Chapter 38: Starting to crawl

Love to Hate You (discontinued)
In life the saddest sentence that i have heard is
“It might have been”
The inability to describe it with words and the lack of showing emotions are the things that leads to regretting of something that might have been/happen. 
“What if”
This is the second saddest thing, and probably the stupidest. 
And between those two, another idiotic thing that i thought to prevent this is by taking the chance of saying...
“I’m want to live my life without regret”
This is the sentence that i regret taken the most. Because of this stupid words, i’m now living the caused of it.
The girl cursed herself.
Gyuri pushes the door open, and steps out of the store with her girlfriend in tow. Christmas is around the corner,and unfortunately for both parties, they are unable to celebrate it together this year. So, the older one ought to spend time buying gifts for the holiday celebration while spending time with each other before the big break. 
“What Mina again?” Hara asks, giving the letter a light squeeze as their fingers interlock 
“Fuji Mina, she’s a close friends of ours”
“THE Fuji Mina the model? Or is it someone that have the same name like the model?”
The older one chuckles , she turns to look at her girlfriend  “Yes babe, the model Fuji Mina”
Hara eyes widen “She’s a close friend? Oh, wow, how come you never mention her before?” 
“Didn’t think it was important. Besides, i never thought that she would come back, since she’s has been overseas for so 
many years” 
“Oh, so, what brings her back?” Hara probe
The letter shrugs “Oh, shoot. I didn’t even ask her that. Probably she misses being her homeland anyway”
Hara nodded, Gyuri iphone who’s at the back of her pocket blares a minute after. Hara fishes it out “Mina just text you” she 
hand the device to her lover. 
From: Mina
I need to talk to you, text me when you’re free. 
“What’s that all about?”  
Gyuri shrugs
To: Mina
I’ll hollerback, goin on a date now
The model, named Fuji Mina, sighs lightly. She put her phone back in her clutch and walks aimlessly alongside the busy 
road of New York. Her mind went off somewhere, She was strucken by guilt. She mentally slam herself against the wall, and 
thinking maybe she should lay down in the middle of the road, hoping that bus or trucks would ran her over. 
While mentally committing suicide, she didn’t realized that someone familiar was watching her closely. Someone with jet black hair and tan skin. The one who’s watching her, has her eyes open wide, as she finally recognized the letter, a grin forms on her face as she walks towards the model.
The model has her head up almost immediately, and there she was, Kwon Yuri. Her long time friend, her playful neighbour when their house were opposite each other, and most importantly, her high school girl crush. Without warning, the tan girl engulf her with a bone crushing hug. 
“Oh My God, i miss you!”  
Mina was definitely awestruck. The tan girl was.... Beautiful as ever. She was practically in trance. How does Yuri do that? 
She mutters under her breath unnoticed by the letter who’s spazzing over seeing her around. And Pftt... So much for surprising Yuri and Jessica much? As she thought about her plan. 
“You...look extremely beautiful” Yuri cast a smile, still having hand on each sides of the letter’s waist.
 Mina chuckles “Says the girl who owns a bombshell body? Girl, come and model with me, seriously” 
Yuri laugh “Yah, pffttt right, not my scene” 
“Everything is not your scene Yuri-ah” Mina smiles 
“Not everything okay? Just some of the littlest things that i have no interest of” Yuri gives the letter one of her so-called-
charming smile, which the letter beam over it “So. Are you free now? We should catch up or something”
“Yah, sure”
It only takes one smile and a touch, the guilt vanishes into thin air. 
The Korean American girl steps into Manhattan Barista and makes her way towards the counter to order her usual. Whilst
waiting, her eyes caught on flashes of blonde hair that she know of. Taking the venti cup in her hand, she makes her way 
towards the blonde who seems to be preoccupied with something, and someone. 
“Hi Taeyeon”
The blonde girl turns to her right, she cast a a small smile “Hey Tiffany”
“Working on the song?” The girl pointing at the guitar on Taeyeon’s lap, and she look at the taller pale looking girl sitting across 
Taeyeon, who’s smiling at her. 
The letter nodded “Ah yes, oh, shoot, i’m sorry, this is Yuri’s cousin, Sulli”
Sulli bows a little and she offers a handshake , which the letter gladly took. “I’m Tiffany”
“Glad to meet you Tiffany-sshi” Sulli smiles 
“Ah drop the honorific, sshi makes me feels i’m old” 
“You are old” Taeyeon mutters under her breath. 
Tiffany glares at the letter instant. “Stupid grandmother, i wasn’t talking to you” 
“So, maybe i should call you Tiffany Unnie then?”
