The Truth in Me

Love Complication

AN; Underlined words is meant to be spoken in english. *_*

Niel's/Daniel's POV
I awoke from my peaceful slumber, sitting up as I attempted to shut up the alarm clock until I realized it wasn't even sounding. I must've forgottem to turn it on yesterday... Oh well. At least I woke up on time. I guess I passed out after Channie left to tutor Changhyun and Jonghyun. My legs walked over to Channie's bed and put my hand out to nothing.

"Channie?" He wasn't on his bed.

"CHANNIE?!!" My eyes grew wider now and I was running around the room, freaking out man. "CHANNIE!! WHERE ARE YOU?!! AHHH!!" I screamed as I trudged out of my room, knocking on both of the Maknaes' and Minsoo-hyung's doors. "GUYS!! CHANNIE'S MISSING AND I'M GOING CRAZY!!!"

Minsoo-hyung's door opened first and greeted me with a grumpy Byunghun, "What?" he shot out, looking annoyed as ever.

I totally forgot that Byunghun moved in with Minsoo. If I'd known that, I would've seriously reconsidered knocking on his door.

"Channie's not in his room!!" I answered loudly, almost in a shrieking voice. My eyes searched the area around us, expecting Channie to just pop out from the corner and say 'I got you!', but I knew that was not the case. Not until my eyes landed on a boy sleeping on a bed in Byunghun and Minsoo-hyung's room...
"CHANNIE!!" I exclaimed as I nearly ran Byunghun over to get to him. I shook the red haired boy furiously. "Wake up!!"

"WHAT?!" Channie finally yelled after lifting his head up, but he took a few seconds to look around the room, "Niel..." His gaze landed on me and his eyebrows immediately wrinkled together, "YOU BASTARD!!" He slapped me across the arm before I dragged him out of Minsoo-hyung's room with no further questions.

"Yah! Beat me up later! School's gonna start soon!!" I screamed as we entered our room again. He had clothes on that I didn't recognize to be his. Were they Minsoo-hyung's? Or Byunghun's? I shook the thought out of my head as I ran for the bathroom, not wanting to be late to school.

CAP's/Minsoo's POV
After waking up, my mind kept drifting back to last night's events. I remember being in the shower when the new kid started pounding on the door for something and when I walked out of the bathroom, Chanhee and Byunghun were gone. Chanhee's textbooks were scattered on the floor and the door was open. Why? Well I don't know. Something must've happened though. I remember going outside and hearing two different voices yelling out two different names. Are you freaking serious? I ran to the closest one I could get to and that happened to be Chanhee. I didn't approach him though. Then, this is the weird part. Chanhee started walking towards Byunghun and then... Byunghun just got on top of Chanhee! Talk about him not being gay. After witnessing that, I returned to the dorm before them. Who knows what their relationship is?

I mindlessly got ready for school and watched Byunghun walk out of the bathroom with stylish clothing. I wonder what's the occasion? Oh yeah, school. That's something to dress up for.

Chanhee's/Chunji's POV
-School time-
After finally getting to school, I took my normal seat in the classroom and patted the desk next to mine for Byunghun to take. He did as I said without any questions. It was still pretty early and I still got to remind myself to beat up Niel for falling asleep on me.

After the tardy bell rang, everyone was literally surrounding Byunghun, like there was no privacy bubble. I think someone's was touching me. Aish, even South Korean teenagers forget their manners. The same question I kept hearing over and over was, "Who are you?" "Are you an exchange student?"

I shoved a few people in my way to get inside of the circle that everyone created. "YAH, HE'S MY BOYFRIEND, KAY?" I yelled out playfully. Everyone was silent for a while and wide-eyed as if they believed me. I quickly let out a laugh to break the awkward silence, "You guys actually believed that? C'mon, how long have you guys really known me for?"

After that, everyone started to laugh along with me and lightly shoved me while I continued to laugh at their gullibleness. "Aish, you really got us, Chanhee-oppa," some girls called out before getting to their seats. I sat back down feeling an accomplishment on giving Byunghun some space.

Speaking of Byunghun, he looked awfully surprised after the outburst I created, and I'm not sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. But before I could even think about it, Andy-hyung's voice pierced through the chatter and caused everyone to grow silent.

"Everyone, I think you all noticed we have a new student here, and his name is Byunghun. He recently came from America so go easy on the fellow." Andy-hyung introduced as he made a gesture to the boy next to me, "Would you like to say some words, Byunghun?"

I watched Byunghun's cheeks redden from the sudden attention that he received from everyone including myself and I couldn't help but find my angel's nervousness really cute. "Ah... it's nice to meet all of you." He spoke fluently as he bowed his head a little.

