All In The Past Now

Love Complication

Byunghun's/L.Joe's POV
Cap was actually scary when he's angry, but he didn't really explain why he was so mad at me touching Chunji's hair. Oh, Don't tell me he likes Chunji too. It's a small world, man. Niel and him liking the same guy and all. Was everyone here gay or something?

I struggled to follow Cap to our dorm room, his legs were longer than mine so it took him less strides to get there, while it took me 10 times as much. When I made it to the door, I stared at the taller guy in front of me. He was probably ready to explode on me right about now. "Cap . . . Sorry, I . . ." My voice trailed off as I gathered my things, "I didn't know that you liked Chunji." I didn't look at him in his eyes anymore, it was all to embarrassing to say. I mean, he was probably embarrassed too right?

Nope. Instead, the old guy started choking on air at my assumption, "I don't like Chanhee."

Before he could give me an explanation to why he blew up in the lunchroom, the bell had already sounded. "Get to class, and don't be late," he said as he started walking back towards the school.

I threw my bags in the room carelessly and locked the door. I fished the map out of my pocket and examined it carefully, making my way to class. I had already missed the first lessons, and I don't think I can miss the next ones without failing.

Niel's POV
"I'm so full from lunch!" I let out as I made it to the door of the classroom along with Channie. I took a peek inside and to my surprise, Byunghun wasn't in there. I felt relieved, but it quickly faded when I saw a glimpse of gold at the corner of my eye coming closer in the hall. It was Byunghun, but he completely passed us and the classroom, his head buried in the map of the school. This kid...

I quickly pulled Channie into the classroom, hoping he didn't notice Byunghun. "We're here, Andy-hyung! Right on time too!" I shot a smile at the teacher and grabbed my seat.

"Where's Byunghun?" Andy-hyung eyed us, "You two were supposed to be in charge of him! One of you, go get him. Chanhee, since you're more responsible and this is just a review session for now. Daniel still needs to bring up his grades, go find him.. NOW." He emphasized the last word and that meant that he was serious. Dead serious.

I felt deeply disappointed. I wanted Channie to stay away from Byunghun, not get more time with him!!

Before I could say anything, Channie already nodded and jolted out the classroom.

During the time when Channie was out looking for Byunghun, I kept shooting up random excuses as Andy-hyung was teaching us something I didn't know about. The excuses ranged from needing to go to the bathroom and getting a text from my Oma telling me that my dog died. But I didn't own a dog, I just thought that maybe he'd buy it. And I knew that if I kept pestering him about leaving the classroom, maybe he'd actually let me go. I was interrupting class everso often anyway. So why not? I wasn't just going to sit here and let Channie and Byunghun make out in the boy's bathroom while I was stuck in this jail house.

It seemed like hours until Andy-hyung finally broke, "Why is it so important that you have to go with Chanhee?" He responded, but not in the best tone. "Let me make a deal, if you can answer this problem on the board, I'll let you go help Chanhee, if you don't, you stay here and be quiet for rest of class."

I groaned when I heard what Andy-hyung said. He knew I wasn't good with problems, in fact, everyone knew that. But I casually caught a glimpse of someone's answers and memorized every bit of it as I made my way to the front. I smiled at myself in victory. I knew this was gonna be easy. "Sure, hyung!" I said as stood in front of the board staring at the problem. A few seconds passed by as I pretended to not know what I was doing, then I scribbled the exact same thing the other kid had on their paper. I just hope I looked at the right problem.

Andy-hyung stared at the board for a long, long time. I think he was making sure if I got it right, checking it like 100 times. Finally, He let out a long sigh and handed me the hall pass, "Don't be out for too long..."


"Thank you, Hyung~" I sang as I skipped out of the classroom. Channie, you better not have gone far and you better not be with Byunghun either!

Chanhee's/Chunji's POV
I knew drinking all that water wasn't going to be any good. I skimmed through the hallways hoping to have struck gold again. No luck and my bladder wasn't going to handle this with all the running around. I ran into the closest bathroom and luckily I found it empty. I really hate it when people are around when I'm doing my business. It was just uncomfortable having eyes roaming around in that area. Who knows who's vision will land on what. I tried to hurry to find Byunghun but a guy can only pee so fast. Aish why did I have to drink all that water?

