Chapter 1

You're Not Gay?!

"I'm sleepy hyung" Himchan mumbles to Yongguk and places his head on his lap. Both of them are in the classroom right now, ALONE, so no one is there to see them. Yongguk yawns and lays his head back on Himchan's.

"Well then go to sleep"

"Can't" Himchan mumbles some more.

"Well I want to sleep"

"Won't the teacher come in?"

"Aish I don't really care"

"Ok." Himchan props his cheek on one hand and smiles up at his hyung. They were undeniably close and some people suspected them of being gay, but as far as both of them were concerned it didn't matter how people judged them.

"Daehyun will kill us if we don't meet him in time" he says lazily.

"He has Jongup. He'll wait" Yongguk snorts out. Himchan nods in agreement and goes back to sleeping. School has ended, and many have already gone home. 

Except for them.

Himchan hates being home with his naggy mother, and same goes for Yongguk. Both of them detest staying at home and would rather be in school despite the busy schedule and lessons.



"I'll go to sleep again yeah?"





You scowled to yourself as your footsteps pattered furiously down the hall.

*How could I have misplaced my timetable?!*

Without your timetable, you were totally lost and being a new student, no one bothered to ask you if you were okay or what you were looking for. They stared at you with huge eyes but didn't offer to help. Angry, you cussed under your breath. *Idiots*

You dived into your locker and started to ransack it but to no avail. 

"Why are all the books and stuff here but my timetable isn't?!" You growled out in frustration and panic. Just then, a blonde guy came up to you and asked what was wrong.

"I lost my timetable" You could barely hide your anxiety.

He shrugged. For a moment you thought that he would offer to photocopy you his but you weren't so lucky.

"Oh cool"

And he walked off.

You gaped with your mouth open for a moment before closing it. *Aish I can't really expect anyone to help me since I'm new*

Sadly, you decided to go back to your class for a last resort to check if it was under the desk. Looking around curiously, you began walking in the direction to your classroom.




Himchan snores.

Yongguk snores.

They both snore.

Their heads lay on each other with their mouths an inch apart. Anyone who walked in would assume that they were in a gay relationship.


Just then, you walk in. For a moment you're so busy that you start to search for the timetable, not noticing them. Finally, you peek up and choke on your own saliva.




I'll love you if you comment but oh well :D

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Chapter 4: Kyaaa ^^Update soon!hope more of Channie ^^
Please Uptade soon ;)
New reader!! Update soon!
I really like this chapter, and the others too!!
Update soon!
YoongiholicAnonymous #5
yay a new chap^^
update soon :)
Sorry for typing in all caps LOL xD update soon c:
update soon c:
lol squiggly is about to be parted from he beloved daehyun (:<
YoongiholicAnonymous #9
ahahaha jong up and daehyun were the best in this chap :D
omg i have to read it again :D
please update soon :)