I was probably impressed like everyone else. Even the students with the best English grade in our class couldn't say that properly. It's not like we didn't know how, but we have that heavy accent with us. I think I was smiling with my mouth open due to the impression of Byunghun's coolness.

"That's great, Byunghun. You gotta teach some of the students your tricks to losing their accent," Andy-hyung joked before turning his attention to the blackboard to write down our lesson for the day.

L.Joe's/Byunghun's POV
I leaned forward in my chair, getting ready to take notes when a voice had interrupted the teacher's plans, "Andy-oppa!"

I glanced at the door to see an older looking woman, who was probably in her 20's, walk in the classroom casually. "Ah!" The teacher stopped in the middle of his lesson and gave his full attention to the woman, "What brings you here Siyeon? I haven't seen you in forever."

At that point, I started to lose interest in whatever her connection to the teacher was. They seemed to be chatting away for a long time, until the woman's eyes started roaming around the room before landing right on the boy next to me.

"Chanhee?" The older woman asked once she got a closer look at Chunji's face, "It's been awhile."

Chunji seemed to jump in his seat a little with a shocked, yet nervous expression on his face. "Ah, Siyeon-noona... H-hi. It has been, hasn't it?" He replied in an uneasy tone.

My gaze wandered from Chunji, who looked nervous as hell, to the older woman in front of him, and then back at Chunji. The lady was pretty, and she looked just like Chunji's type. No way... was this his ex girlfriend? That's why he's all nervous around her, right? I mean, It ended badly between them, and it looked like Chunji really didn't want to talk to her... but why the hell is she calling him out? Is she trying to make him feel even worse?

I almost sprung up from my seat, ready to yell 'Get out!' at her, but I didn't. It wasn't any of my business to begin with. I just couldn't take my eyes off of Chunji.

My thoughts began to drift off, giving little attention to what Chunji and the older woman were talking about, instead I was wondering about the relationship the two had, but I stopped myself from thinking about it any further when the older woman gave Chunji a small sheet of paper that had numbers written on it. I'm guessing it's a phone number. Her phone number. She wants him to call her. After that, she bowed to the class and made her way out.

Finally, it was about time she left. I glanced over at Chunji, wondering if he was okay. He still had a nervous expression, so it was hard to tell if it was because he still liked her or because he wasn't unsure if he wanted to talk to her again. I don't know Chunji well enough to choose an answer that best fitted him. Hell, I barely even know Chunji at all. But I knew that what she did wasn't a good sign. He shouldn't even talk to her if he didn't want to. No one was forcing him to. Even if she came all the way here to talk to him, then so be it. Leave her hanging.

After a while, I realized I was over thinking this, and was staring at Chunji way too long also. Maybe I was concerned about this after all, even if it was none of my business.

Niel's/Daniel's POV
I could already tell things weren't going so well. Channie was actually bothered by something, and he was usually laid back. Byunghun on the other hand, looked like he was ready to commit a crime under the name of murder. And that couldn't be good. The lunch bell interrupted my thoughts and I quickly sprung up from my chair, "Channie!! Lunch!! Let's go!!!!!" I yelled, grabbing his arm and pulling him out of the classroom. He seemed fazed by the whole noona-lady thing. I didn't want to question it though since I think I already know who she is.

"I got Kimbap~" I sang as I slid into a chair at the lunch room. I happily snatched out Channie's lunch also and handed it to the distracted boy. I realized that something was missing as I searched the lunchroom. What was it? My eyes looked around some more before landing on the empty seat next to Channie. Oh. That's it. I forgot Byunghun in the classroom.

I wasn't the only one who realized that though, Channie had already stood up from his seat the moment I handed him his lunch, "Byunghun?!" He yelled before jolting out of the lunch room. He could've at least said bye.

Chanhee's/Chunji's POV
"Byunghun!!" I slammed the classroom door open, searching the room frantically for a sign of gold hair and luckily, I found him still sitting in his desk. I panted, trying to catch my breath, "You okay?" I touched his back while leaning towards him to get a better look.

Byunghun seemed to have been startled by me and he quickly turned his head to face me. I think he was lost in thought or something. It sure seemed like it. Maybe he was thinking of Siyeon-noona. He was staring intensely at us before anyway, so it makes sense.

"Oh, Chanhee." He stared at me straight in my eyes with a worried expression on his face as he got out of his desk, "You okay? You looked really nervous back there."

"I'm fine. I was just in a shocked phase seeing her again," I explained with my usual head rubbing to indicate my nervousness of the subject. I wonder why he's bringing it up right now. Maybe he really was thinking  hard about it. He did forget it was lunch time after all.

I slowly picked up the stationary with Siyeon-noona's number from my desk and took out my phone to save her number, just in case if I needed it for something. You never know. But before I could even input the first number, Byunghun had snatched the sheet of paper out of my hand as if it were a bomb.

"What are you doing?!" He yelled, kind of loudly too. He was staring intensely at me, like I was commiting a crime or something. This is the first time he's ever reacted that way with me. Did Byunghun want Siyeon-noona's number?

"What do you mean, what am I doing?" I asked with a surprised look. "I'm just saving her number just in case," I explained myself, although I don't see why I need to explain anything. It was pretty obvious. "Geez, Byunghun, if you wanted her number, you could've just asked," I joked while nudging him with my elbow.

Byunghun stared at me in disbelief, "What do you mean what am I doing? I'm trying to help you. Why would you want to save your ex-girlfriend's number? Do you still have feelings for her or something?." He shot out as he tightened his grip on the sheet of paper.

My vision was focused on Byunghun for a few seconds; did he just say that... Siyeon-noona was my ex-girlfriend? I let out a giant laugh while putting my hands on his shoulders to catch my breath. "That's not my ex-girlfriend..." I paused, "Did you really think I was that cool to actually get a noona!?" I chuckled as my eyes met his, showing sincere. "Now will you give me that little sheet back?" I tried to reach for it, but he quickly moved it away.

"Yah, If she's not your ex-girlfriend, then who was she?!" Byunghun yelled, demanding answers from me, but there's no way I'd tell him anything about her or my ex-girlfriend.

I sighed after attempting to grab the sheet from him, but failing every time, "Just a noona, why do you care so much anyways?"

My angel's eyes averted to the tiles on the floor and he looked uncertain of how to answer. If he was going to answer at all. "Aish, nevermind then." He finally let out as he began to move passed me to get out of the door.

"Yah, my note!" I grabbed his arm to stop him from moving any further. What's with him? When did he get so interested in my personal life? "I cheated on my ex-girlfriend with her, OKAY?!" I lost control of my voice and it spoke on its own.

There was a long silence between us. He slowly turned his head to face me before shifting his gaze to the floor again. Byunghun opened his mouth slightly, looking as if he was about to say something, but nothing came out. He seemed stunned, yet guilty at the same time. Not a reaction that I had hoped for. The golden-haired boy held out the crumpled note to me, "H-here..." He choked out, still not giving me any eye contact.

I looked at the note then at him, "Aish, you don't have to give me that face, like I'm some sort of bad guy," I said while taking the stationary. I just told him one of the worst things I've done in my whole entire life and with his facial expression plus his reaction didn't make me feel any better about it. I know what I did was horrible, okay?

I quickly grabbed the note out of his hand and walked out of the room with what felt like a broken heart.

A/N : Sorry for not updating for awhile. ;_;! I'm working on a manga of a fanfiction called Taming The Tiger. *_* Heard of it, yes? If you'd like to see how much I got so far, feel free to visit <3

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Oi. So q.
@lovekdramakpopmanga; I wouldn't call it cheating. xD He just thinks he did. You'll soon find out though! *_*

@ILoveYou_Forever; Aww. Don't worry, Hyuna has a boyfriend! And there's no HyunaxL.Joe so it'll be okay! ;_;
ILoveYou_Forever #3
Awwwwwwwwww~~~~~~~~~ ChunJoe is sleeping together, on ByungHun's bed~~~~~~~~~~ Awwwww~~~~~ And the part where ByungHun running to find Channie is just so sweet and cute too~~~~~~~~ They look like a couple already~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh and little Channie is right!~ He should learn some cooking from Niel and cook for his husband~~~
Anyway, excited for the next update~~~ Little Channie is gonna be sad when he knows that ByungHun likes HyunAh..... T_T I don't want to....
JaeJayBaby_3 #4
Yay! Looking forward to the next chappie. ^_____^
ILoveYou_Forever #5
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~~~~~~ So sweet~~~ And the fanart is so cute too~~~~~ Flustered little Channie is so so so so so so so so cute~~~~ He has fallen for Hunnie already~~ I hope Hunnie will take care of him well~~~ After all, he needs to take good care of his little cute wifey~~~ And jealous Niel and MinSoo are both so cute too~~~~~~~~
I adore the part where Channie talked to his stomach~~ Just too cute! Update soon! I'm excited~
I freaking love your fanart and fanfic!!!!!~~~ but why make l.joe like hyuna???! Sobs chunji will be so heartbroken T.T
--chunsa #7

But I just realized something....
I am subscribed to like all your stories...
And I comment on them... A lot. OwO
Sorry it's just that your such a good writer T^T
I''m not a creep... I don't refresh your page every 10 seconds to look for an update..
I just search Chunjoe fics and you come up, I swearrrr. ; - ;
@Kakurine039; Thank you! ^^
@Abbey; Lol, but Niel likes Chunji! xD And Cap didn't want Niel to be all sad. ; 3 ; No worries though, L.Joe will get his fair share of touching Chunji! XD