After a few seconds, I heard someone coming into the restroom so I quickly zipped up, then suddenly I heard a sigh and I turned around putting my arms in the air as a sign of surrender. "PLEASE DON'T BEAT ME UP!! I DON'T HAVE MONEY-" I was cut off from my surrender scream that I learned from Niel and quickly skipped up to the sink as soon as I recognized the figure. "YAH! BYUNGHUN!!" I exclaimed while washing my hands.

Byunghun looked over at me as he setted himself on the sink, "What? Did you think I was going to beat you up?" The golden-haired boy asked after he gave a chuckle.

Sweeping some napkins off the counter, I dried my hands then faced him and rubbed the back of my head to hide my embarrassment. Maybe he could beat me up. Who knows what you learn from the States. I watched too many movies where many heartless American teenagers were dangerous. But I knew from looking at the golden-haired angel, that he wasn't like that.

"Don't worry," He gave a small laugh as he patted my shoulder. "That's the last thing I would do to you."

I was about to say something, but then remembered my mission from Andy-hyung."Are you lost again?" I teased as I looked straight at him. When he was sitting on the sink, our eye contact came in close height. It was weird not looking down at him.

He shifted awkwardly in the sink, "Ah, you could tell?" He asked as he waved the map in the air.

I slightly laughed and took the map from his hands. "Get down so I can teach you this map properly so I don't have to do a Byunghun patrol for the third time," I moved a step back to let Byunghun have a spot to stand once he gets on his feet. I never seen anyone sit on the sink here before. Maybe it was just a Byunghun thing. Who knows?

"Hah, but don't you like going on Byunghun patrol?" Byunghun joked as he carefully jumped down from the sink.

"You must be crazy if you think I like running around the school like a maniac. I'm losing my image because of you," I played along, slightly slapping him on the arm. I moved the map over closer to him for a better view and pointed out the things I've learned from being in incidents myself. I could never have found my way around the school until I used one whole day to give myself a tour.


Byunghun/L.joe's POV

We were heading back toward the classroom when the bell went off and everyone scrambled out into the hallways. I stared at the students passing by, filling up the hall. I didn't even get to go to class at all today. At least I still had my backpack with me. I looked over at Chunji's empty hands. "Want me to get your stuff for you? I need to get to the classroom by myself for once anyway."

"REALLY!!?" Chunji's face lit up when he answered, "Do you want me to wait for you here?"

"Sure." I said as I began walking off, "I won't take too long!" I skimmed the map a little before fully making it to the classroom.

I took a peek inside and saw the teacher still in there. "Sorry for not showing up to class today." I gave a low bow and then quickly went over to the only desk that had papers scattered all over it. The teacher questioned me on why Chunji wasn't the one getting his things and about some other stuff too. After I finished gathering all of Chunji's things, I turned my attention to the teacher once again. "Hm? Oh, I offered to pick up his things so I could get used to getting here. I got lost after lunch again." I explained, hoping he wouldn't get any weird ideas. "See you tomorrow." I bowed again and paced out of the doorway.

I returned to the hall that Chunji was waiting at and called out to him, "Chunji. Here's your things." He was talking to a girl that I didn't recognize. Well I didn't recognize anyone in this school. She walked off when Chunji's attention turned over to me.

"Ah, Thanks, Byunghun." He grabbed his backpack from me. "Let's go back to the dorms now."

I nodded and stared at the girl who he was just talking to. "Girlfriend?" I asked as we began walking down the hall. It's not that it bothered me, no way. I kinda expected this from Chunji, I mean, there's no way that he wouldn't have girls all over him.

"Hm?" Chunji tilted his head to the side at my assumption."Oh! Her! No, she's in our class. She likes to talk to me now and then but it's mainly about school work. I skipped class today so it seems like I got some free notes," He showed off the notes the girl gave him.

I felt kind of relieved at his answer because I really definitely didn't expect it. He seems like the type of guy who can get a girlfriend every week.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" He asked as he slipped the notes into his backpack.

"Me? You think I can get a girlfriend when I just moved here a few days ago?"

"I meant during the time in America!" He laughed and added, "You never had one?"

I shook my head. "Never. What about you?" I asked as curiousity swept over me. I could only imagine a girl that was extremely good looking, like one of those girls that are in those pop groups, to be his girlfriend. He didn't look like he'd go for anything less than that.

