All We Do Is Fight

The Prequel

It was the weekend and Bom woke up to sounds of kitchen utensils being used in the kitchen. She got up from bed and shuffled her feet to the kitchen. Her mom was just finishing up making breakfast. She took a seat at the counter and picked up a fork. Her mom had cooked eggs, ham, and rice.

“You’re home in the morning,” said Bom as she took a bite of her eggs. “Usually you’d be at the hospital around this time.”

Her mom smiled at her as she set down a glass of orange juice. “I didn’t get beeped in yet and besides it’s the weekend, I need a little break ever now and then.”

Bom nodded. She leaned her elbows on the table and picked at her food.

“Something wrong sweetheart?”

Bom shook her head. “It’s nothing.”

“It’s never just nothing with you,” laughed her mom. “Come on, tell me.”

Bom shrugged. “I don’t know, it’s just that Jungjin and I keep on fighting lately.”

“What do you mean like fighting?”

“It’s like petty fighting really. I don’t really know how to explain it umma.” sighed Bom. “Just last night we got in a fight over nothing. Honestly I can’t even remember what we fought about. I’m sick and tired of it.”

Bom’s mom walked around the kitchen, reached over, and gave Bom a huge warm hug. Bom nestled her head in between her moms head and shoulder. Her mom had a short stature so Bom had to lean in a little more. “Tell me when Jungjin gets to be too much and I’ll have a long talk with his mother.”

They laughed together and she hugged her mom even more. It was just like her to know how to make Bom feel instantly better.

"By the way honey, Your father and I need to talk about something important with you."


It was after school. Bom had gone to her locker as usual and began putting away the books that she didn’t need at home. As she was doing so she noticed that Jungjin wasn’t at her locker yet. Usually he’d be there a minute later. At first she didn't think of it, her mind was filled with what her mom had told her this morning.

Bom slammed her locker closed and clasped the lock. Where was Jungjin? She decided to go for look for him at his locker. He was stationed upstairs. She made her way through the hallways and turned around a corner. Bom stopped in her footsteps.

There, conversing as if everything was just fine was Raemi and Jungjin. It had been a long time since Bom had seen Raemi. Although, Jungjin never forgot to slip in her name every now and then during their conversations. Here was the girl who had ruined Jungjin into depression. Here was the girl who had practically ripped Bom and Jungjin apart the best she could. Here was the girl who was Bom’s first worst enemy talking to her first best friend, as if everything was okay.

Bom knew how to read expressions well. Too well that it was scary. On the look on Jungjins face, those small smiles and courteous nod were all fake. He was feeling just as awkward as Bom who was just standing a good 6 feetaway.

Bom watched Raemi reach for Jungjin’s arm and lightly tap his biceps. Bom scoffed to herself. Gassed. She saw her nod, wave her little hand at him and watched her turn on her heel and walk away. Jungjin’s head was bent low as if he was contemplating on something mindful.

Bom had walked up to Jungjin and asked, “What was that about?”

Jungjin’s eyes were closed as he shook his head, “She’s dating someone new.”

Bom’s eyes were wide open in shock as she stared at Jungjin. Her whole body trembled in anger. “What do you mean by dating someone new?”

Jungjin moved towards his locker and opened it. “Basically she dumped me for him.”

“Who is it?”

“Kim Kihoon.”

 Oh man. Kim Kihoon. That name brought so many bad thoughts in Bom’s head. Kim Kihoon was a year older than Bom and Jungjin. He also used to be Jungjin’s friend and partner in Biology sophomore year. They weren’t close or anything but they had that ‘bro’ thing going on. Well, that is until he called Jungjin a worthless piece of when he tried out for Tennis. Jungjin was good but not good enough in Kihoon’s eyes. After all he was the captain. Jungjin took it to heart and resented every little thing about Kihoon. Jungjin didn’t dare try out for the tennis team until Kihoon graduated last year. He was now second singles. Now this? Kihoon practically stole Raemi away from Jungjin.  

“Why’d she even tell you about it?”

Jungjin shrugged. “I asked her that and she said she just wanted me to know before anything official was going to get out and she didn’t want me to ing misunderstand her. Whatever. What a ing .”

Bom rolled her eyes as she leaned on the locker next to Jungjins. “She just wants attention.”  

“Whatever,” Jungjin turned to Bom suddenly. “By the way what the was that this morning?”

“What the was what?” asked Bom.

“You didn’t walk with me to school this morning.”

