Hit him with Apple

Maid to Love You?!?!


Author’s POV


You went back at your apartment with a feeling that the whole world is in your shoulders. A sigh escaped from your lips as you kick the stones you passed by. You could hear the distant voices around you but your mind is already preoccupied of something. You don’t know why you feel this kind of emotion. You should be happy because you have a work but there’s a part of you that makes you sad on the inside you didn’t even know why.


You stuffed your hands on your pockets of your pants and started to walk again.


You noticed the landlady is approaching you, a hint of relief on her face. You gave her a questioning look and walk closer to her.



“What’s the fuss all about ahjumna?” You said as you raise your eyebrow.


She clasped her hands together and smiled warmly at you. You became confused at this moment. *Oh boy! Favor again.* You inwardly groned.



“Can you do me a favor Jeanie-ah?” She asked. Her eyes are full of hope. You put your index finger at your chin as if you were thinking deeply and gaze at the skies.



“What kind of favor?” You asked hesitantly and puckered your lips together that form a straight line on your lips.




The landlady gleefully held your hands together.





“You’re such an angel for me Jeanie-ah! Don’t worry I will give you some money after three hours of selling those fruits.” She beamed as you nodded, you never let down that woman in your life. She is so nice to you and gave you 10% percent discount on your rent at your apartment. It’s like giving back the good things that the ahjumma gave to you.



“Where’s this fruit stand ahjumma?!?!” You curiously asked, throwing your hands at your slim waist, waiting for her response.



“It’s just 15 steps away from that ice cream parlor near the park.” She instructed you and memorized what she said. You gave her a small smile and nodded.



“Have fun with your day ahjumma!” You waved goodbye at her as you ride on to your blue bike you pedaled your way onto that park.









Yoochun’s POV


Aish! It’s totally boring in here.


Junsu went out, probably playing soccer.


Changmin went to a restaurant to eat with Kyuhyun and Jaejoong hyung went out to buy some groceries with our personal maid.


It means that Yunho and I left here at this silent dorm.


I can’t think of any things to do for this spare time of mine.


Sleeping is too mainstream.


Losing in a game is so pathetic.



And talking to the phone is so overrated.




 I exasperatedly sigh and clasped my hands together and put my chin in there, elbows resting on my knees.




I watched Yunho hyung as he plays Temple Run on his iPhone. His eyes are glued to his phone as if he will give it a severe punishment if it ever ran away from his hands.



I grinned at the thought he looks like a child and doesn’t want to disturb with. Hyung is too cute!!



I started brainstorming around the corners of my busy mind and a light bulb was lightened up above my head.



Finally, I think of what will I be doing for today to ease the boring part inside me.




I don’t want to disturb hyung and his game but I want to go out now, as in RIGHT NOW!!!




I tried to call his name softly but he didn’t hear my not so loud whispers.



I scratched the back of my head because of frustration. I pouted angrily and whimpered a bit.




I cleared my throat and exhaled deeply. This is it Park Yoochun!



“HYUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I yelled his name as loud as I could. He looked at me, eyes as big as saucers, bewilderment evident on his squinty eyes.




“YAH!!! DO YOU WANT ME TO DIE THAT EARLY!!! OH FOR PETE’S SAKE YOOCHUN!!! I’M NOT DEAF!!! YOU DING DONG!!!” He yelled back as he clutched the part of his shirt where his heart is located. I grinned from ear to ear because of his stupid remarks. Not deaf or you just acting like prince of ignorance? I smirked inwardly and threw a deadly glare at him. I saw him paused his game for a while and stood up. He looked at me as if I have eight eyes.




“You’re a liar hyung!” I and he pointed himself and gave me a “what are you talking about look”.



“Wh… WAEYO?!?!?!” He asked, eyes grew bigger and bigger every second.


Yunho looks like an owl. I should call him Yunhowl. Hehehehe xD




“You said you’re not deaf but you didn’t hear me calling your name.” I pouted at him as I crossed my arms. Acting like I have tantrums.



“Aish…. I’m sorry okay!!!” He palmed his face, shook his head because of disbelief.



*This guy is so childish!* Yunho thought as he scowled.





“What do you need to as….” I cut Yunho’s sentence because I already know what he will say.



“HYUNG! It is Sunday now, will you let me to go out for today? I want to feel fresh air again. PLEASE!!” I made an aegyo to Yunho Hyung. I hope it is effective. He put his phone down and rolled his eyes. He looked at me with a disbelief look.




He groaned and grabbed a fistful of his hair.



