Whoz That Girl?

Hey,Jonghun! I Love You!!!
The gorgeous boy sat down at one of the computers. And it just had to be opposite from HyunA. Soon,HyunA's attention was back to Twitter and Sooyoung was off in her fangirling world again. Suddenly,HyunA felt someone tap on her shoulder. "Excuse me,have we met before?" HyunA was frozen. It was that beautiful guy. She didn't know how long she was frozen until Sooyoung had to knudge her with her elbow. "Umm...I don't think so." HyunA replied. Sooyoung was shocked. HyunA had never stuttered talking to a guy before! "I know. Now we have. My name's Jonghun and I just wanted to let you know that you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." HyunA smiled a smile that was wider than usual. She liked guys like this. So outgoing and brave. "Thanks. Speaking in a poetic way you're the most beautiful guy I've ever seen." "Then I guess I'm lucky. To be commented by someone like you." "You know me." HyunA asked."Yeah.I just transferred here and I'm going to the same school as you. My friend told me a lot about you." "About me? Why?" HyunA asked hoping for the answer she was dying to hear. "Because I saw you at the mall the other day when I was out with my buddies. I asked who'se that girl? And they told me about you. Let's just say it was love at first sight." Jonghun said confidently without any regrets or nervousness,
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love high school fics ~
Omjh this is so adorable! I love Jonghoon!
Please guys..dont be silent readerz.. I wanna know if my story or not. It probably does xD
cute :D