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Personal Message

All AFF writers fighting!!! I wish that all of you have great ideas to write fanfics^^

About Me

Annyeonghasaeyo~ Clarise inmida^^

I've been reading fanfiction without an account for ages and ages (roughly about 3 or 4 years) because I just wasn't bothered and didn't have any ideas to write for fanfiction :p

I'm in high school so I'm still a teenager (and maybe I'll reveal my age) but nahh not yet or AFF would stop me from reading some fics that I like to read.


- Kpop music and jpop

- Well written BL stories

-EXO, Super Junior, Shinee etc. 

- Stories about yourself and a kpop star that are written really well

- Haters of any story because all writers of stories deserve respect even if their story may not be as good as you would like it to be

Well then I have nothing else to say about myself and thank you (kamsamida) for reading my random profile^^