Bom's Bad Boy

The Prequel

By now, Bom had gotten used to the mixed fragrance of smoke and alcohol. And she had gotten used to Seohyun and Heyi's forward personalities. She didn't mind being out so late and neither did her parents, they were early sleepers. Seohyun and Heyi gave great advice anyways.

Bom arrived at the river at around ten. She immediately spotted the two drinking and smoking. She sat before them. They acknowledged her with a nod. Bom got comfortable and played around with the sand.

“Byunsoo dumped me.” announced Heyi as she lit her cigarette.

Byunsoo was Heyi's boyfriend. She had raved about him for a while now. Heyi proclaimed him as the perfect man to ever date. Seohyun proclaimed him as a self indulged .

“You okay baby?” slurred Seohyun, who was slowly getting drunk.

Bom peered behind Seohyun and found already four empty beer cans. Something ed up must have really happened to the both of them. Sure they drank and smoked to their content but they were always civil. But, she could see they were slowly breaking. How unlike them.

“I can't believe he ing broke up with me SoSo!(Seohyun's nickname) I mean I'm pretty hot! I'm ing hot! I'm hotter than ing volcanoes!”

Whoa. Bom looked closely at Heyi's cigarette in her hand. It wasn't. It was a joint. Pot. Two worn out sticks lay beside her. She's definitely high Bom declared.

“Oh off Heyi he was a ing anyways. I have no ing job, how the am I supposed to pay for these ing beers! !”

Six. She said six times. Bom bit her lip to restrain herself from laughing. How do two older unnies act like such babies? She watched Seohyun throw away her empty can and reach for another from the beer case.

“How did you lose your job?” asked Bom

Seohyun shrugged. “I got drunk and ruined the ing place. But that wasn't even my fault I got drunk! I work at a bar for gods sakes. I should be entitled to be drunk once in a while and flirt with some hot guys but NO I have to cater to these s. Well that! I yelled at the owner for an hour all drunk and what not and he goes and fires me! Fine see if I care! Where will you ever find a hot bartender like me anyways! No ing where!”

Heyi reached over and gave Seohyun a high five. “Amen sister!”

Bom turned to Heyi. “How about you Heyi why did Byunsoo dump you. I thought you two were completely in love.”

Heyi snorted. Gorgeous. “I'm too 'clingy'” She added the extra umph to clingy. “He doesn't like girls who are too 'clingy' Which I think is complete bull because I was way clingy when we were having and he enjoyed that .”

Bom turned away to giggle. Mad vulgar.

“How about you?” asked Seohyun who was in the middle of taking a long sip of her drink. “Any issues with Jungbo, Jungji, Jungjo or whatever the hell his name is?”

Jungjin? He's completely changed. It was so scary. The reasons for Jungjin to call up Bom was to discuss wardrobe. What should he wear to his date with Raemi or what should he wear to school. He had slowly began planning his outfits to match with Raemi. Raemi loved to match. To her it showed they were united. To Bom? It just showed her how much she wanted to throw up whenever she saw them wear magenta. Bom rarely got texts from him, but when she did it would consist about Raemi but then sometimes it would be like he got kicked in the head and suddenly remember he had a life outside of Raemi and would ask Bom about her day. It was only in short glimpses did she see the old Jungjin.

Just last week Jungjin invited Bom to go out and see a movie. He had said he missed hanging out with just him and her. Bom went. Seohyun and Heyi had strongly advised her not to go. She'd probably get hurt anyways. And she did. The movie was nice but the atmosphere was just awkward. Usually Jungjin was so into the movie you couldn't get even two words out of him. Now, he would turn to Bom and smile or text Raemi. It was getting sad and slowly Bom got hurt.

After the movie a oh so wonderful surprise came. Raemi showed up. And when Raemi went out, she went all out. From head to toe anyone could tell it took her a while to chose that outfit. She wore a curve hugging navy blue dress, a sheer black cardigan, and black heels. Bom could see Jungjin's mouth drop all the way down to the floor. Then he had turned to Bom and asked if she would like to join them for dinner. Bom declined and watched Jungjin leave her for Raemi.

“But I have good news.” smiled Bom. “I met a guy.”