"One. It was back in middle school and it was one of those hormone moments, ya know?" Chunji stared straight ahead and continued, "She was really just there for having a girlfriend."

I stared at him in disbelief for a few seconds, still taking his answer in. "You mean you just wanted to try it, right?" I asked as I averted my eyes to the ceiling.

"Basically. But it ended terribly." He gave out a nervous laugh before we made it to the dorm. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"But it's all in the past now." I smiled warmly at Chunji and rummaged through my backpack for my keys. "Yeah, see you tomorrow." I added as I turned my back to him and slipped the key into the lock to unlock it. Once I opened the door, I quietly walked inside, throwing my bags off of the floor and onto the empty bed that I assumed to be mine. 

Niel's POV

Looking for Channie and Byunghun was hopeless so I gave in after the bell had rung. I dragged myself back to my room and sunk into my bed. I could only imagine how close Byunghun and Channie have gotten... Well, not really. They just met and they couldn't have bonded that much in so little time. I wonder what Byunghun thinks of Channie...

I stared at the ceiling until my eyes closed and my head shut down.


"AHH!!" I screamed when something body slammed me in my sleep, and I tore my eyes open to find Channie's face next to mine. My face started to burn. "WHAT'RE YOU DOING?!!" I started flinging my arms and legs everywhere as an attempt to throw him off.

"It's what you get for doing it to me every morning!!!" Channie gave a heartful laugh and got off of me.

"Y-yah! I wake you up that way because you never wake up to just a call or a soft shake! And you should be grateful I even wake you up at all!" I pouted as he leaned closer to move some strands of hair out of my face. I immediately blushed, and I was too flustered to say anything, all I did was stare at him in his eyes. Maybe he'll notice the way I'm acting.

"I know. I know. Thank you Nielly." He pulled away from me and wandered over to his desk to put on his regular music to study to.

I did a facepalm. He really is oblivious... "Yah, Channie..." I called out over the music he was engulfed in, "I'm gonna go make our lunches for tomorrow, okay?" I glided over to him and messed up his hair with my hand. That's what you get for not seeing through me. I smacked his head afterwards. And that's what you get for not liking me back.

"YAH NIEL!! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" was all I heard before I slipped into the kitchen.

Chunji/Chanhee's POV

"YAH!! CHANHEE-HYUNG!! I NEED YOUUUUUUUUUUUU~!"A muffled voice broke through our door.

Geez, I wonder who that could be. I stood up from my desk and opened the door. "What is it, Changhyun?"

"Jonghyun and I need help with some school work! Can you help us out, hyung? Please?!" Changhyun clung onto my arm and jumped up and down over and over.

Changhyun knows that it's hard for me to say no when it's something about studying. "Okay fine," I agreed and grabbed a few textbooks I've kept from last year. I turned my music off and headed towards the door. "Niel, I'll be next door. If you need anything. Bang on the wall. Be careful!" I cried out before closing the door.

L.Joe/Byunghun's POV

I wandered over to the kitchen where Cap was eating some ramyeon. No surprise there. The whole room was filtered in that stench. I took a seat next to him.

"Where've you been?" The old guy questioned when he glanced up at me. "On a date?"

I gave a confused look to the older boy, "Huh? Who would I be on a date with?" I asked, looking around the room that I'd be living in for the next few years.

"With Chanhee. Weren't you two walking together here? Oh, and want some ramyeon?"

I stood in silence trying to figure out if I should accept Cap's offer about the ramyeon. My eyes stared at his figure and I approved of it. "Sure, if that's what you eat and we were just walking together. Who the hell calls that a date?" I said as I got up from my chair. Getting tall wasn't going to be easy, that's for sure. I really need to follow this guy on his eating habits. "Oh and lunch for tomorrow... Can you make me the same thing you're having?" I asked, glancing back at the taller boy as I tore grabbed a package with the ramyeon inside.

Cap was silent for a while before answering, "Sure, I'll make two ham sandwiches tomorrow."

I tore open the package and spilled the dry noodles into a bowl. Cap was boiling water for me at the stove. "Thanks." I took my seat again and Cap poured the hot water into the bowl. I watched the noodles drown in it. "So how's everyone? You know, before I came here. Is everything the same?" I asked, trying to spring up another conversation.

"Pretty much everyone has been the same," He said as he settled in his chair. "Chanhee's been acting weird though. You probably know it as much as I do."

