Spy xD

Maid to Love You?!?!


“What’s your name?” The five of them asked in chorus. Did I do anything wrong?


Oh this . I didn’t have my pay yet and this will come.

Oh! Great! Just great!

I really hate it.

This is the first time I feel petrified in my life.






Can I just ask them why?







I’m a dead meat later.



I noticed manager’s presence then he shifted his glance at me. I gave him a nervous smile he just nodded.

That Kyuhyun guy noticed where my eyes are looking for. He smirked at me then he approached manager ahjussi.


Please Kyuhyu-ssi SPARE ME!!!






Well! Here goes nothing. I know that I will be punished by that monster later on and he will not give my salary.







 But it is strange because they didn’t spit the drink nor react like it tastes horrible or stuff like that.



It gives me nuts and drive me insane.


Half of the boys are looking at me with a worried face. The young ones only.


The manager nodded to what Kyuhyun has said and gestured me to approach him. I did what he said and I could feel all eyes on me. This is so embarrassing! I keep my head down and my fingers are fidgeting. Someone help me please.


I wish God could kick me and straight ahead in the Bermuda Triangle or a UFO will hunt me so that they could take me with their spaceship to their planet.








“Jeanie-ssi!” The manager called for my attention.


“What’s the problem now sir?”  I asked with not so obvious scared tone.


“You know.” He said seriously.




The manager gave me a WHAT THE HELL look and creased his forehead. Maybe I scared him because I know this face of mine is burning with anger, sadness just different reactions. Even Leonardo Da Vinci could not paint my face right now because of these unexplainable feelings.


Just .


“What are you talking about?” He asked perplexedly. I just raised an eyebrow and put my both hands on the table with a berserk manner. I feel tears are starting to fall down.


He became startled and stood up. He crossed his arms and looked bewildered because of my actions.



“YOUR PAY IS GOING TO BE 8 TIMES BIGGER.” I looked at him with a ‘WHAT ARE YOU KIDDING LOOK’ then I shouted like a psychotic moron in this office. I know that those guys can hear me but I don’t care. Speaking of those guys.



“Then, what did the Kyuhyun guy say to you?” I curiously asked. Still not removing those glistening thing on my eyes because of undying happiness I feel.I feel sorry for what I have done to manager ahjussi.

He giggled at my question I don’t even know why.


“He said that you’re amazing bartender and…” He held his laughter and stared at me. Guys really! Just finish your freaking statement and I have a job to deal with.


“And?” I gave him a questioning look.


“You’re a beautiful girl.” I almost choke at what he said. This is ridiculous. That is the first time a guy complemented me like that. And he is an idol. Maybe he is just fooling around or stuff like that. I don’t give a damn!


“Seriously, the drink you gave them has no love potion or spell right?” I gave him a deadly glare and he gave me a cross sign on his fingers.


 “What am I, a monster?” I asked him with a sarcastic tone.


I heard someone chuckled and I am not sure if it is the manager so I hurriedly went to the door and opened it but no one is in there.




Kyuhyun’s POV 


The five of us eavesdrop on their conversation. That girl is a tough one though and her drink is amazing! I will go here everyday if I don’t have any schedules plus she is smoking hot…

Hehehe… Here comes Kyu again.


“I know that my DRINK IS HORRIBLE!!!! I’m SUPER SORRY!!! If they didn’t like that first drink I WILL MAKE ANOTHER ONE! I NEED THAT PAY! I NEED MONEY YOU KNOW SIR! PLEASE DON’T DO it.”

She begged her manager. I noticed that Jaejoong smirked.


“She is obviously angry right now. You are dead Kyuhyun.” Donghae whispered at me but I return a smirk on him.



Leeteuk approached us and whispered. “What the hell are you guys doing in there. Don’t you know that it is bad to eavesdrop!”He said with an annoyed tone.


“Shh! Don’t be so loud Hyung!” We all said in chorus. Quietly. He rolled his eyes and angrily pout but he decided to leave us with our evily business.



“What are you talking about?” The manager asked.


We heard a loud thud.



“YOUR PAY IS GOING TO BE 8 TIMES BIGGER.” The four of us High five except Donghae Hyung because he is still listening to the conversation.



“Then, what did the Kyuhyun guy say to you?” I heard she mention my name. Ha! Maybe she is my fan.


“He said that you’re amazing bartender and…” Ah! The one I said. Kekeke!

“And?” She said with a nonchalant tone.


“You’re a beautiful girl.” The four of them stared at me like WHAT THE HELL! I just smiled evilly.

But in the end of their silent thinking, they just nodded.


“Seriously, the drink you gave them has no love potion or spell right?” The five of us hold our laughter and giggled.


 “What am I a monster?” She said in a sarcastic tone. We cannot help it so we laughed a bit loud. But then, we heard footsteps so we hurriedly went to our spot and all the guys are looking at us weirdly.


I saw her opened the door and she noticed me that I’m looking at her so she slyly smiled.

Hehehe! Good job Kyu!