“Yeah sure! But don’t do anything stupid!” He warned me with his pointy finger raised in the air. I frowned at him. I’m feeling like a baby who always reminded by his father.




“YAH! I’m not a kid anymore!” He chuckled and approached me to pat my shoulders. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.



“I know! I just warned you.” I smirked. This guy really! He is qualified to be a dad now. Of course the wife is Jaejoong. [GRIN]



“Thank you DADDY!” I squealed because of happiness then I kissed his cheeks, just to make him pissed and get going. Hahaha!!!




“THAT’S GROSS CHUNNIE~~!!!” He yelled, I just chuckled.




Yunho wipe his cheeks with his hand.



“Aish. I’m alone here. Oh! My game!” He immediately sat down again to continue his game.



I take a bath first and after that, I picked some random of clothes that people will not able to recognize of my existence as an idol. I looked at the mirror and gave myself two thumbs up.


I wear dark eyeglasses and other props so that people won’t notice who I was.



*I’m so handsome*


I opened my cabinet and searched for my sketchpad and pencil case.



I always kept it because I like to draw stuff.








I checked my things and I’m ready to get going.





I walk towards to the parking lot and shove my car keys to the lock.



I the ignition and stepped out some breaks






Author’s POV


You reached the park and let out a groaned.


*If I don’t love ahjumma and I didn’t need money, I will not do this. This is the first time I will sell something in front of many people.* You grumpily thought in your mind.


You parked your bike near the fruit stand and started to open up for business. You arrange some fruits to look presentable for the eyes of consumers.


After arranging, you sat on the bench just a couple steps away from the fruit stand and pulled out your book which entitled ‘The Little Prince.’


Many people are passing by so you still take a look on the store if someone snatched some fruits away.




Yoochun found a parking lot and parked his car there. He paid first and started to walk towards the park together with his sketchpad and earplugs on his ears to jive on some music.


*This day is going to be perfectly fine!* Yunho exhaled, glee is evident on his eyes as he stretched his arms and looked around as if he was a new born baby and have to discover something new.


*Damn those hectic schedules! Micky wants to take a day off for once you know! I’m a human too like others!* He inwardly groaned, thinking about piles of work and tapings.



He walked around, wandering for the perfect place to stay with until he spot the children’s play ground.


A smile crept on the corners of his pinkish lips and decided to sat down on a bench. He cannot see clearly because of his black shaded glasses so he took the nerdy look glasses and wear it.



He could hear the children’s laughter and smiled on the thought the he experienced that kind of happiness on his life.


He removed the cover of his sketchpad and started to draw the place.


He ended up and doing this thing: 



He smiled as he roamed his eyes again and it landed on you.


*That girl looks kind of familiar* He eyed you suspiciously as if he was a detective. He puckered his lips and snapped his finger.


“Maybe I’m just hallucinating! Nah! Many people here in Seoul are most look alike! But she seems to be very familiar though she’s very pretty.” He mumbled under his breath.


He decided to sketch you while reading, he is halfway there when you stood up from your seat because two kids snatched some fruits on the stand. 






You ran towards them and started to yell.





“YAH YOU SCUMBAG!!! GET THAT BACK OR ELSE!!!” You held out high your balled fist and frantically grabbed an apple.


“Else what?!?!” The smaller kid stuck his tongue out and did a mehrong.



“This!” You throw the apple on their direction but they immediately dodge so it landed on the man who is wearing black clothes. His eyes are widened as saucers and mouth is form with a big O.


Yoochun felt dizzy because of the impact of the apple.



You gasped and cursed the kids.


“EAT MORE BEAN RICE AND GO TO HELL YOU BASTARDS!!!!” You yelled as people think you were crazy but you couldn’t care less anymore at that fact. You balled your fist, wrath is forming in your eyes as you worriedly hurried to the guy.





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BaekChaYun #1
Chapter 4: Augh, I need more. XO
nerdybunny1206 #2
Nice story! Hilarious about Sehun saying "I'm your future husband"
Update soon!!!
KrisHanna #3
I want her to end up with Chanyeol ^.^
Did you repost the chapter? .... Cause it has duplicates ... xD AHAHAHHA I CAN'T VOTE YETT!! AAHHAHA I DUNNO HOW THE STORY FLOWS YETTTT ~~... x)
I want her to be with either Sehun or Baekhyun but it's all up to you ^^
Lol I'd like to see how they treat her first before anyone decides who she'd end up with^^
Very interesting and creative^^ Looking forward to the next chapter!!
Love it! Update soon ^_^
I like it so far (: To be honest I hope she ends up with Sehun because he's one of my biases but I won't be upset if she ends up with someone else (: update soon (: