich vermisse dich auch Papa, wie geht es Ihnen?”


“Ich bin völlig in Ordnung, wo ist meine andere Tochter? Oh, da bist du, komm her und gib mir eine Umarmung”


“Aa… I forgot about these two trouble makers ey?”


“Hey Mr. P, how are ya?”


Both Yuri and Taeyeon give Mr. and Mrs. Park a hug


“When r u going to learn Italian ey?”


“When we meet handsome Italian guy perhaps” Yuri smirk


“OO… are saying that I’m not handsome ey?”


“What?? Are you kidding me? You are like one of the most handsome Italian man we know”


“Enough with the small talks girls, let’s get our lunch, I have prepare special foods for all of you”


[Boulivier Hotel]


 “I’m beat” Jessica  plopped on the bed


“Me too”


“Are you hungry?”


“A lil beat tho”


“Me too, let’s call room service. What do you want to eat?”


“I dunno, just order anything”


While Jessica went to the living room to call for room service, Tiffany reach her phone starts texting






T0; Yul


Hey k Jhow’s your holiday?







“Hey Yul, your phone, it’s beeping” Taeyeon says


“Uh okay”


She opens the text and smile


To; Fany


Not bad tho… Jmiss u Fany





That definitely put a smile on Tiffany face


+Aww… u miss me??+


=Of coz… u xexpect me 2 miss Ur evil twin xcha? =



+Ha-ha… funny K, soo… watchu dooin rite now? +

=Juz havin lunch tho=


+JUh… gotta go, Jessica is calling me+




“What’s with the dorky smiles?” Jessica asks


“Uhh… nothing… anyway, what did u get?”


“The usual, and speaking of usual, Tyra called me just now, like usual”


“Hmm… what did she proposed this time”






“Yup, she wants me to be her model for her newest line in China”




“I said I’ll think about”


“Uh… and why is that?”


“School and stuff, plus, my dad would probably kill me if I take her offer while I’m still studying”


“Yah, you probably right”











“Aaa… don’t you just love Italy?” Jessica smiles while taking all the scenery around her


“Nope, not really”


“Geezz… what’s with the attitude Tiff?”


“Sorry… PMS”


Jessica giggles, suddenly her eyes caught on someone


“Hey, look at that girl”


Tiffany turns, looking at the sight of a young girl, who’s looking distraught “


“What is she looking for?”

“I don’t know, lets ask”

“R u serious Jessie?”


 Instead of answering Tiffany, she walks toward the girl


“Hey, what r u doing”           


“Jesus!” the shorter girl clamps her hand against her chest


“Uh, so sorry, I didn’t meant to scared u like that”


“That’s okay”


“I’m sorry, ermm, I’m Jessica by the way, and this is my best friend, Tiffany”


“I’m Yoona”


“So, what are you doing anyway?”


“I’m looking for a ring, I think I dropped it somewhere here”


“Aww… ring? What kind of ring?” Tiffany ask “Your engagement ring?”


“Uh…yah” YoonA seems a little bit skeptical when two blondes comes out to her


“Aww… your fiancé gave it to you?”


“Tiff! Seriously?” Jessica give her the look


“No, that’s fine actually… I just bought it, after spending half an hour finding a romantic restaurant I realized I didn’t have the ring with me”


“Wait… what?” Jessica kink an eyebrow


“Are you gay?” Tiffany blurted it out


The younger of them both turns with a serious expression on her face

“Yes, yes I am… so you have a problem with that?”


“No, in fact… that’s awesome” Tiffany squeals


YoonA turns to look at the taller blonde


“Is she always like that?”


“Every time” Jessica smiles “Want us to help u?”


“If it’s not bothering you, soo yah, thanks” YoonA flashed a smile



After half an hour wondering around… the three of them give up, and plopped themselves on the nearest bench at the park.


“That was exhausting… “Tiffany muttered


 “You tell me about it…” YoonA wipes her sweats who started to drip from her face

“So… what are you gonna do about it YoonA-sshi?” Jessica ask


“Keep searching I guess..”


“Im Yoon A”

YoonA suddenly rolled her eyes and slowly turns, Jessica and Tiffany also turns


A medium height  good looking girl standing in front of them. She has long straight silky  black hair. She has her hand on her hips, raising her eyebrows.


“Uh… hye babe” YoonA greets her nervously


The girl that YoonA call babe look at Jessica and Tiffany


“And you are?”


“I’m Jessica, and this is my best friend Tiffany… we just meet YoonA a while ago. Tiffany lost her ring so, YoonA-sshi kinda help us out”


Tiffany gives Jessica the weird look on her face while YoonA thanks Jessica with the look in her eyes.


