
Love Complication

Chunji's/Chanhee's POV
"Channie~" A faint voice called out to me in my sleep, followed by a rough shake on my shoulder. "Yah! Get up!"

"Oma... I want some bulgogi... Thanks..." I groaned going back to my full-asleep mode even though being violently shaked every morning was something I should be used to by now... Maybe I'm so used to it that I'm not even fazed anymore. Well, no matter what, my lazy side must have kicked in because I didn't feel like getting out of bed whatsoever.

"YAH, LEE CHANHEE, YOU BETTER GET UP RIGHT NOW!" Something grabbed my two feet and dragged me out of my comfort zone and onto the bare carpet.I was fully awakened now.

"YAH, WHAT IN THE--" I realized who broke into my peaceful sleep, and I wasn't surprised about it either. "IS THIS HOW YOU WAKE PEOPLE UP, AHN DANIEL?" I reached for my pillow and threw it at the younger boy.

"Ya-" was all that came out of him before my pillow collided with his face.

My eyes wandered to the alarm clock and realized I was late for dressing up again. What a typical teenage boy you might say but trust me, I'm far beyond that. Maybe not that far. "NIEL WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP EARLIER?!" I sprinted towards the bathroom and closed the door, locking him out.

"YAH! WHY ARE YOU BLAMING ME? I'M THE ONE WHO TRIED TO WAKE YOUR SLEEPY UP!!" The younger boy exploded as he banged loudly on the bathroom door. "LET ME INSIDE, HYUNG!" This was the usual from him, but he was going to have to wait. I had to look nice for all the ladies out there. Who knows which one of them would become mine, right? The constant banging of Niel was still irritating, even though I go through it every morning.

Once my clothes were properly placed, I let the loud mouth in. If I didn't, he might have torn down the door or my eardrums. I'm not taking any chances on that though. "Come on in to Chunji's beauty salon~" I gave him a grin. "We have a picker here tonight~ He came in full pajamas and his hair is a mess!!" I laughed at my joke after examining the younger boy.

Niel shoved me aside, ignoring my joke. "Yah, No joking. Now get out so I could change. You're gonna make me be late!" And of course, he added a slap to the side of my head before shoving me out of the bathroom.

I stared at my iPod trying to find a song to play while walking to school, which was the building next to the dorm rooms. "Ah!" I realized I didn't wake up the two other dongsaengs in the room next to ours. Ah well, I'm sure Jonghyun will be able to take care of them both, I believed in the true maknae. He was one of the ones that handled things better than any of us.

"Hyung!" I heard Niel yell as he came out from behind me. "Wait for Minsoo-hyung and the others too!" He pulled my sleeve and glanced at Minsoo's door. Minsoo shared a room alone, no one to wake him up in the morning so Niel always made sure that he's out before school starts. But Minsoo has been very quiet on me lately and I don't know why. Well, yeah, he always seemed serious but at least we joked around sometimes. Now, I feel uncomfortable around him. Maybe he found out that I used his notes to cheat in class to make me look smarter. Whatever the reason is.. I hope it goes away soon. I know Niel and him are close, but what about me!?

"Niel, we're gonna be late," I complained. "Minsoo-hyung is in a different class from us! Besides he's the oldest, he can take care of himself!" I tugged back my sleeve, grabbing the younger boy along with me.

"But hyung!" Niel complained as he gripped my arm tighter now. "We can't just leave them without saying 'good morning' at least!" I didn't want to wait though so I started dragging the boy along with me, holding onto his hand. "MINSOO-HYUNG, GOOD MORNING!! CHANGHYUN AND JONGHYUN, MORNING TO YOU GUYS TOO~~!" Niel sang as I increased the distance between us and the dorms.

Not long after, I felt my hands being emptied when someone yanked Niel out of my grip, "You shouldn't be so forceful as a hyung, Chanhee."

I turned around at the threatening voice. Ah, the only person who could beat my strength, Minsoo-hyung. I'm in no mood or time to deal with his serious being. "Minsoo-hyung. Morning," I faked a smile, ignoring his tone of voice with me. "Actually, we're about to be late. Andy-Hyung said we needed to come in early today. So if you don't mind..." I said, using the excuse I so happened to remember and tugged Daniel once again. Sorry, Minsoo, if you don't want people taking your notes, you gotta hide them better from Chunji!

There was so many things I wanted to say to Minsoo-hyung but I didn't have the time to do it then. If only he didn't look like he could beat me up, maybe I would have a little bit more courage. This wasn't the time to think of those vengeful thoughts though. I didn't even notice Niel's hand in mine.

Right when I walked in the classroom I noticed a golden-haired boy that stopped me in my tracks. He looked angelic yet very serious. Is he an exchange student? He looks like a Korean with a foreigner's wig. Maybe he was a student who steal foreigners' wigs! But he didn't look familiar at all. But what do I know? I don't pay attention to most student unless they were decent looking. But the angel I'm looking at now, was definitely in my attention area.

"Where's Andy-hyung?" Niel's voice broke the silence inside of the classroom. The golden-haired boy didn't say anything though, he just looked at us for a few seconds then back at a sheet of paper that I'm guessing is the information of the school.

After standing there awkwardly for a few seconds, Andy-hyung arrived in the classroom, "I was beginning to worry if you two were going to oversleep today and forgot about me!" He laughed in relief before continuing, "I want to introduce you to Lee Byunghun, he just recently came back from the United States." He put out his hand pointing to the golden-haired boy. "If you don't mind showing him around for the first part of the class and his dorm room too," he continued as he handed Byunghun his keys. "He'll be dorming with Minsoo and I know he's one of your close friends." Andy-hyung pushed all of us out of the room before we got to say anything, "Be back here in less than 2 hours if you can!"

I couldn't help but continue eyeing the golden-haired boy. My mind ran back to reality and realized the teacher didn't introduce me. "I'm C-Chunji... C-Chanhee. You can call me Chanhee but you can also call me Chunji if you'd like," I stuttered. What's wrong with me? Usually I'm not this nervous, even around pretty girls.

Byunghun nodded at me and replied, "Chunji. I like that name." and even gave me a smile.

"YAH! GIMME YOUR DORM INFO" Niel screamed, yanking the sheet of paper out of Byunghun's hand and scanning it visiously, "C'mon, we already know where it is." he remarked as he tossed the sheet of paper back at the shorter boy and started walking off.

"YAH! NIEL! IS THAT HOW YOU INTRODUCE YOURSELF?!" I yelled at his back, but he didn't turn around. Niel's giving a really bad first impression on the new guy. "Uhm, Byunghun, was it?" I asked quietly trying not to mistaken his name. Why am I so self-conscious now? "Your dorm room would be this way," I gave a smile and headed after Niel. Why did Niel go off back there? I don't understand that boy sometimes...

"Ah, Thanks." Byunghun slightly bowed and followed behind me.

Niel's POV
"HERE'S YOUR DORM ROOM, OKAY? REMEMBER IT." I yelled as I trudged to the front door of Minsoo's dorm room. I probably sound like a maniac, but I really didn't care. Channie being all flustered was new to me, and it kinda hit my boiling point too. I grabbed Channie's arm and attempted to pull him off somewhere else, away from this Byunghun kid. Anywhere else.

"YAH! DANIEL!! WHERE ARE WE GOING?!" Channie yelled as I was actually able to pull him away from the short boy, but he was struggling now. "Aren't we going to give him tour!?"

"Oh, you're right, Channie! He does need a tour guide." I agreed as I fished out a folded map of the school from my pocket and ed it at the golden-haired boy who looked awfully confused. "HERE'S A MAP OF THE SCHOOL. GOOD LUCK." I called out to him and dragged Channie back into the building. I didn't even notice how tight I had locked my hand around his arm until we reached in front of our classroom. I think I'm turning into a psychopath.

Channie let out a long sigh of relief when I let go. "Aish, that's not what I'm talking about, Niel."

"Well you should've been more clear!" I replied, glancing around to see if Byunghun was following us or something. But luckily, I didn't catch any sign of him anywhere. It really wasn't a good first impression, but we were probably never gonna see him again anyway- oh wait. He had class with us... and his room was across from ours too."Aish! It doesn't matter anymore, okay?! What's with you? You were all over him!"

"What do you mean I was all over him? I was trying to be nice!" Channie said in self-defense, "Can't we go back and help him? Well if you're not, I will like the good student I am," He gave me a threat and turned his back to me.