Seohyun and Heyi glanced at each other as their faces cracked into a wide smile. “Spill!”

Cho Seungho. Everyone in their school had at least heard that name once before. Seungho was Bom's neighboring schools bad boy. He was a complete bad . It wasn't that he did anything bad in school it was just his reputation outside. Seungho was the type to fight and ride motorcycles. It was the typical stereotypical bad boy type. He broke hearts as fast as he broke others noses. Every girl was cautious of him.

After a week of hearing nothing from Jungjin, Bom had decided to shop. Shopping always made any girl feel better. She had just finished shopping at her favorite store Asia Jam. She had acquired new shirts and shorts. As she was walking out of the store a commotion made Bom stop in the middle of the mall. She looked to her left and realized a bunch of men were running right at her, mad. She suddenly felt someone wrap their arms around her and push her behind a wall shielding her from the men. She could smell the rawness of his black leather jacket. As she heard their footsteps disappear Bom let out a sigh of relief. She looked up into the eyes of her savior. His hood was up and he wore a face mask that only covered the bottom half of his face. He winked at her.

“There he is!”

Panic read across his face. He took Bom's hand. She stood still. With his eyes he urged her to go with him. Bom couldn't think of anything else and ran. Bom was no runner as she tried to keep up with the guy. She heard the gang chase after them. Her savior saw a door and opened it to find stairs. He looked back at her for confirmation. She nodded at him and they ran up the stairs. They found that the stairs led to the rooftop of the mall. He let go of her hands and looked around to make sure everything was clear. Bom was out of breath as she keened over gasping for air.

“I'm no athlete,” She joked. As she recomposed herself she stood back up. “What the hell was that?”

He looked at her with piercing eyes. “You just witnessed a crime being taken place.”

Mouth wide open Bom said, “You're joking right?”

Without a word, the guy walked to the edge of the roof and sat down on the ledge. Bom followed him and sat beside him. The Mall overlooked her town and her side of Seoul. She could see the faraway school building and the outline of the Han River. It was all coming back to her. Why she was here. She turned her head to the guy sitting next to her who was also staring at the view. How did he manage to make Bom forget everything in that moment he took her hand? He turned to her. She saw his eyes crinkle into a smile.

“Are you worried? Don't be. I was just kidding. They were just a bunch of s from my school, nothing big or anything.” He pulled down his hood and face mask and turned back to her.

Shock read across her face as she let out a whisper. “Cho Seungho...” He was much more handsome in person than what her girl classmates had described him as. He was in one word, perfect. If looks could kill his most definitely would. His lips were what Bom eyes laid on first. They were plump, pink and absolutely soft looking. How could he have softer lips than Bom? Bom's lips would always dry up even if it wasn't winter. Next were his eyes. Hazel and pretty, just like a girl, but at the same time piercing. It scared Bom a bit. His hair was a subtle dyed dark red with choppy layers and choppy bangs. It was a little messy due to the hood. He smiled at her again. “Do you know me?”

Bom let out a laugh. “Honestly, who doesn't know you?”

He nodded. “You're right. Everyone knows me.” Seungho turned back and stared into the sky. “But, no one really knows me.”

Confused, Bom asked. “What do you mean by that? You're well known.” She raised her eyebrows at his sudden change of mood.

“Yeah, but do they know me really? What have you heard about me? All the bad things right? I beat up people and I break up with people. In all that rumor all you girls listen to, did anything good appear about me?” He smirked. “Besides that all I can offer are my looks is there anything else? No, there's not. No one really knows me.”

“Whoa wait a minute.” Bom grabbed his shoulder and turned him around so that they were facing each other. “Are you telling me that I'm like every other girl? Because I'm not. I'm far from being every other girl. Nobody knows me either, not even my best friend! You know what those rumors are there because you create them yourself. What people see, people tell. There may be some alterations from what they say here and there but I'm pretty sure no one makes up a story about the infamous Cho Seungho on the spot. If they do, that's just plain stupid.”

His smirk disappeared from his face. For a second there Bom thought he was mad. Until he reached for the corners of with both hands and tugged it up into a smile. “Smile more will ya? Stop doing that pout, it's too cute.” After letting go of her face, he stood up from the ledge, turned towards the exit and began walking away. Seungho left Bom there speechless.

