Keep Holding On

Love to Hate You (discontinued)


Jiyeon walks downstairs and she spotted her cousin sitting on the stools having her breakfast.

“Morning Jiyeonnie”


“Do you want some coffee?”

“Yah, sure… thanks”

Taeyeon walk towards the coffee maker and pour a cup of coffee and handed it to the letter


“Uncle call this morning”


“He wants you to call him back”

“Yah sure”

After that there were complete silences.

“Hey… you wanna go out for a movie or something… or shopping in that case?”

Jiyeonie kinked an eyebrow “I know I practically don’t go out of my room that often but, you do have school today right?”

“Yah, so what?”

“Means that you have to go to school instead of skipping it”

“Nah… today is Jiyeon-Taeyeon day, so away with school”

“No, today is not Jiyeon-Taeyeon day, or any day when school day okay, beside since when do we have Jiyeon-Taeyeon day?”

“Since… I said so, what could possibly happen if once in a while I have a day off from school anyway?”

“Don’t say that, usually something bad happen when people said that, beside if you don’t go to school, you’ll get dumb… ”

Taeyeon chuckles, she is happy with Jiyeon back sassing feedback, she misses that a lot

“No, I’m not going to be dumb, since I’m smart enough to skip”

“You know what , I’m not going to argue with u, because it’s useless”

“So, shopping first or movie?”




Sooyoung spotted her new friend sitting alone during lunch

“Hey, where’s the other Blondie?”


“Uhuh… why is that?”

“She wants to spend time with her cousin”


“She’s very close to her cousin, like sisters kinda close. Anyway, where’s Sunny?”

“She’s having lunch with her friends”

“And you don’t hang out with her friends because…?”

 “Ever since they started knowing that I’m Sunny’s girlfriend, they keep bombarding me with lots of question and warnings… having lunch with the girls for the time being… is not an option”

“Anyway, wanna hang out after school, if you’re aren’t pre-occupied with Sunny”

“Yah sure, I didn’t plan anything with her today”


[Shopping Mall]


“One bag?? Like seriously Jiyeon… we’ve been walking for an hour, u only got one bag???”

Jiyeon scoffed “ Geez~ what do u expect, I’m not in the mood for shopping”

Suddenly “Fame” blaring from her pocket, Taeyeon fishes it out


While Taeyeon busy with her phone, Jiyeon decided to walk around. She passes to one familiar store.


Yeewon and her always came to the restaurant every time they came to Manhattan. Usually they have to drag Hyomin to come with them. Hyomin always hated the restaurant, she says the food . She knows it’s not because of that, hell the food has been renowned as one of the most sought after of all time. She hated it because there was one waiter trying to hit on Jiyeon every time they went there.

Then suddenly, one familiar girl stops in front of her






“So Foster… what are you doing this days?”

Eunjung chuckles “You are not going to stop calling me that aren’t you?”

“Nope” smiling “So?”

“Okay, okay… I opened up restaurant…”

“Like seriously?? Where?”

“You’re sitting in it”

“OrangeRange… is yours?”

Eunjung nodded “So how life takes you Miss. Park?”

“Nothing’s interesting about my life”

“How could that possible, you’re the Princess of Harbor High”

Jiyeon chuckles “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You know what I mean Jiyeon”

“Well, a few months ago… I was thinking of starting a line”

“And… what stops you?”











tHIS is the lousiest chapter ever ==" sorryyyyyyy

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cooljags #1
Chapter 40: DUDE UPDATE SOON..I AM REALLY REALLY CURIOUST ON WHAT HAPPENED TO YULSIC. Please don't give up on this story. This story is nowhere to complete. Plz plz plz plz update
cooljags #2
Chapter 40: DUDE UPDATE SOON..I AM REALLY REALLY CURIOUST ON WHAT HAPPENED TO YULSIC. Please don't give up on this story. This story is nowhere to complete. Plz plz plz plz update
Chapter 40: Please update new chapters! I love to read this, especially yoonhyun and yulsic..
Chapter 40: Omygawd!~ :D Who is Fuji Mina, and what is she going to do in this story?! :3 I'm guessing she's going to put up some spice in this fic~
Ooh and Sulli and the 'mystery girl'~ my guess should be right :D
I love TaeNy's relationship xD though they're kinda quarreling, I find them cute haha...
Yoona and Uee should really break up xD I said it a lot of times already, and I'm going to continue until they break up hahaha :P
Thanks for the update!!
Chapter 40: oh my gawd! pls make it yulsic.. whats happening to you two.. hard headed girls.. hahaha!

whats happening to mina also? why she don't want to be hurt again? hmm.. sorry work is all over me that I don't really focus on the story. kekeke! update fast my friend..

thanks a lot!
Chapter 40: c'mon why there's no yulsic >< lol
update soon
Chapter 40: busy with something UNIMPORTANT huh, conceited old man..
Urghh, there's no YulSic yet.. TaeNy's still on bad terms.. Like not really good yet..
Sulli's crush? Krystal? Ice and stuff, just like her sis..
Chapter 39: asdfghjkl what's up YulSic? U no want to end together? Aigoooo... xD
I saw a lil bit of YulTi up there huh? :3 hehehe~
YulSic needs time to talk and clear things out, in that way I may have my hope up again for them <3 :D

Thanks for the update! ^_^