In The Eyes Of Park Jungjin

The Prequel

We're different, you and I. How I perceive things are different. How I interact is different. How I hear is different. How I see is different. How I feel is different. You and I, are different. Although, this didn't stop you, Lee Bom, from becoming my best friend.

When you first said hello and smiled at me, I was captivated. How could you be so friendly towards me, when you didn't even know me? For the first time I Park Jungjin was touched.

Bom always told me often, about her own special mission. It was to break me out of my shell. For one year she worked hard and I worked hard. In the end she was successful. I finally broke my image as a shy nerd. Bom and I became more social. We had more friends and we went out a lot. I'm proud to say I was the new shiny toy she could show off too.

Girls were all over me. I didn't mind at all. It was nice to know that for once in school I was wanted. At the same time, I've always wanted a girlfriend. My ideal type? She had to have long hair, my age, a little shorter than me, and she had to be cute and Korean. IT was a little shallow but it was what I was looking for.

I remember the day I finally met my ideal girl. Song Raemi. I stayed after school that day because the school was having a college fair. I tried to make Bom stay, but she didn't want to bother with that crap. So I was alone browsing through colleges. At the Pusan University table I spotted her. Raemi was flipping through the pamphlets.

At the time, I only knew her from the rumors. They weren't pleasant. The thing was I didn't want to judge someone that quick. She was beautiful though. Her long raven black hair cascaded pass her shoulders. She was slim and petite. It was the first time I've ever felt my heartbeat the fast.

I decided to stop by the Pusan University table. She must have heard me come because she looked up and smiled at me. I smiled back. Her smile was beautiful.

Her first words to me were, “Are you interested in Pusan University too?”

I simply nodded.

“I'm Song Raemi, by the way.”

“Park Jungjin,” I replied. “What do you plan on majoring in?”

Raemi shrugged. “I'm not sure yet.” She looked at her wrist which had a watch on it. She then turned to me and flashed a smile. “You want to get something to eat?”

“That would be great.”


For five months we talked. We would text each other during the day and in school and we would call each other at night. Our conversations could last for hours on just about nothing. But something, well someone, was still on my mind. I made sure Bom knew I was crushing on a girl. I didn't want to tell her who though. I wanted to surprise Bom first. On Friday of that month, I planned to ask Raemi out and to officially be a couple. I texted her and asked her to meet me in the back fried of the school. She agreed. I stood outside n the middle of the field, five minutes early waiting for her. I had the perfect plan in my head. I just need to execute it right. The single red rose I bought for her was shaking by my nervous hands. I tried to calm myself down by breathing in and out deeply.


Upon hearing her voice my head snapped up. I grinned, waved her over, and hid the rose behind my back.

“So why did you call me out here?” She asked.

“I really like you Raemi.” I blurted out. Way to go for the plan buddy.

She giggled. “I like you too Jungjin.”

I held out the rose and confessed. “Raemi I've liked you for five months now. I think your the most beautiful girl in school. Your sweet and easy to talk too. Will you go out with me?”

She took the rose, hugged me, and whispered. “Yes.” Into my ear.

I hugged her tightly. Finally Song Raemi was my girl.


When I told Bom, she was extremely happy for me. She congratulated me and made me promise not to change. Of course I wasn't going to change. I'm different.

Song Raemi was in my mind 24/7. I missed her when she was busy and we couldn't talk on that particular night. I became very cautious of what I wore on dates with Raemi. Bom was thankfully there to help me out on that department. I could not stop talking about Raemi's good qualities, especially when I was talking to Bom. I knew this wouldn't annoy her because she would understand. Raemi is my first girlfriend after all.

After a while Raemi and I ended up doing everything together. We would go to the park and watch the stars. We went to the movies, the mall, and played tennis which was Raemi's favorite sport, hung out at each others houses and many more couple stuff. I loved spending every moment with Raemi.

Everything was going well, until I saw Bom on some random guys motorcycle. My protectiveness in me was brought out. We needed to talk. It was the first time Bom did something without telling me first. I called her that night, and we got right to the point. To my dismay the guy on the motorcycle was Cho Seungho. I couldn't believe she hung out with those types of guys. Cho Seungho was the definition of bad guy. And most of all my girlfriends ex. Bom retaliated and I said I never talked to her anymore. I fired that she never tells me how she feels anymore. I decided to compromise with her and start walking to school together with her again. At first Bom was hesitant because I usually walked with Raemi, but I assured her and we met up the next morning. WE caught up and I was happy. I didn't know that Bom felt neglected, but I planned to fix that. After fourth period, I went to fetch Raemi from gym class. I knew Bom was in the same class. I took hold of Raemi's hand and asked her, “Where's Bom?”