Jeanie’s POV


HECK YEAH!!! I earned a lot this day! Thank you GOD!!! This is a stressful yet a happy day for me because I don’t drink liquor but I do bartending, which is a crazy thing, I will treat myself an ICE CREAM! Wohoo! I don’t remember the last time I went to an ice cream parlor because of my jobs. I enter inside and saw three familiar guys staring at me. The one is blushing, the other looks alike Tae…, the maknae of SHINee. I forgot his name and the last one has a similar features like mine. He looks like me!!! It’s like he’s the male version and I felt some sweet spot in my heart for that guy. Weird. I went to the counter to order and I order my favorite, ROCKY ROAD! Omo! I will back home with a smile forming on my lips because this day I super awesome! Since the ice cream parlor is a bit small, I could notice those stares of those three boys at me. I sat beside the window and get my phone for some sound trip. While eating, I can’t help to smile because of this eating I’m eating! Think of a 23 year old girl happily eating by herself. Childish! But don’t care. Hehehe.


Umma has texted me asking me if I’m fine. I just replied “Great” and eat my ice cream again. I looked at the guy who looks like me and he smiled. WAH!!! He is so CUTE!!! OMO! What am I saying? Yah! Lee Gae In! Get a hold on yourself. I slightly nod my head and eat again.



Kai’s POV


Sehun, Suho Hyung and I went on an ice cream parlor for awhile. It is supposed to be a date between me and Sehun but our manager said that Suho Hyung will join with us, just to be sure. We pick a place where only few people We had a little chit chat about what happened at the bar. Seriously, that girl is so AMAZING! She flipped bottles like that and move her body in sync. Marvelous indeed. Sehun has told me that he likes that girl. Well she’s beautiful I couldn’t disagree more. He is right. While Suho Hyung said that he felt crying when he saw that girl because of unexplainable reason. In the idle of our conversation, Sehun dropped his jaw and blushing? Suho Hyung is looking at the direction where Sehun look at. I became curios so I look at it. It’s the bartender girl earlier but she looks different. She wear glasses and casual outfit. I looked at Sehun, he is blushing when she look at him.


She is like this



She went to the cashier, still not removing our gazes at her.



“She’s SO PRETTY” Sehun muttered. I chuckled at what he said. She finished ordering and went find a seat with her ice cream on her hands. She sat beside the window. Sehun is still mesmerizing on her beauty. Aish! This kid really.

I pinch his thighs but he gave a glare. I noticed that she is looking at us, on Suho’s direction only and she smiled at him.


“Looks like that noona like Suho Hyung.” I said while eating my ice cream. Sehun hit me on my head and glared at me again. Suho Hyung chuckled.


“You like her Sehun?” Suho Hyung asked the sullen Sehun.


“Hell Yeah! Is that too obvious Hyung?” He asked in a sarcastic tone and crossed his arms.


“She’s yours!” Suho Hyung said obviously holding his laughter. I just smiled.


“JINJA?!?!” He asked enthusiastically then Hyung smiled and nodded.


“Hahaha! You look like you won in a lottery!” I muttered. I noticed that his ice cream are melting so I grabbed it and eat it. Since this guy is focusing on that girl I eat it. Hehehe!


“You’re gonna buy me another one or I will send you to Amazon Forest and let dangerous animals eat you alive.” I stopped from eating and looked at him. He is looking scary while Suho Hyung is laughing. I gave him a peace sign and does my BBUING BBUING! But it didn’t work. Ow! Men!


“That girl that you like Sehun has already left.” Suho Hyung simply put. Sehun quickly stood up.


“WHAT?!?!?!” I can’t explain the expression on his face. I giggled because he acts like he is her boyfriend.


“C’mon let’s follow her!!! It’s already late! Maybe she will be in danger if she will walking alone.” We agreed to what he said and run.


We wear our disguises while following that girl. I don’t even know why did I have the urge to follow her.


She went on a bus so we followed her and went there too. Sehun can’t stop looking at her. Good thing, she didn’t pay too much attention to the people around her.


The bus has stopped and she got off the bus so we just followed wherever she goes. I’m just a bit scared because it’s too dark now I think it’s midnight already.


She crosses to a street then two drunkard guys approached her. Our eyes widened because those guys are touching her and she is now shivering. I think this is the time she needs our help.








Author's NOTE:

Hey !!!

Thanks for reading this story of mine. :D

I'm so grateful to have a reader like you :D

I have a favor, please do comment so that I will kow your reaction about this.

I hope you have a wonderful day and to all ELF KANGIN is BACK!!!

I'm spazzing right now because the father of Super Junior is BACK!!!

By the way Bonus Pictures :D






Super Junior


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BaekChaYun #1
Chapter 4: Augh, I need more. XO
nerdybunny1206 #2
Nice story! Hilarious about Sehun saying "I'm your future husband"
Update soon!!!
KrisHanna #3
I want her to end up with Chanyeol ^.^
Did you repost the chapter? .... Cause it has duplicates ... xD AHAHAHHA I CAN'T VOTE YETT!! AAHHAHA I DUNNO HOW THE STORY FLOWS YETTTT ~~... x)
I want her to be with either Sehun or Baekhyun but it's all up to you ^^
Lol I'd like to see how they treat her first before anyone decides who she'd end up with^^
Very interesting and creative^^ Looking forward to the next chapter!!
Love it! Update soon ^_^
I like it so far (: To be honest I hope she ends up with Sehun because he's one of my biases but I won't be upset if she ends up with someone else (: update soon (: