
Love Complication

Chunji/Chanhee's POV

I taught Changhyun the materials he needed to learn for his class and checked over Jonghyun's work. It was perfect like always. I don't think Jonghyun even needed my help with studying. Changhyun on the other hand, needed all the help he could get.

I stood up and waved at my dongsaengs. "Hey guys, I'm going to go shower. If you need anything, just call me okay?" They both nodded, still concentrated fully into the homework they received.

I headed back to my dorm room, accomplishment filled me. Changhyn was really hard to explain to sometimes. I searched around my belt and noticed I didn't have my keys. Locked out. Good job Chunji. I gave the door a soft knock. "YAH NIEL, LEMME IN WOULD YA?" I yelled. No response. I made more attempts to get Niel to open the door, but it was no use. Aish, what's he doing at this time of day!? SLEEPING? I glanced at the nearby clock. 7 P.M. I really needed to shower... "NIIIELLLL!!" I yelled one last time before giving up. Maybe I should head to one of the other guy's room to have a place to stay tonight. I couldn't possibly go back into the dongsaeng's room. They looked way too comfortable together. I thought about Minsoo-hyung's room but I then remembered his rude act towards me. I sat down in front of the door thinking of the best outcome to this situation.

I was about to fall asleep when I heard a door creak open and a familiar voice, "Chunji?"

I lifted my head and noticed it was Byunghun. Thank God it wasn't some weirdo. "H-hey," I said giving a wave before standing up. "What's up? Where's Minsoo-hyung?"

"He got ran over by a truck earlier. He's in the hospital now." He replied as he cracked open the door a little bit more. "What are you doing out here?"

"What!? Is he okay!?" I exclaimed going towards Byunghun. "I-I got locked out. But that's not important! Which hospital!?" I furiously looked around. If I knew which hospital I probably would have ran to it by now. Why didn't I hear of this incident?! OR THE OTHERS? Suddenly I heard water splashes from their shower. "Aish," I pushed the shorter boy in embarrassment.

A chuckle escaped Byunghun's mouth, "You got locked out? Do you wanna come inside our room instead? Don't want you getting kidnapped out here now." 

I gave his offer some thought before nodding to enter in the room. Maybe I wouldn't be kidnapped but I would probably be mauled by girls. My conceited side thought up the idea and we both agree that I don't want to be in that position. I glanced around and my nose wrinkled from the stench of ramyeon. I forgot... That's what Minsoo-hyung eats most of the time. This isn't going to feed the shorter boy behind me. Maybe I should ask for cooking lessons from Niel. Yeah, I'll ask before I kill him for locking me out.

"Did you shower yet?" Byunghun asked as he plopped down into his bed.

"Not yet, I don't have any spare clothes with me at the time or a towel, but it's fine, I'll shower once I can get into my room," I gave a little grin and leaned my back on the wall letting the textbooks get supported on me. Why I brung this much textbooks to the dongsaengs was way beyond me. I wanted to leave, but I had no where to go, instead I just looked around to find anything to distract me from Byunghun's pretty face. Darn Minsoo-hyung, why do you have to be so boring? I gave up and flipped open the cover of the top textbook and started my reading.

"How do you know if Niel's gonna open the door before tomorrow? You can always borrow some of my clothes and my towel. You can probably fit into them." Byunghun suggested as he rummaged through one of his bags. 

My face felt heated at the idea. "N-no, that's fine," I choked as I continued having my eyes to the textbook even though I'm not really reading it. Aish, why am I like this? I don't like the guy right? Why am I getting all worked up over anyways? I quickly slapped myself across the head, harder than I expected to. "OW! AISH, WHY DID YOU BETRAY ME, HAND?" I glared at it. The textbooks were all over the floor by now and I was on my knees picking them up. Why did I lose my cool whenever it came to this guy? I'M CHUNJI!! ONE OF THE PICKED GUYS FOR MOST WANTED MAN FOR LADIES IN THE SCHOOL.

"What the-" Byunghun went over to me and bent over to help mE pick up my books. After we stacked the textbooks neatly, he handed me a T-shirt and spare pj bottoms. "Here, take a shower after Cap's done. Got it? I'll go tell him to hurry up right now." I felt Byunghun's hand rub the side of my head where I hit myself. "Don't hurt yourself."

I held onto the clothes that belonged to the golden hair boy as he wandered off to get Minsoo-hyung. Aish I'm gonna go crazy if I stay here. And I thought I was the sane one. I rubbed my head where I hit myself. Why did I do that again? I'm beginning to become mysterious to myself. The image of Byunghun struck me where he also rubbed this same spot. No, I really need to go before.... I might really become gay. I folded Byunghun's clothes back on his bed and headed out without knowing where to turn.

