
The Prequel

Why hello there ;D If you have reached this fake 'chapter' then you have completed The Prequel. Congrats! Now go and comment about what you think about this story!!! :D

Okay, this 'chapter' will simply be about explanations and other shtufff I decided to put in here. So here goes!

Inspiration: The inspiration for the fic actually came from a dream I once had. Okay I know how does one base a whole fic like this off a dream? Well I honestly don't know. What I remember in my dream were two people fighting at the beach or something one boy and one girl. All I remember the girl saying is "You're so selfish! All you think about is you you you!" And then I woke up. A week later my friend had been talking to me about her friend who had a boyfriend that treated her like complete but was really nice to all the others girls. I thought about her situation often and The Prequel came about during school. Well during AP Chem. I usually fall asleep in that class because my teacher is so boring and I just started to jot down notes and scenarios and outlining this idea of a fic in my head. This was last year. I didn't touch upon this fic until almost 7 months ago? I'm just assuming. And thats when I posted this on soompi and then I switched to here and slowly began to post this fic again. I honestly kept forgetting to post the fic up so usually a chapter came out each month...sorry :D I also didn't want the typical girl meets boy they fall in love boy is a total deuche. No. I wanted something a little different? So I thought up of two best friends boy and girl that eventually had their relationship absolutley ruined because of them both finding others to be in a more than friends relationship. Then I wanted the sort of hero in the story which eventually is the boyfriend. And then I wanted the evil do-er which was the girlfriend of the boy. I then wanted a median betweet the two which ended up being the new older bestfriends for the girl main character. And then to have another girl appear in the boys life as a minor character that eventually pushes the girl best friend. This was what I wanted, it sounded crazy but I liked it :D

Why is the title The Prequel?: Prequel is usually used in books and movies as like the before of the actual important event. For this I meant The Prequel to mean before the rebirth of Lee Bom. The ending, you can say you as the reader can think what Bom's future lies ahead. But know that it is without Jungjin and that it made her stronger and know more. 

Now for the characters of this story I actually had to outline all their personalities and who I wanted them to be like.

For Bom I wanted that strong independent girl. Her inspiration and character actually came from a drama I was watching. I don't remember which but the main character of that drama was really strong willed and she did everything her way or well to her the perfect way. Bom needed to be that way. I wanted her personality to be so strong and determined that as the story progressed I could crush her slowly. Sort of sounds like killing off your Sims in the Sims2 :D I wanted her to realize that not everything was going to go her way and that she was also selfish and self absorbed about herself that she needed to change.

For Jungjin I wanted him to be weak in the beginning. The one who couldn't hold onto a friend for his life and was too shy to really show himself. I wanted Bom to change him and thats exactly what she did. As boys grow up, oh man do they love girls. I wanted Jungjin to fall in love with the worst girls possible. And that he did. When they eventually broke up I wanted Jungjin to show his true colors. He was like Bom in that he wanted Raemi and him to be forever abnd perfect. In the end that only lasted like a month. This had to absolutley kill him and make him change. He ended up being arrogant, annoying, as well as selfish and self absorbed so much that he's lost his friends and everybody just didn't want to talk to him anymore. His inspiration came from a real life person. I've met actually the girl version of Jungjin. And it was not pretty.

For Seungho I wanted him to be the hero. I wanted him to be the bad boy in the beginning but change when meeting Bom. His personality had to be always there for Bom even if she wasn't always there for him. Which brought about their berakup in Chapter 12. I wanted Seungho to have that listening capability in him even though he was a guy. He was basically Bom's girl best friend. The one who knew how to appease to make Bom happy again and to listen to her troubles. Seungho was no perfect boyfriend but he knew how to treat Bom right. Bom would rather go to Seungho than Jungjin anytime.

For Raemi I wanted that typical bad to the core girlfriend, who was nice and sweet to everyone else but evil when someone steps in her way with her boyfriend. Her inspiration came from a real person in real life. She was a . And I could not stand her during sophmore and junior year. So I based Raemi off her. She was the definition of hypocritical hoe. She was sweet and angel like but in the end she knew how to backstab and manipulate to her advantage. I could never count with just my two hands and feet at how many boyfriends she had. She went from boyfriend to boyfriend to new crush in a span of a week prior to the previous break up. It was pathetic. But I knew somewhere she had a heart. Raemi needed to basically be the devils advocate for this story. Without her The Prequel could have never began.

For Heyi and Seohyun I wanted the girl versions of Bom and Jungjin but toned down in the drama. I'm going to put what I explained in Chapter 12 here >>>Heyi and Seohyun are the girl versions of Jungjin and Bom...but less dramatic. Seohyun is Jungjin and Heyi is Bom. The reason Seohyun was hospitalized was because of her boyfriend who she thought she loved and drank through her depression and eventually hurt herself. It was what could have happened to Jungjin and Bom had to experience that. When Heyi tells Bom to keep the people that love her the most in her life and take away the pain she is refering to Jungjin. In a way thats hypocritical for her to say because Seohyun is the one who gives her pain but Heyi loves her too much to let go. Seohyun and Heyi are the example of Bom and Jungjin continuing their relationship past high school. In the begininning they were the care free bestfriends who seemed like they didn't give a . But in actuality both were just trying to hide the pain from others. For those two, they need each other to live.

For Seojin I wanted the sneaky to appear. The one who the reader couldn't be able to tell if she was the good or bad girl because of her conflicting opinions. She is the pleaser. She attempes to please Bom in Chapter 11 but in the end finds her way through Jungjin. She didn't have any intentions of really getting rid of Bom but she did want Jungjin for herself.


Hm...I can't think of anything else to really explain. Leave a comment below if you'd like anything in this fic to be explained. Because I can't honestly think of something right now except that Flight 2026 consists of birth dates.

Thanks to everyone who stuck with me until the end. Much appreciated everyone :D

I have a lot of more fanfics ready for the asianfanfics community to see so watch out for those and subbies friend me! <3

The Prequel is finally over. :D




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seems interesting
mashisuh #2
aww... soo sad :( but it was really an inspiring story;)

it really got me thinking that a friendship between two people could actually end up in a havoc...
Chapter 14: This is soooo greaat..
This will be one of original story that i love.
I really hope that in the future she will comeback to Cho Seungho..
petrinananana #4
I really liked reading it! But i'm actually secretly hoping that the boy in the end is actually Seung Ho :D
canonship91 #5
In love with this story <3 ;)
sarangstoryxx #6
hmm curiosity never killed anyone :D that boy could be anyone really...its up to the reader :D<br />
thanks so much for enjoying it!! <3
hai_young #7
awwww~ loved it soooo much^^<br />
although it was sad.. when seungho and bom broke up..<br />
but still enjoyed the story~<br />
and who was the guy that called out to bom at the airport??<br />
e-Roo-tic #8
I have to admit, the end of the story was the right and nice one. :) Now that you have explained the whole point, I understand why Bom's and Seungho's relationship couldn't take the bigger part of this story. Anyway, I'm looking forward to your other stories. :)
Emylie #9
Who was the boy that called out to her at the airport? That was a nice ending btw. ^^
Emylie #10
Aw :( She's breaking up with Seungho?