“Oh, Seungho gave me a ride on his motorcycle this morning.”

“Way to ing tell me.”

“Well I asked you last night if we were walking together today and you never replied to me!”

“I’m ing pretty sure I’d respond to your texts!”

Bom snorted. “Oh yeah? I doubt that. Who were you talking to last night? Seojin right?”

“So what you could have texted me more than once and even called me which you don’t ing do anymore.”

Bom threw her hands up in the air. “Oh I’m so sorry that whenever I call it’s ing busy because you’re ING TALKING TO SEOJIN!”

Jungjin glared at her, took his bag, and began to walk away.

Bom closed her eyes in anger. “You’re not going to walk with me home?!”

“Get a ride from your ing boyfriend!”

Bom whipped out her cell phone as soon as Jungjin yelled at her.



Bom held her hand back as she stared down at her cell phone that lay emotionless on her lap. She promised herself that she wasn’t going to call that of a best friend first. Usually, Jungjin was the first to make a move and apologize when it came down to their little fights. Bom rarely texted first and she wasn’t going to change that this time. He pissed her off bad and he should be begging down on his ing knees for forgiveness.

9:20 p.m.If he doesn’t text her in thirty minutes, Bom was going to release her full on hate rage.

9:30 p.m.No new messages.

9:45 p.m.No new messages.

9:58 p.m.No new messages.

10:01 p.m.No new messages.

“See if I talk to you tomorrow .”

The next day Bom went to school, went to her locker, and got ready for her morning classes. Park Jungjin ended up not coming to her locker. She ignored that and went on throughout the day.

At lunch time, Bom walked alone outside to the lunch tables. She unpacked her home lunch and began to eat. She had her usual, a simple ham and cheese sandwich. As she watched the crowd of students filing out into the courtyard, her eyes caught a particular two that made Bom boil in anger. Why must it be Jungjin and Seojin that ruined her day. She was just forgetting about him until his stupid face showed up.

"Hey Bom," said Jungjin with a smile. "Can we sit with you?" 

How can Bom be rude and say no? "Yeah, sure." 

They both took a seat. 

"I'll be right back," announced Jungjin. "I'm going to go and get lunch." 

Bom took a bite of her sandwich as she watched Jungjin leave. Her eyes drifted to Seojin, who was shifting around in her seat awkwardly. Bom smirked. Damn right you should be nervous. 

"So, why are you here?" asked Bom. "Shouldn't you be in school in Pusan?"

Seojin didn't meet Bom's eyes as she said, "I'm transferring here." 

"You're transferring here?!"

Seojin nodded. "My father got promoted in his job, so we're moving back to Seoul. Look if you think I like Jungjin or anything, that's really not the case. I have a boyfriend back in Pusanthat I love. I know Jungjin flirts with me and what not but we both know that we're just friends, so you don't have to feel threatened or anything."

Threatened? Is that how Bom looked like in front of others? Threatened? Was she really threatened of someone like Seojin or Raemi that she felt threatened enough to think Jungjin was going to drift away from her? What Seojin said struck her.

This whole situation was pathetic. How could Bom ever let it get this far? Bom never felt threatened especially by friendship. Friendship should never feel threatening. Bom had to take a few seconds to think back. What was she gaining from having Jungjin as a friend? Nothing. This all started because of Raemi. But, that was not a good enough reason to push all the blame on her. Jungjin, as well as Bom, was to blame. Raemi was just the lit match ready to put Jungjin aflame. He was always like this. Thinking about himself before others. Selfish. He was absolutely selfish. Once in a while you can get sympathy from him but everything would just lead back to him. Bom was to blame as well. She let it get this far. 

Bom stood up from her seat and packed up her things. "I have to go, can you tell Jungjin for me that I'll call later?"

Seojin nodded. "Sure, but where are you going?"

"I don't know yet."


Han River. When Bom had left school, she didn't know where she was going. All she knew was that she had to get out of there. She went to a different side of the Han Riverthat she didn't really go to. It was where tourists liked to go eat on the high deck and sight see. She walked down the cascading stairs and sat down in the middle. She stretched out her legs and with her hands leaned back and closed her eyes.

The cool breeze brushed Bom's cheeks at she stared out into the river. Although it was May and spring time, the river still had its chill to it. School was going to end soon. Graduation was going to happen. Then college life. Her life as a high school student was coming to a close and very soon. And where was Jungjin going to be in the mix of this? Bom was growing up, with him or without him. Bom couldn't wait until senior year was over so that she can leave him for good. Her mind drifted away from Jungjin for a second and thought about that morning. It was going to be hard.