The letter smiles , nodded “Whichever pleases you Sulli” 
It’s weird to say the least when we talk about Taeyeon and Tiffany nowadays, even their friends found their newly blossoming 
friendship is a bit bizzare. They still hate each other’s gut, but somehow it’s tolerable at times. 
Tayeon snorts at the newest nickname “Where’s Jessica?” 
Tiffany shrugs “She’s in her moody self today, i wouldn’t want to burst her little bubble. I’m bored, soo... Can i join you guys in
whatever you’re working on?” 
Sulli and Taeyeon look at each other perplex
“Okkayy, is it a no, or a yes?” 
“Of course you can join us, Tiffany Unnie, ignore Taeyeon Unnie, , she’s a little cranky at this time of the month” 
“Aren’t she always?” Tiffany smiles, glaring at the blonde girl “So, what have you guys been working on?” 
Sensing the girl lack of confidence , Taeyeon took the music notes and handed it to Tiffany. “Sulli wrote this” 
Sulli rubs the back of her neck , obviously feeling embarrass. It was bad enough for her pride to let Taeyeon to look through her private songs lyrics, what more to let a total stranger. Tiffany eyes skims the notes, and the silence was killing Sulli, whilst the blonde girl sips her coffee, minding the nervous younger girl. 
“Have you guys work on the music arrangement yet?” Tiffany look at Sulli and Taeyeon. 
The blonde girl nodded “Yah, there are a few that we come up with”
“Play it for me” Tiffany lock her gaze at Taeyeon who’s sitting beside her
“Wait, what?” Taeyeon arch an eyebrow “You want me to sing it to you now?” 
“Yes now” Tiffany has her hands akimbo, whilst Sulli cast a knowing look “Ah, yes, Taeyeon Unnie, sing it, see whether 
Tiffany Unnie likes it or not”
“What makes her opinion important anyway?”
Tiffany agape, as she was about to say something, the younger girl chirps in “Well, Tiffany Unnie seems to be more experience than you, i bet she has a boyfriend” 
“She doesn’t, she is as bad as me” Taeyeon blurts out, causes the letter to smack her forearms 
“Well, at least i have a crush on someone, unlike you” 
“That doesn’t even count!” Taeyeon rubs her forearms 
“It totally does, Sulli, tell her” 
Sulli nodded “It totally does count, So, Tae Unnie, please do sing”
“Yes Taeyeon, sing please” 
The shorter of the three sighs heavily, she mutters something under her breath and Tiffany managed to caught words like 
bullying, disrespectful and along the line.... Tiffany ?? The sounds of the guitar and Taeyeon’s voice burst her little 
It was sweet, powerful and very enticing. Tiffany knows that the letter can sing, but she she never knew that Taeyeon voice is 
THAT good. 
“There, Happy??” Taeyeon sighs for the umpteenth times. Sulli nodded whilst Tiffany cast a small smile. Tiffany mentally 
noted to herself,
Kim Taeyeon owns THE Voice.
“Oh shhesh! She’s here! How do i look Tae Unnie?” Sulli straighten her crumple shirt and fixes her messy orange haired. 
“Tiffany Unnie, do i smell good?” 
The older one was taken aback by the sudden question. She nodded , looking at Taeyeon to look for any kind of explanation. 
“Her crush” Taeyeon mutters 
Tiffany chuckles, excited to see the younger girl crush. She imagine someone tall, probably dark haired, broad shoulder, 
perfect match for the letter. “So, where’s the lucky guy?”
Taeyeon snorts “Oh... You’ll see who’s the lucky GUY alright”
Sulli stood up, and makes her way towards the counter. She was grinning all the way. So, was Tiffany. 
“And here comes the sun... Or  Titanic iceberg to be precise” Taeyeon mutters. 
The ‘Sun or the titanic iceberg or whichever it is’ that Taeyeon was referring to was... Definitely tall. [Check], dark hair 
[Check]... Broad shoulder?  [Uh...] A guy? [Definitely not]. 
“Lucky... Girl?” Tiffany frowns, causes Taeyeon to laugh , nodded at Tiffany’s words. 
The sight of Sulli trying to charm her ‘crush’ was... Pathetic to say the least. Tiffany grimace by the cold attitude and of course the harsh words that the letter uses to diss the poor young girl. 
After a few minutes, the smile on Sulli’s face was gone,replace with her dejected looks. 
“What did she said this times?” Taeyeon asks 
“Oh, wait, it happens before?” Tiffany chirps in 
“Numerous times” Taeyeon sips her Americano “This girl doesn’t know how to quit, and Miss Cold blooded there, doesn’t 
know how reject her nicely either” 
Tiffany scrutinizes the younger girl in front of her who has her head hung low. Tiffany has this determine looks on her face and 
that definitely scared the heck out of Taeyeon. The eye smiling girl sat beside the younger, and puts her arms around the 
letter’s shoulders. 