I slurped up some noodles before replying. "How would I know how Chunji usually acts? I just met him today." I asked between chews, sinking my chopsticks back into the noodles. "He did stutter a bit the first time I met him, but that's natural, right?" I stared down at my noodles, glaring at them for not telling me how spicy they were gonna be. My legs sprung up as I searched the kitchen for water.

"Only when he's nervous," He got up again and took out a bottled water from the fridge. "Here you go." He said as he handed me the bottle.

"Great. That solves my Chunji problem." I said sarcastically as I gripped the bottle and sat back down. I never really had a problem with Chunji to begin with. "But what about Niel? He hated my guts before I even met him." I remarked remembering when Niel was freaking out when we had just met. I unscrewed the cap off of the bottle and let the water sink into my mouth.

"What about my- I mean Daniel?" Cap stuttered, but quickly regained his cool. "He takes a while to open to new people,"

I stared at the taller boy next to me for a long time and then bursted out laughing. "Were you about to call Niel your's?" I questioned as I rested my hand on his shoulder, trying to get under control. If I'm right, I mistook his crush the first time around. He wasn't interested in Chunji. He was interested in the guy who liked Chunji.

"W-what? N-no way!" Cap pushed my hand away and a flush of pink swept over his face. He was definitely lying.

I gave out another laugh as I played with the noodles swimming inside of the bowl. "No need to get all flustered." I said as I started eating again. He already revealed the secret on his own with that nervousness of his. I mean, he said it himself, stuttering means that you're nervous. "I won't tell anybody." I set my empty bowl into the sink and made my way out of the kitchen. I'm learning a lot about everyone today.

"You better not tell anyone, especially Chanhee and Daniel," Cap threatened and he followed me out of the kitchen as I took out my phone and started messing with it. "You don't care about our uality? I thought Americans are disgusted."

I glanced up at Cap from my phone. "Does it look like we're in America? I'm just trying to adapt here, and if this is how it's like here then I'll have to live with it." I said as I returned my attention to my phone, checking for messages. "As long as you're not all over me, I'm fine."

- - - -

EDIT; A/N : It was supposed to be longer, but I cut it down because I thought it was too much to read in a day. @_@ So the 2nd part is moved to chapter 3. > <

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Oi. So q.
@lovekdramakpopmanga; I wouldn't call it cheating. xD He just thinks he did. You'll soon find out though! *_*

@ILoveYou_Forever; Aww. Don't worry, Hyuna has a boyfriend! And there's no HyunaxL.Joe so it'll be okay! ;_;
ILoveYou_Forever #3
Awwwwwwwwww~~~~~~~~~ ChunJoe is sleeping together, on ByungHun's bed~~~~~~~~~~ Awwwww~~~~~ And the part where ByungHun running to find Channie is just so sweet and cute too~~~~~~~~ They look like a couple already~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh and little Channie is right!~ He should learn some cooking from Niel and cook for his husband~~~
Anyway, excited for the next update~~~ Little Channie is gonna be sad when he knows that ByungHun likes HyunAh..... T_T I don't want to....
JaeJayBaby_3 #4
Yay! Looking forward to the next chappie. ^_____^
ILoveYou_Forever #5
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~~~~~~ So sweet~~~ And the fanart is so cute too~~~~~ Flustered little Channie is so so so so so so so so cute~~~~ He has fallen for Hunnie already~~ I hope Hunnie will take care of him well~~~ After all, he needs to take good care of his little cute wifey~~~ And jealous Niel and MinSoo are both so cute too~~~~~~~~
I adore the part where Channie talked to his stomach~~ Just too cute! Update soon! I'm excited~
I freaking love your fanart and fanfic!!!!!~~~ but why make l.joe like hyuna???! Sobs chunji will be so heartbroken T.T
--chunsa #7

But I just realized something....
I am subscribed to like all your stories...
And I comment on them... A lot. OwO
Sorry it's just that your such a good writer T^T
I''m not a creep... I don't refresh your page every 10 seconds to look for an update..
I just search Chunjoe fics and you come up, I swearrrr. ; - ;
@Kakurine039; Thank you! ^^
@Abbey; Lol, but Niel likes Chunji! xD And Cap didn't want Niel to be all sad. ; 3 ; No worries though, L.Joe will get his fair share of touching Chunji! XD