The next day throughout school all Bom could think about was Cho Seungho. She was so lost in her thoughts that even her chemistry teacher had enough. After school she was assigned to help Dr. Kim clean up the chemicals they were using for their lab that day. Even Jungjin had asked her what was wrong. She had no answer for him. She didn't even really understand it herself. The impression Seungho had left Bom was to deep for her to comprehend.

Finally after an hour of cleaning and scrubbing up the lab tables her chemistry teacher, Dr. Kim allowed her to leave. He presented a clean sheet of chemistry problems, smiled, and said to pay attention in class more. As she was leaving the grounds and stuffing her homework in her bag, she saw a bunch of girls hovering the school gate screaming and giggling. Wondering what the commotion was about she ran towards the gate. A guy parked in the front of the school entrance with his motorcycle. His left leg was down helping it to stand. He wore a black leather jackets and black skinny jeans. Bom had seen that jacket somewhere. Then slowly as if coming right out of an action movie he took off his helmet. His eyes found Bom and smiled. It couldn't be. That just couldn't be Seungho. But, it was. His signature dark red hair and hazel eyes told it all.

His arm slowly raised towards her and his finger pointed at her. “You, come here.”

Every girls eyes laid on Bom. As she slowly walked towards him, whispers began to spread. She stopped before him. He threw a helmet at her. He urged her to hop on. She hesitantly put on the helmet, and slowly went on the bike. He felt his hands find hers and wrap it around his waist. He put on his helmet and then turned to her. “I didn't catch your name before.”

“It's Bom. Lee Bom.” She replied.

“That's pretty.” Seungho began to start his motorcycle.

Bom looked back and found her eyes lay on Jungjin. He stood behind the gate starring at Bom with Raemi in his arms. He had an angry expression on his face. As Seungho hit the gas pedal and they sped off, a smile overcame her face.

I win.


“God you mothering , you're such a lucky !” yelled Heyi

Seohyun put her hands to her heart. “He sounds so hot, a freaking motorcycle. I love it Bom! He sounds like such a bad though. I wouldn't mind if he broke my heart.”

“What did you guys do?” asked Heyi

“He drove me to this ice cream store that like two people go to and bought me ice cream. It was really good. We talked for a long time. He asked me if I had any homework and I told him I had some chemistry problems to finish up and he helped me with them. He knows chemistry better than I do.”

“A smart !” yelled Seohyun. “Okay, if you dump his I call dibs!”

“That's not fair!” cried out Heyi. “I want him first!”

Bom laughed as they continued to argue on who would have Seungho next. They were such cute twenty year olds. Suddenly, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. It was a text message from none other than Jungjin. She decided to read it out loud.

“We need to talk,” She looked up at Heyi and Seohyun as they stopped their bickering. “It's from Jungjin.”


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seems interesting
mashisuh #2
aww... soo sad :( but it was really an inspiring story;)

it really got me thinking that a friendship between two people could actually end up in a havoc...
Chapter 14: This is soooo greaat..
This will be one of original story that i love.
I really hope that in the future she will comeback to Cho Seungho..
petrinananana #4
I really liked reading it! But i'm actually secretly hoping that the boy in the end is actually Seung Ho :D
canonship91 #5
In love with this story <3 ;)
sarangstoryxx #6
hmm curiosity never killed anyone :D that boy could be anyone really...its up to the reader :D<br />
thanks so much for enjoying it!! <3
hai_young #7
awwww~ loved it soooo much^^<br />
although it was sad.. when seungho and bom broke up..<br />
but still enjoyed the story~<br />
and who was the guy that called out to bom at the airport??<br />
e-Roo-tic #8
I have to admit, the end of the story was the right and nice one. :) Now that you have explained the whole point, I understand why Bom's and Seungho's relationship couldn't take the bigger part of this story. Anyway, I'm looking forward to your other stories. :)
Emylie #9
Who was the boy that called out to her at the airport? That was a nice ending btw. ^^
Emylie #10
Aw :( She's breaking up with Seungho?