“I’m going to help you to get that girl of yours” Tiffany says
Taeyeon frowns, looking at the two eye smiling people in front of her. There were lots of determination and hope and whatever 
it is that people could see in a lame- drama. 
“Oh, this can’t be good” Taeyeon mutters under her breath.
She still cares...
She still loves me...
The grip on her pen tighten as the words runs over her head like a mantra. She was anxious, yes she admits that. Screw it, 
she was scared. She’s really scared of the possibility of her lover had fallen out of love. Her heart ache, it hadn’t been this painful. The last time she felt like this was when her partner succumbs in her work , trying to achieve her dreams. She felt neglected, felt unloved. And right now, it all coming back to her now. She hated the feeling so much, she felt submissive. She felt like she was surrendering herself again, to Yoona. 
“So babe, ready?” The model douchebag offers his so-called-charming smiles 
The intern look at him, her face scrunches as if contemplating. 
“Hello..” The model dude waves his hand in front of her. Hoping to get some reaction out of the letter who seems to be stuck 
in a trance. Unbeknownst by the pair, a set of eyes watching closely from behind the walls. 
Uee frowns “No”
Chansung perplex. “Excuse me?” 
Uee finally looks into his eyes “Yes, no. No i won’t go out with you. I don’t know if this ever occurs to you but i’m taken”
“But you said”
“Forget what i said. You’re nothing compared to my girlfriend” Uee smirks
“You biatch” Chansung mutters under his breath. He felt cheated, and it hurt his pride to be compared to some lanky girl. 
“Watch your tongue, that’s my girl you’re talking to” 
Both Uee and Chansung turns around, and welcome by the sight of a very angry looking Yoona. 
“tch” Chansung snorts “You’re girlfriend just had a dinner date with me yesterday. Opps, i m not supposed to tell her that 
huh?” Chansung smirks as he realized Uee’s eyes widen. “Soo, sorry Miss Im, i think your GIRLFRIEND just cheated on you”
“I know” YoonA grits 
“You knew?” Uee asks with her voice laced with some kind of guilt. 
“I saw you” Yoona said not looking at Uee. “If i were you Chansung, i’d would leave right now” 
“Why would i?” Chansung smirks
Yoona glares at the guy “You’re pathetic job is on a thread in case you haven’t notice” The letter walks closer to the model “I 
can crush your career in less than a minute”
“You wouldn’t dare” Chansung glares back
“Try me” the lanky photographer hiss. And with that, the model walks away.
“You knew” Uee utters once more. 
“Yes” Yoona makes her way towards the couch and plops herself. 
“Thats... That’s why you ignore me, you didn’t call me” Uee stutters , locking her gaze 
“What do you expect when you saw your girlfriend was having a splendid dinner date right in front of your eyes?” she says 
with such venom in her voice. 
Uee sits on the swivel chair. Her heart was in pain. It feels like someone just stabs her. No words that she can utters at that 
moment. Yoona rubs her temple, as the headache were about to come. She had her arms akimbo then, looking straight at 
her girlfriend. 
Uee startles, she looks back, and all she can see was the hurt in Yoona’s eyes, there weren’t any comfort or love that she
usually found in them. 
“I was hurt. Ever since you started this job, you have no time for me. I felt i was just some burden for you.”
“That doesn’t justify that you’re ing cheating on me!”
“No! And i’m sorry! I know i shouldn’t do such things! And i regret it! What about you?”
“What about me?!” Yoona was enrage
“How does all of this justify that you’re clinging on your bestfriends 24/7??”
“What’s that got to do with everything?!” 
“Have you ever... Just once think about how i feel? Huh? How am i supposed to feel when you fvking girlfriend rather choose
her bestfriend to hang out with? Dinner? Lunch? Even sleepovers? Instead of you?
Huh? What are you 12? Do i need to change my status from your girlfriend to your best friend to spend time with you? How would that makes me feel Yoona? after all the sh!ts i put myself through waiting patiently for you whilst you’re achieving your dreams, all i want is time for both of us, 
but you... Spend it with your ing bestfriend that you claim to be missing her for the past years? How about me? I was 
here, standing right beside you, oh wait, standing behind you all these fvking time, and i didn’t even get a single glance from 
you. You’re so near, but so far for me to reach. How’s that justify everything?! Tell me fvking how Yoona!””
Mina closes the door to her old apartment. She makes her way towards the kitchen to get a glass of water. She was getting a 
little parch since she was talking non-stop with THE Kwon Yuri. She couldn’t stop herself from smiling, Yuri was entertaining 
as always, humble as always, and obviously, charming as always. 
