Mr. Perfect or Dorkman

Getting engaged...getting married in 3 months

To Myungsoo...

That was my goal right? to marry someone rich so i dont have to be like my mother

She always told me she wanted to choose riches over someone she loves

But in the end...she chose the person she loved

Thats where i come in

making me suffer in poverty!

thats right! I'm not going to be like her

I dont even have someone else hah! so what was i thinking?

I'm going to be rich lady!!


But since that day we decided we would get married...Junhyung hasnt talked to me once

is he mad?

"hey miss Hara. why are you standing there? Get in!" 

The sweet voice lured me out of my thoughts

I looked up and found the elevator doors agape

With Donghae standing with a welcoming smile

Something made me automatically smile back at him

"Thanks" i brushed my bangs out of my face then pushed the button for the level i needed to exit on

I turned around and immediately noticed the frown that replaced his smile

"soo uh. you getting married?"

"huh? oh...yeah"

"you're one lucky girl. That ring must cost a fortune"

"oh i guess. so-"

The lights flickered but i ignored it

"I wi-"


"Hey! wooaah!" 

The voice had suddenly gotten closer and louder to me

"wahhh! ooouf!" the screams and croaks escaped from my lips as the elevator tilted to the side

Something warm and heavy landed on top of me 

But as we paused for a couple minutes, hoping the elevator wont fall, I noticed he was on top of me with his arms protectively wrapped around me

His hand gently my head

Until it was safe he sat up and told me to stay

"I'm not a dog!" I pouted

I must be crazy! Even in this dire situation i managed to stay calm and even perform aegyo?! (cuteness?)


"Someone! Help me!" i pounded on the door hoping our shouts would be heard

"Why are you hitting the door when theres a microphone thing in the elevator?" Donghae questioned

I shot him an unsatisfied look 

"hello? someone there?" He tapped on the button once more "HELP?! SOMEONE HELPPP!!!"

"My gosh! Calm Down!!" i hissed

I dug through my purse 

"hah! i almost forgot to bring it too! we're so lucky! we'll be saved!"

"Hello? Hello?? Myungsoo? I'm stuck in the Elevator. Help us! come now! Pleas- Hello?! Hello?!!"

Ohmagawd what just happened to my phone



"let me try to call someone" Donghae pressed the numbers and cooly placed his hand in his pocket

"Hello? yeah Eunhyuk! come save m-" 

"or hang up..."

"what what did he say!!" i bursted in "Wait what?! HE HUNG UP?!??!"


Myungsoo's POV~


"Hello? hello? Myungsoo. I. Ele. Us. now!"

What the heck is she saying?

"Hello? Hara! Hello?!"

Did she get into trouble?

My fingers quickly redialed her number

"Hello!? HARA!"

Answer the damn phone!

I clutched my phone in my tight grip while my feet automatically took off towards the direction i last saw her.




A/N: A boring update i know! But at least i updated! 


Pwettty pwease with cherryy on top?! 

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congrats :D
Chapter 26: Congrats on the feature! :)
lisas143 #3
congrats :)
sea0horse #4
Congrats, dear :)
Congratulations on the Feature! :D
Congrats on the feature!