“Ooo… okay” the other girl seems to buy the story “I just thought that… never mind. I’m Uee by the way,YoonA’sgirlfriend.  


“Babe. What are you doing here?” YoonA finally interrupted


“What?? My mom live nearby… you do remember right?”


“Oh, yah… right… pfttt… why would I forget… Urmm, where are you heading after this?”


“I’m going back to work, why?”


“Nothing… just asking”


“Oh yah, babe, sorry I can’t make it to dinner tonight, I have client that I have to…” Uee trails


“That’s okay… I understand” YoonA force a smile


“Okay, thanks honey… I love you” Uee give a quick peck on her cheeks and wave goodbye at the blondes


YoonA sits back on the bench and sighs


“Is she always like that?”


“Tiffany!” Jessica roll her eyes


“Nah… that’s fine… yah… she always like that”


“How long have you guys been dating?”


“Almost 4 years”


“You were going to proposed her tonight huh?”


“Yah…  but I guess its not gonna happen tonight. I better get going, thanks for the help. I really appreciated it” YoonA smiles bitterly


“No biggie, but, what about the ring?”


“Let let em be… maybe it a sign or something.. Maybe it’s not the right time”


YoonA walks away leaving the other two girl standing alone


“Wow… I felt sorry for her”


“I know… do you think that that Uee girl know about how YoonA suffers?”


“I wonder why in the hell did YoonA ever want to proposed her”


“Simply because… she love her Jess, she love her even though she suffers a lot, she’s taking a chance”


[Park’s residence]


Hyomin makes her way towards the kitchen when she spotted her ‘sister’ walking towards the house


“Seobaby!” Hyomin squeal


They hugged each other


“How have ya been babysis, haven’t seen you in ages”


“I just got back from England”


Seohyun and Hyomin had known each other since they were kid. Hyomin always claim her as her sister.


“Where’s Yoong?”


“She said she have plan for Uee Unnie”




“Unnie…” moving towards the fridge


“I know2… I’m not supposed to question Yoong’s taste in girl, but I mean, Uee is totally a biatch if u ask me, she doesn’t give a damn about Yoong since after college. I felt sorry for her you know”


 “She loves her, that’s all that matters”


“Then, how about you?”


“Hyomin Unnie… I don’t wanna talk about it okay, I’m happy if she’s happy”


“But the question is… are you?”


Seohyun stands still for a moment before she turns around


“Yah… I’m… trying”


“I’m always going to be there for you babysis, always, don’t you doubt that okay?”


Seohyun gives Hyomin a hugs and uttered thank you 

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cooljags #1
Chapter 40: DUDE UPDATE SOON..I AM REALLY REALLY CURIOUST ON WHAT HAPPENED TO YULSIC. Please don't give up on this story. This story is nowhere to complete. Plz plz plz plz update
cooljags #2
Chapter 40: DUDE UPDATE SOON..I AM REALLY REALLY CURIOUST ON WHAT HAPPENED TO YULSIC. Please don't give up on this story. This story is nowhere to complete. Plz plz plz plz update
Chapter 40: Please update new chapters! I love to read this, especially yoonhyun and yulsic..
Chapter 40: Omygawd!~ :D Who is Fuji Mina, and what is she going to do in this story?! :3 I'm guessing she's going to put up some spice in this fic~
Ooh and Sulli and the 'mystery girl'~ my guess should be right :D
I love TaeNy's relationship xD though they're kinda quarreling, I find them cute haha...
Yoona and Uee should really break up xD I said it a lot of times already, and I'm going to continue until they break up hahaha :P
Thanks for the update!!
Chapter 40: oh my gawd! pls make it yulsic.. whats happening to you two.. hard headed girls.. hahaha!

whats happening to mina also? why she don't want to be hurt again? hmm.. sorry work is all over me that I don't really focus on the story. kekeke! update fast my friend..

thanks a lot!
Chapter 40: c'mon why there's no yulsic >< lol
update soon
Chapter 40: busy with something UNIMPORTANT huh, conceited old man..
Urghh, there's no YulSic yet.. TaeNy's still on bad terms.. Like not really good yet..
Sulli's crush? Krystal? Ice and stuff, just like her sis..
Chapter 39: asdfghjkl what's up YulSic? U no want to end together? Aigoooo... xD
I saw a lil bit of YulTi up there huh? :3 hehehe~
YulSic needs time to talk and clear things out, in that way I may have my hope up again for them <3 :D

Thanks for the update! ^_^