The sounds of her phones blaring from her clutch broke her from her little bubble fangirling over The Kwon yuri. 
“Gyul’s Calling”
She taps the green icon , albeit hesitantly 
“Min, so, you want to meet up now?” 
Mina bits her lower lip, this is it. To tell or not to tell. But this, is like the second chance for her. To continue on her plan that 
she left years ago. Plus, there’s nothing going on between Yuri and Jessica, not romantically of course. She inhales heavily. 
Jessica said she given up, so. It has to be some kind of sign. 
“Uh, forget it Gyul, it's nothing”
“But, you sounded like it’s important or something”
“No, no it isn’t, just forget about it. It’s not important” 
“are you sure?” Gyuri ask once more
“Yes, i’m 100% sure”
“Okay, text me or call me if you need anything” 
Mina force a smile and mutters okay. 
“So, how the surprise going on for Yul and Jess?” Gyuri asks
Mina plops herself on the couch “I’m busted, bump into both of them”
Gyuri laughs “Wow, what a small world”
Mina took one photograph in her hand. There’s a picture of the four of them. Gyuri, Yuri, Jessica and herself. It was back 
when they were still freshman. Gyuri was making faces, Yuri was backhugging Jessica, and the look of both faces was content.
Whilst her picture, she was smiling as well. Mina remembers all the good times before she went to pursue her career, and she remembers the particular moment when the picture was taken , she was smiling, but God knows how painful it was to keep the smile on her face. 
“Hello, Min, are you there?” 
Mina eyes blinks rapidly “Hmm, small world indeed”
Fuji Mina is determine. Determine not to get hurt again and determine to get what she wants. 
Author’s rambling:
Ahhh... Sorry for the late update. :)
Been busy with.... Something unimportant. LOL
You know the drill guys, Read and drop comments :) that’ll make me a very happy writer. Haha And yes, i’ve been rewriting the draft over the past few days, and... Trust me, it was superrr difficult. Everyone whos read this is getting anxious of what would happen to all those couples. Sigh, i m worried as well. Haha
Anyways, as you guys know, i’m working on a new fic now. Haha, i’m superrr excited. Trust me. Haha after i finish both of my 
stories, i’m going to stop for a while, cause i need to polish my writing skills, it has been a crappy writing skills for me. Sighs. 
And i’ll be back! Before you know it, haha ^^ i ll write one shots sometimes, but nothing more i guess. Soo... Hope you guys 
enjoy this update,
P/s: It hurts me seeing the format of my story, a thousands apologies to all the readers. This format is HIGHLY ANNOYING 
AND CONFUSING and it really pisses me off. My stupid laptop died, and i have to use my brother's laptop, and trust me he 
has the weirdest word processing software ever. Dumb that is. Sorry once again, and please do bear with it for a while. 
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cooljags #1
Chapter 40: DUDE UPDATE SOON..I AM REALLY REALLY CURIOUST ON WHAT HAPPENED TO YULSIC. Please don't give up on this story. This story is nowhere to complete. Plz plz plz plz update
cooljags #2
Chapter 40: DUDE UPDATE SOON..I AM REALLY REALLY CURIOUST ON WHAT HAPPENED TO YULSIC. Please don't give up on this story. This story is nowhere to complete. Plz plz plz plz update
Chapter 40: Please update new chapters! I love to read this, especially yoonhyun and yulsic..
Chapter 40: Omygawd!~ :D Who is Fuji Mina, and what is she going to do in this story?! :3 I'm guessing she's going to put up some spice in this fic~
Ooh and Sulli and the 'mystery girl'~ my guess should be right :D
I love TaeNy's relationship xD though they're kinda quarreling, I find them cute haha...
Yoona and Uee should really break up xD I said it a lot of times already, and I'm going to continue until they break up hahaha :P
Thanks for the update!!
Chapter 40: oh my gawd! pls make it yulsic.. whats happening to you two.. hard headed girls.. hahaha!

whats happening to mina also? why she don't want to be hurt again? hmm.. sorry work is all over me that I don't really focus on the story. kekeke! update fast my friend..

thanks a lot!
Chapter 40: c'mon why there's no yulsic >< lol
update soon
Chapter 40: busy with something UNIMPORTANT huh, conceited old man..
Urghh, there's no YulSic yet.. TaeNy's still on bad terms.. Like not really good yet..
Sulli's crush? Krystal? Ice and stuff, just like her sis..
Chapter 39: asdfghjkl what's up YulSic? U no want to end together? Aigoooo... xD
I saw a lil bit of YulTi up there huh? :3 hehehe~
YulSic needs time to talk and clear things out, in that way I may have my hope up again for them <3 :D

Thanks for the update! ^_^