L.Joe/Byunghun's POV

"Yah, Cap! Hurry it up in there!" I yelled, pounding on the bathroom door. I stood still for awhile, then returned to Chunji. Except he wasn't there. I searched the room for him, my clothes were on my bed, and his textbooks were still in the room, but the boy was missing. "Oh my god." My eyes widened when I couldn't find him in the room, "I lost him." I stared at the door. Did someone just break in and snatch him while I wasn't looking? "Aish!" I scrambled out of the door, knocking down a few of his textbooks, but it didn't really matter, "Chunji!!" I called out as I ran further outside with no clue to where the heck I was going.

My legs grew weak after running around frantically like a maniac. I probably looked like one too. Not sure where I was now though. There was just grass everywhere. More and more grass after that. A few trees stretched into the distance, but that's all I could make up from the shadows the surrounded me. "Chunji!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs again. There was a kidnapper out there and I wasn't going to let him win. My legs started to move again, sprinting faster. "Chunji!! Say something!!"

It seemed like forever until I finally heard a response. "Byunghun?!" I halted in my tracks at the faint voice calling back to me.

"CHUNJI?!" I called out, trying to follow to where the voice was. It came again and I jolted over to the direction it came from. I could see a few lights that laid ahead. "Chunji?! Are you here?" I shouted as I examined the area carefully, trying to find a hint of red anywhere among the darkness. It was still too dark for me to be able to make out anything though. "Yah! Chunji!!"

"YAH BYUNGHUN!!" The voice was louder now.

"Chunji!" I sprinted toward the voice, which was clearer now, and I could tell it was Chunji's. I couldn't really see around these parts though. I kept my pace in the same direction, just then, I bumped into something, no, more like someone, and toppled over, landing on top of them. "Chunji...?" I uttered as I looked who I fell upon, which happened to be just the person I was searching for. "Ah, Chunji."

"You alright, Byunghun-JGEOWIJEGANGAAEK." He quickly slipped out from underneath me and sat up. "B-byunghun-ah, you okay?"

I slowly sat up from the hard collision, it'd be a lot easier if the school had planted a few lights here and there. "Aish.. Chunji..." I muttered as I stretched my legs out in front of me. "You got me worried sick! I thought some kidnapper grabbed you when I wasn't looking!" I scolded the older boy, not realizing how tired I was. I don't think I could walk anymore. Might as well sign up for being handicapped right now since my legs were all worn out.

"Ah, Sorry.. You didn't have to go through all that trouble... Want me to help you back to the room?"

"No... It's fine, okay? Just don't do it again. I'm still getting used to South Korea." I explained between uneven breaths. "In America, kidnapping could happen anytime, anywhere. But I'm glad you're not hurt." I felt like I just ran a marathon twice. I nodded at his offer, but then remembered he probably couldn't see anything. "Yeah... That'd be nice." I said as I slowly got up, still not knowing where we were.

"Tsk, now you know how I felt during the Byunghun patrol twice," Chunji said under his breath and helped me up with his arm around my waist.

"Ah yeah, thanks though." I said weakly. I really should exercise more often, maybe that's why my legs are short, because I'm not running enough or something. His touch felt hot against my side, but I paid little attention to it. All that ran through my mind was how much sleep I was going to get before school started. After what just happened, the more sleep, the better. My feet slid against the ground, too tired to pick them up as I walked, well, more like limped. I didn't realize how desperate I was to find the boy, why did I run around so hysterically? I didn't quite understand it myself.

When we finally made it to my dorm room, I felt my sides as I tried finding my key, but remembered that I didn't even carry them with me when I bolted out the door. "Yah, Cap! Open the door!" I called out as I knocked loudly on the thing. I just wanted to lay down and fall fast asleep as soon as I got in, but I knew I probably won't be able to knowing that Chunji was going to have to stay with us. "You can take a shower once we get in, okay? No running away this time." I ordered the older boy next to me still remembering how much I freaked out thinking he was kidnapped. Oh, America, look what you've done to me.

"Arasso, arasso," Chunji nodded as Cap opened the door for us.

The old guy stared at us and crossed his arms, "What's Chanhee doing there? Shouldn't he be in his room? And where were you Byunghun?"

"Questions later," I pushed the older guy aside and motioned for Chunji to come in. I made a face at the spicy stench that was still stuck in the room, I was going to have to get used to that. I pointed the the clothes on my bed and glanced over at the red-head, "Use these and my towel is in the bathroom."

"Sorry to intrude," Chunji slightly bowed at Cap and then slipped into the bathroom with my clothes.

I turned my attention to Cap, "What is it you wanted to know again?"

"Why is Chanhee going to stay here?" Cap settled on his bed, his arms still folded across his chest.

I flopped down onto my own bed, my back sank into the cozy blanket underneath me. "Chunji's locked out of his room." I explained as I turned to my side, propping my head up with one arm, "Fine with you if he stays here for the night?" 

"I guess, it's not like I can kick the kid out now, but what happened to Daniel?" Cap sighed and uncrossed his arms. "And where's he gonna sleep?"