Raemi shrugged. “I don't know, but I saw her leave through the back of the gym. I heard she went to go meet Seungho. Babe, I think he's a bad influence over her.”

I bit my lip to prevent myself from screaming. “Let's go.”

Once the lunch bell rang, I ran out on my own to go find Bom. I found her by the school gates. She was with Seungho. I called out her to her and asked why he was here. Seungho yelled at me, I continued to talk to Bom. I didn't want to hear Cho Seungho's bull. But he demanded me to stop. My patience was wearing thin. I answered to him. He kept telling me how I wasn't a real friend. How could he know that? I was friends longer with Bom than he has!

My anger got the best of me and I punched him. We got into a fist fight. All of a sudden, I heard Raemi shout my name and pull me out from the fight. Raemi began yelling and Seungho called her a . I went in for a second punch when Bom came in and protected Seungho.


She gave me a look and began walking away with Seungho. I called out her name once more and she responded by saying we'll talk. All I could do was nod as I walked back to Raemi. She examined my face and we walked together to the school nurse's office.

As the nurse was cleaning me up, Raemi kept pacing back and forth.

“I can't ing believe they did that to you!” yelled Raemi.

I shook my head. “It's not Bom's fault.”

“Baby, she hangs out with him! I'm surprised their not criminal's of the law!”

“Raemi, stop let' not talk about this.”

Raemi reached for my hand and squeezed it. “I'm just worried that this might happen again.”

I smiled at her. “It won't.”

The nurse put on the bandage on my cheek and announced she was done.

“Come on let's get back to class.”


A few days later I waited outside of school for Bom to arrive. She was avoiding me and I wanted to stop that. A couple of minutes later Seungho pulled up at the school with Bom on the back of his motorcycle. I glared at them and watched as Bom got off. We locked eyes and she approached me.

“Is this the best time to talk?” I asked her.

Space. Lee Bom wanted space. I couldn't believe her. Out of all the things she wanted to talk about, it was space. I cursed her off. In the end, it was what Bom wanted and I needed to respect that. Whatever made Bom happy, I owed her that much. I walked into school without a best friend. Raemi walked over to me during homeroom and asked me what was wrong. I told her I would call her that night. During class I kept glancing over to where Bom sat. She changed her seat towards the front, away from me.

I looked down at my notebook. With my pen I wrote out Lee Bom's name and next to it I wrote down Cho Seungho's name. Then, I crossed it out so hard that a hole was created. It was immature but it was the only way to release my anger quietly. She was basically giving up on me so easily. I know it wasn't something permanent but it hurt my pride. It hurt that she couldn't understand me this one time. Realization hit me that we've become like this. This was not how I anticipated it to be.

In the end, you and I are different.

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seems interesting
mashisuh #2
aww... soo sad :( but it was really an inspiring story;)

it really got me thinking that a friendship between two people could actually end up in a havoc...
Chapter 14: This is soooo greaat..
This will be one of original story that i love.
I really hope that in the future she will comeback to Cho Seungho..
petrinananana #4
I really liked reading it! But i'm actually secretly hoping that the boy in the end is actually Seung Ho :D
canonship91 #5
In love with this story <3 ;)
sarangstoryxx #6
hmm curiosity never killed anyone :D that boy could be anyone really...its up to the reader :D<br />
thanks so much for enjoying it!! <3
hai_young #7
awwww~ loved it soooo much^^<br />
although it was sad.. when seungho and bom broke up..<br />
but still enjoyed the story~<br />
and who was the guy that called out to bom at the airport??<br />
e-Roo-tic #8
I have to admit, the end of the story was the right and nice one. :) Now that you have explained the whole point, I understand why Bom's and Seungho's relationship couldn't take the bigger part of this story. Anyway, I'm looking forward to your other stories. :)
Emylie #9
Who was the boy that called out to her at the airport? That was a nice ending btw. ^^
Emylie #10
Aw :( She's breaking up with Seungho?