A couple of hours flew by and soon it was dark. The decorative lights were now and Bom could see the night restaurants start to open and people flowing in. Was she at the river for that long? Bom stood up and began walking down the stairs. She walked further in to the Han Riverwhere there was sand and kicked off her shoes. She let her feet sink into the cool sand as she continued to walk. Suddenly, her cell phone rang.


"Hey Bom."

It was Heyi.

"Hey Heyi, what's up? How's Seohyun? Is she feeling better?"

"Yeah, she's getting discharged next week. Bom, Seungho's been looking for you. Where are you?"

Bom rubbed her hand to her arms, it was getting chilly. "I'm at the Han Riverright now. Did he call my cell?"

"Yeah, didn't you hear it?"

"I guess I was too distracted."

"Well okay, you should call him back though. He seems really worried." replied Heyi. "Oh and Bom? Keep the people who really care about you the most. The ones who put you first before themselves. They'll always be there for you. When Seohyun had alcohol poisoning it wasn't her now ex boyfriend who came to her rescue, it was me. I will always be there for her because she's my best friend. Seungho loves you Bom. And I know you love him. Don't keep him in the dark, let him help you. Take away the people that give you pain from your life."

"Thanks, Heyi."

"I'll always be there for you Bom, like how you're always there for me. I want you to be happy. I don't know what happened but I have a feeling and I want you to think what's best for you. Goodnight Bom."

"Goodnight Heyi."

Bom ended the call and went on to dial Seungho's number. "Hey Seungho."

"Bom is that you, where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you. I called your cell and you didn't answer. I even have Jungjin calling me repeatedly and that's a first! Bom you can't just disappear for an afternoon and expect nobody to worry about you. , I was even going to call your parents! Bom tell me where you are and I'll--"

"I'm sorry." interrupted Bom.

Bom could hear Seungho's voice soften as he asked, "Sorry about what Bom?

Bom starred out into the endless satin black river as she fought back the tears ready to collapse on her face.

"I want to break up with you."



[A/N] I've been getting PM's around the reason for Seohyun's sudden hospitalization. So I guess now would be a good time to explain what Heyi and Seohyun represented. Heyi and Seohyun are the girl versions of Jungjin and Bom...but less dramatic. Seohyun is Jungjin and Heyi is Bom. The reason Seohyun was hospitalized was because of her boyfriend who she thought she loved and drank through her depression and eventually hurt herself. It was what could have happened to Jungjin and Bom had to experience that. When Heyi tells Bom to keep the people that love her the most in her life and take away the pain she is refering to Jungjin. In a way thats hypocritical for her to say because Seohyun is the one who gives her pain but Heyi loves her too much to let go. Seohyun and Heyi are the example of Bom and Jungjin continuing their relationship past high school. In the begininning they were the care free bestfriends who seemed like they didn't give a . But in actuality both were just trying to hide the pain from others. For those two, they need each other to live.

Anyways hoped you enjoyed this chapter! After chapter 13 that will be the end of The Prequel but watch out for Chapter 14 for detailed explanations on events if any are confused (like Seohyun's hospitalization above)

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seems interesting
mashisuh #2
aww... soo sad :( but it was really an inspiring story;)

it really got me thinking that a friendship between two people could actually end up in a havoc...
Chapter 14: This is soooo greaat..
This will be one of original story that i love.
I really hope that in the future she will comeback to Cho Seungho..
petrinananana #4
I really liked reading it! But i'm actually secretly hoping that the boy in the end is actually Seung Ho :D
canonship91 #5
In love with this story <3 ;)
sarangstoryxx #6
hmm curiosity never killed anyone :D that boy could be anyone really...its up to the reader :D<br />
thanks so much for enjoying it!! <3
hai_young #7
awwww~ loved it soooo much^^<br />
although it was sad.. when seungho and bom broke up..<br />
but still enjoyed the story~<br />
and who was the guy that called out to bom at the airport??<br />
e-Roo-tic #8
I have to admit, the end of the story was the right and nice one. :) Now that you have explained the whole point, I understand why Bom's and Seungho's relationship couldn't take the bigger part of this story. Anyway, I'm looking forward to your other stories. :)
Emylie #9
Who was the boy that called out to her at the airport? That was a nice ending btw. ^^
Emylie #10
Aw :( She's breaking up with Seungho?