"I dunno, but I found him sitting in front of his door when you were showering." I shrugged and then looked at both of our beds. "And he can squeeze in with either one of us. No big deal." He probably wasn't going to choose with me though. Not after what happened outside. I could sense total fear in the boy when I accidentally landed on top of him. He was probably afraid I might beat him up or something. I dunno. My eyes trailed off to the floor. It didn't seem like he was on good terms with Cap either though, I saw how he avoided the older guy. Hmm... I wonder who he's more uncomfortable with... Cap or me?

After a long silence, Chunji cracked open the door, "Uhm.. Thanks for letting me use the shower and borrow your clothes, I'll return them tomorrow," He said softly as he plopped down to where his textbooks were.

"It's nothing." I checked the time on my phone, 8:53 pm. We would have to go to sleep pretty soon if we wanted to have energy for school tomorrow. "Chunji, who do you want to sleep with? Cap or me?" I casually asked the older boy, sitting up on my bed now.

"WHAT? NO ONE TOLD ME I HAD TO SLEEP WITH SOMEONE!" The red-head panicked. "I'd rather sleep here."

"Are you crazy?! There's no way I'm letting you sleep on the floor." I said to him. It'd be way too embarrassing letting a guest take the floor while Cap and I slept on our comfortable beds. "Just pick one so we can sleep." I added as I threw my phone on the floor.

"Fine, sleep." Chunji grunted as he turned off the light and returned to his original spot.

I let out a sigh. My legs wandered to the other side of the room and turned the light back on. "Fine. If it makes you feel better to sleep by yourself, just take my bed. I'll sleep with Cap." I nodded towards my bed and kicked Chunji lightly. "Go."

"Nngh." No movement.

"Aish, Chunji." I was going to have to convert to force with this kid. I slipped my arms under his and gripped my hands together at his stomach, pulling the boy up. "I'm not kidding."

"Y-YAH!!" He yelled as he started kicking.

I pulled him with me to my bed, pushing the boy onto it as I let go of him. 

"Aish," The red-head looked up at me with his puppy eyes and a pink face. "Fine, but you have to stay here," He grinned as he put his arm around my neck and tugged me down to the empty spot on my bed.

I stared at Chunji with surprised eyes, surprised at what he said and at his action towards me. I even felt my face blush a little. His voice sounded so alluring. I quickly snapped myself out of it though, pulling myself away from him. "The.. The light.." I pointed at a random direction, probably not even towards the light. Way to be cool, Byunghun. I turned myself around, away from Chunji, and headed towards the light switch. I turned it off and stood motionless in the darkness. This is too weird. Me...? To a guy? Nah. Not possible. That's not right. I'm perfectly straight. I nodded to myself, reassuring my uality, and made it back to my bed and quietly slipped into it.

- - - - -

A/N : So this is the 2nd part of Chapter 2 originally. @_@ Chapter 4 is getting there....

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Oi. So q.
@lovekdramakpopmanga; I wouldn't call it cheating. xD He just thinks he did. You'll soon find out though! *_*

@ILoveYou_Forever; Aww. Don't worry, Hyuna has a boyfriend! And there's no HyunaxL.Joe so it'll be okay! ;_;
ILoveYou_Forever #3
Awwwwwwwwww~~~~~~~~~ ChunJoe is sleeping together, on ByungHun's bed~~~~~~~~~~ Awwwww~~~~~ And the part where ByungHun running to find Channie is just so sweet and cute too~~~~~~~~ They look like a couple already~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh and little Channie is right!~ He should learn some cooking from Niel and cook for his husband~~~
Anyway, excited for the next update~~~ Little Channie is gonna be sad when he knows that ByungHun likes HyunAh..... T_T I don't want to....
JaeJayBaby_3 #4
Yay! Looking forward to the next chappie. ^_____^
ILoveYou_Forever #5
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~~~~~~ So sweet~~~ And the fanart is so cute too~~~~~ Flustered little Channie is so so so so so so so so cute~~~~ He has fallen for Hunnie already~~ I hope Hunnie will take care of him well~~~ After all, he needs to take good care of his little cute wifey~~~ And jealous Niel and MinSoo are both so cute too~~~~~~~~
I adore the part where Channie talked to his stomach~~ Just too cute! Update soon! I'm excited~
I freaking love your fanart and fanfic!!!!!~~~ but why make l.joe like hyuna???! Sobs chunji will be so heartbroken T.T
--chunsa #7

But I just realized something....
I am subscribed to like all your stories...
And I comment on them... A lot. OwO
Sorry it's just that your such a good writer T^T
I''m not a creep... I don't refresh your page every 10 seconds to look for an update..
I just search Chunjoe fics and you come up, I swearrrr. ; - ;
@Kakurine039; Thank you! ^^
@Abbey; Lol, but Niel likes Chunji! xD And Cap didn't want Niel to be all sad. ; 3 ; No worries though, L.Joe will get his fair share of touching Chunji! XD