Chapter 4

You're Not Gay?!

Haeyeon pats you repeatedly on the back as your entire face turns red with choking. She raises a brow, amused.

"Hey, I know he's cute but you don't have to be like that"

*HE IS NOT* you desperately flail around with two arms, knowing full well you are disgracing yourself. *HE IS SO SO SO NOT*

"He's really popular" Haeyeon giggles again "too bad he might be homoual."

*WELL DUH* you think.

Nervously, you let out a creeped laugh. "Hahaha you really think he's cute?"

"Don't you?" Haeyeon smiles.

*NO* "Haha maybe"

"I don't really like anyone in this school though" she confesses "whether guys or girls. They're just...all so fake. Their world revolves around fashion and clothes and what's hot"

A silence passes between both of you for a second. You clear your throat awkwardly. "That was always seem so popular"

"I suppose. Things aren't all they seem on the surface"

"That's deep"

"I know."

She gives another sad smile and grabs your hand. "Lunch is going to be over soon, let's go eat something!"





Both of you walked into the canteen. Everyone sees Haeyeon and starts inviting her over, but she gives a polite smile and turns to you.

"Where do you want to sit?"

"Um, anywhere" you say awkwardly "are you sure you want to sit with me?"

She frowned. "Do you not want to sit with me?"

"Of course not" you say hurriedly. *Better not lose the very first friend you've made here, ~~~* "It just seems that everyone wants you to sit with them!"

She waves a hand dismissively. "They'll manage"

You feel a million pairs of eyes bore into you as you set your new tray down on the table and take a huge bite out of the chicken casserole. It tastes okay although you can hear many girls going on about how gross it is.

"It's not bad" Haeyeon smiles "how do you find it?"

"Nice..." you say warily. "I don't get why so many people are complaining about it"

"For the fun" she mutters. For a moment her face is filled with annoyance but it soon diminishes. "How do you find this school?"

*Terrible* "Not bad" you reply, not meeting her gaze. The chicken casserole is suddenly such an interesting topic.

"Don't lie" she chuckles "I can tell you hate it here"

*She can?* you think. 

"Well...I don't exactly like it here but it's okay" you sigh, letting your emotions flow a bit free. "As in, I'm not the type who can't survive without friends so I'll do just fine"

"You have me now" she says, smiling at you "Remember that you have me. I'll introduce Daehyun to you too sometime!"

For once, you let out a true smile.

*Maybe one day, I'll really be able to think of her as a best friend.*

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Chapter 4: Kyaaa ^^Update soon!hope more of Channie ^^
Please Uptade soon ;)
New reader!! Update soon!
I really like this chapter, and the others too!!
Update soon!
YoongiholicAnonymous #5
yay a new chap^^
update soon :)
Sorry for typing in all caps LOL xD update soon c:
update soon c:
lol squiggly is about to be parted from he beloved daehyun (:<
YoongiholicAnonymous #9
ahahaha jong up and daehyun were the best in this chap :D
omg i have to read it again :D
please update soon :)