"Y-yah Hyung!" I called out to him, "There's no need to do that!! What if he's already looking through the school by himself?!" I added as I grabbed his arm again. Channie REALLY wanted to see this boy, and it wasn't just being nice either. Even I knew that. Maybe Channie was captivated by the new kid's looks or something. Even though he claimed to be straight all of these years, Byunghun's looks could've triggered something inside of Channie. That has to be it. It's the only explanation after all. "DO YOU FIND HIM ATTRACTIVE OR SOMETHING?!"

"Wha- O-OF COURSE NOT!" Channie yelled as he looked back at me, "WHAT? ARE YOU JEALOUS?!"

My body tensed up at his accusation. JEALOUS? No way! I mean, it's just not reasonable! I'm just looking after him like I always do. "I'm not jealous at all!! It's just weird seeing you act this way towards a complete stranger! And didn't you look at him? HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE HOW SCARY LOOKING THAT BOY IS?!" I screamed, shaking the taller boy's shoulders rapidly, trying to put some sense into him. This argument weren't like any others, the rest were all just playful and never very serious. But this one took the cake. It was definitely not a good sign for the both of us. And I would've never thought that I'd be arguing with him about his uality.

"But you don't know him," The red-head scoffed while being violently shaked by me, "Niel, if you were going to be judging by looks, I would have looked like a gang member to you," He continued while pouting, "Why don't we give it a chance?"

I was about to answer but I heard a door crack open behind me and a voice interrupted our argument. "Where's Byunghun?"

"I DIDN'T DO IT!" I screamed in defense, releasing my grip on Channie as I turned around to see Andy-hyung. "Oh . . . Byunghun?" I had to come up with an answer and fast too. Because I know if I told him the truth, he'd never trust us ever again. And plus the truth would come out to be something . . . we all didn't wanna hear. 'Oh, Byunghun? Yeah. We ditched him in front of his dorm room. At least he has a map right?' I thought about that answer again and shook my head. There's no way I'd tell him that! "He's in the restroom." I lied.

"Well go tell Byunghun class is already starting and you guys can continue showing him around the school after class," Andy-hyung gave a cautious eye to me and he probably knew that I was lying about Byunghun too. At least he's not giving me detention about it.

I caught a glimpse of Channie from the corner of my eye, he looked flushed at the sound of Byunghun's name. But I tried to ignore it and replied, "Okay! We'll let him know!" I shot out, grabbing Channie's hand and pulling us away from the classroom door. "We'll be right back, Andy-Hyung!" I called out as he shrunk into the distance. Hopefully, Byunghun was still at the same spot, because if he wasn't, there's no way we'd be able to find him. And if we didn't find him, what would Andy-Hyung do to us?! I think he might just cut our butts off and hang them up for display. And I couldn't let that happen! I used my to sit with!

"Great work Niel!" Channie said as he picked up his pace after me.

"Yah, Channie! Shut up!" I yelled at the taller boy behind me as I searched the hallway for Byunghun. "We gotta find Byunghun! I'll check his dorm and you check around the school, okay?" I suggested as I pulled my hand away from him and headed for the school exit. "Don't get lost!" I called out as I swung open the door. No matter how much I didn't like the boy, I had to find him to save my .

Byunghun/L.Joe's POV
They were such a great help to me. Really. The teacher couldn't get any better students to give me a tour of the school? I gripped the map tighter in my hand. They're lucky I can read a map. I looked down at it again. But where the hell am I going?! There's no hallways in this direction! This map is retarded. I scanned the map again for the 12th time and realized I was holding it upsidedown. My face blushed of embarrassment. Good thing no one saw that right? I wandered down hallways, examining the decor and taking everything in. I had to make sure I never need to use this damn thing again. It's making me look dumb. I gave a glare to the map and continued sweeping through the hallways.

After a while of searching the school, I still couldn't figure out where the heck I was. The map wasn't making any sense and I was about ready to burn the thing.


The map flew out of my hand as I jumped at the voice. It was an angelic voice, and I've never heard anything like it. I turned around to see who owned it, which happened to be Chunji. Oh, the stuttering boy. He actually has a nice voice when he's not stuttering. And he has good looks too. I smiled at him and held my hand in the air, giving him a wave. He looked exhausted. Was he searching for me the whole time?

"Aish, I finally found you. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack," He sighed as he closed more space between us, "Andy-hyung said he wants us in class," Chunji pointed to a direction that was the opposite way of where I was going.

I looked over in the direction he pointed to and then back at my empty hand where the map used to be. Panic immediately filled up inside of me. I needed that thing! I quickly searched the hall for the small sheet of paper that by now, seemed like it really did disappear. "Ah, okay, just a second. My map ran away." I uttered as my eyes searched the hall some more.

"I can get you another map," Chunji said as his hand rubbed against the back of his head. The red-head ped the largest compartment of his backpack and handed me a sheet that had little doodles of... I'm not even sure On the sides of it. What the heck were these things? They didn't look like any living being on earth. I shoved the thought out of my mind though, at least I have a map right?

"Thanks." I smiled at him and slipped the sheet of paper out of his hand. "Nice drawings." I added as I turned the map random directions to see which way was up.

"Aish, you didn't have to look at the drawings. They were last year's," Chunji explained as he went behind me and turned the map the right way. "This way, States boy."

Just then, the lunch bell rang throughout the school. "FOOOD!" The red-head exclaimed grabbing me and followed the other students.

I took in the atmosphere of the Lunchroom. Crowded and noisy. Just how I imagined it would be. I collapsed in a chair next to Chunji due to the tiredness of getting lost on the first day. I knew I should've just stayed at the dorm. But I didn't feel comfortable intruding someone else's room without them knowing. A groan came from the boy next to me as I glanced over at him. All he had was a water bottle in his hand. No food. Does he not eat? "You're hungry, right? Want some of my lunch?" I asked as I fished out a boxed lunch my dad packed for me. "I'm not sure what's inside though." I added as I gave the box a small shake. "But it's something, right?"

Chunji gave a cheeky smile, "N-no it's alright, I'm just waiting for Niel. He has my lunch." His stomach gave a growl, "YAH SHUT UP STOMACH! CAN'T YOU SEE AT LEAST I'M FEEDING YOU!?" He held the water bottle in front of his stomach as if it had eyes of its own.

"Yah, Channie! Found him?" I looked up to see it was the Niel guy. He plopped down into the chair on the other side of Chunji, giving me a glare. What the heck did I do to this guy? I don't even know him.

I snapped the top off of the container and examined inside. Not much in there. Just rice and some vegetables plus a bit of meat. I looked over at Niel again, who was still giving me the evil eye. Is he jealous or something? I'm not doing anything really. Maybe he likes Chunji. I gave an evil smirk at the brown-haired boy and picked up some of my food with my chopsticks. "Chunji-ah, here, eat~" I said nicely as I held up the food to his mouth. I could see Niel's jaw drop open from the corner of my eye.

Chunji blinked a few times before opening his mouth. He let out an, "Ahh," before successfully eating the food from my chopsticks. I smiled at Chunji and gave a small victory laugh at Niel, who looked like he just saw a horror movie. I swallowed some of my food with the chopsticks I used to feed Chunji, but I didn't notice until I already put the chopsticks in my mouth. I hope he doesn't have diseases. My eyes wandered to the extremely tall guy that settled next to Niel and I gave him a wave. I didn't wanna give anyone here a bad impression now. Niel already gave me a horrible one.

Minsoo's/Cap's POV
I noticed my Daniel got a seat within the table but he didn't look too happy. Hmmm... I wonder... Did something happen between the new kid and Niel? Don't tell me Daniel got into another argument. That was his specialty. Finding new strangers to gang on. "So who's the new kid?" I asked behind Daniel when I arrived at the table trying to keep my cool. I got the other available seat next to Daniel. I took out my ham sandwich I made this morning and an apple juice. As I made my side of examining him, he didn't look bad, almost decent and a pretty boy. With his golden hair it seemed like he was part of a gang. How did he manage to have that with his mother around? Unless he really was a bad guy then I realized what he just did... He was feeding Chanhee!? What the heck is going on!? This made me lose my sandwich in my hands and onto the table.

"Ah . . . That's Byunghun." Niel answered bluntly, still eying Chunji and the new kid, "He's your new roommate." A frown had spread onto his face.

I glanced over at the new guy when he gave me a small wave. I guess I should introduce myself now. He's my new roommate after all. "Nice to meet you Byunghun. I'm Minsoo but some people like to call me C.A.P," I introduced myself. "We'll get your stuff to my room once we finish here," I couldn't help but laugh a little inside at Daniel's cute jealousy. But I was also jealous. I looked up at cheeky redhead who was very oblivious to his surroundings. This new kid was changing our environment, it seems Chanhee was the one to be blamed too. I grabbed my sandwich back and ate it while scanning the new kid. So this will be my new roommate.

Chanhee's/Chunji's POV
Some shifting was happening next to me and I noticed that it was Byunghun moving around his hair. One strand seem to be stubborn and wouldn't want to go back in place. I leaned in and moved it back and laughed at my attempt to. The strand was fighting, but I won in the end, "There," and turned back to my lunch. Funny how I'm not as shy as I was a few hours ago. Maybe I got used to his presence. Thank God.

"Thanks, Can I touch your's now?"

I looked over at the golden-haired boy and started feeling around my hair in an attempt to fix it.

Byunghun gave out a small chuckle. "No, there's nothing wrong with it." He responded as I was searching my hair with my hand. "I just want to touch it." He added as he took my hand and pulled it away from my head.

"O-oh okay," I felt a heat rush coming up to my cheeks. I barely know the guy and he's already lifting me off of my feet. Must be because he's good looking. But a GUY that's making me feel this way? I looked down, hoping that my pink cheeks wouldn't be able to be visible to the angel.

Byunghun's hand slipped away and he sat still for awhile. I think that he was hesitating to do it or not. Just as I was about to turn my attention away from him, I felt fingers trail through my hair and my body immediately heated up again.

His hand pulled away, almost by force. I averted my eyes over to Byunghun's direction and noticed that it was Minsoo-hyung who had grabbed Byunghun's hand away. "I think it's about time to put your stuff in my room before the bell rings. I've never been late to class," Minsoo-hyung's voice was low and threatening and Byunghun looked as shocked as I was. Minsoo-hyung didn't say anything else though, he just walked off and Byunghun followed soon after.

My hand race through my scalp where the short angel touched. I think I lost my mind from reality as I was sitting there just rubbing my head. I envied Minsoo-hyung. He had a manly look and had the angel for a roommate. What else can he ask for? I sighed, turning back to the table of food. My stomach had too many butterflies to eat the rest of the leftovers.


A/N : Writing style varies because some of it is what my sister wrote. > < Actually, mostly Chunji's and Cap's POV. > < I did L.Joe's and Niel's. ^^ I hope you guys like it! I know it's like uber long. so sorry. ;A; Intros are always long. asdfghkl

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Oi. So q.
@lovekdramakpopmanga; I wouldn't call it cheating. xD He just thinks he did. You'll soon find out though! *_*

@ILoveYou_Forever; Aww. Don't worry, Hyuna has a boyfriend! And there's no HyunaxL.Joe so it'll be okay! ;_;
ILoveYou_Forever #3
Awwwwwwwwww~~~~~~~~~ ChunJoe is sleeping together, on ByungHun's bed~~~~~~~~~~ Awwwww~~~~~ And the part where ByungHun running to find Channie is just so sweet and cute too~~~~~~~~ They look like a couple already~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh and little Channie is right!~ He should learn some cooking from Niel and cook for his husband~~~
Anyway, excited for the next update~~~ Little Channie is gonna be sad when he knows that ByungHun likes HyunAh..... T_T I don't want to....
JaeJayBaby_3 #4
Yay! Looking forward to the next chappie. ^_____^
ILoveYou_Forever #5
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~~~~~~ So sweet~~~ And the fanart is so cute too~~~~~ Flustered little Channie is so so so so so so so so cute~~~~ He has fallen for Hunnie already~~ I hope Hunnie will take care of him well~~~ After all, he needs to take good care of his little cute wifey~~~ And jealous Niel and MinSoo are both so cute too~~~~~~~~
I adore the part where Channie talked to his stomach~~ Just too cute! Update soon! I'm excited~
I freaking love your fanart and fanfic!!!!!~~~ but why make l.joe like hyuna???! Sobs chunji will be so heartbroken T.T
--chunsa #7

But I just realized something....
I am subscribed to like all your stories...
And I comment on them... A lot. OwO
Sorry it's just that your such a good writer T^T
I''m not a creep... I don't refresh your page every 10 seconds to look for an update..
I just search Chunjoe fics and you come up, I swearrrr. ; - ;
@Kakurine039; Thank you! ^^
@Abbey; Lol, but Niel likes Chunji! xD And Cap didn't want Niel to be all sad. ; 3 ; No worries though, L.Joe will get his fair share of touching Chunji! XD