Her Saver...

The Last To Kiss My Lips...

~ Joon’s P.O.V ~


“GO Hyung! Where did you placed the laptop?? I can’t find it.” I yelled from my room while I was moving from one side to another the clothes on my bed,soon to be my ex bed,and ex room.

“Why are you asking me this? Better ask Mir.” he yelled back.

I took off my shirt because I felt hot already,or maybe it was just me,and I made my way to Seungho’s room where Mir has just entered.

It may sound weird.But I’ve decided to live alone,so I bought a very cute house a month ago, in one of the best neighbourhoods in Seoul.Boys come over my place a lot,and often stay over night.It’s a beautiful house,with 3 bedrooms,3 baths,1 huge living room,a kitchen,and pretty backyard,with pool.I still didn’t have moved at all.I still have some clothes here and other stuff.I’ll miss living with the guys in a dorm,but it’s not like I’m leaving forever,the neighborhood it’s 10 minutes of walking,not by car,away from here.

I found Mir hidden under the blanket on Seungho’s bed,of course with my laptop.

“Ya! I need that.” I said while taking a glance at Seungho,who had a bowl with ice cream in his hands.

“I don’t want to....I’m using it now” Mir complained.I rushed to Seungho and took the bowl from his hands,then the laptop from Mir and ran into the bathroom.

“YAAA! Stop right there!” They both yelled,half laughing.Yep,I’ll miss things,living in a dorm with guys,but I feel like I need to go to the next level.I took the spoon into my mouth holding the bowl tight and the laptop in my other hand,while closing the bathroom door behind me.

They began to kick the door,and I bursted out in laugh while I placed the laptop down and took a spoon full with ice cream to my mouth.

“My ice cream...the laptop! Open the door.” Mir and Seungho complanied still hitting the door.I could hear Cheondoong and GO’s laugh from the kitchen.

“Ah,stop it! The bathroom is a private place....I have my need you know.” I chuckled finishing the ice cream and placing the bowl down.

“Plus,there’s plenty of ice cream in the fridge.”

I could hear their “Aish!” before they stopped hitting the door.Good,now I’m alone and I can do what I wanted to do.I layed down on the bathroom’s floor and the laptop.I opened the internet browsed page and I took a deep breath before writting:

“Audi Q7 accident,boy,girl,5th May 20—“ and hit “search” button.

The result came out immediately.

“FT Island’s drummer,Choi Min Hwa injured in a car collision with another car on X street in Seoul............” and other similar titles.

I clicked one of them and a photo of a boy,next to a photo of the distroyed car appeared on the screen.

I was sure that I know him from somewhere.But I didn’t knew from where when I saw him in the state,in his car,all covered in blood.I had the chance to meet him a few time in the backstage of various tv show.And yet,no sign of I was looking for.

“The famous drummer of FT Island has recently been involved in a car collision on the date of 5th May 20--,in the X intersection of streets.The fault was of the driver of the other man that was driving the grey BMW,who hit Min Hwan’s car with a high speed,without seeing he’s passing on RED.It was fatal for him,and he died 2 hours later at the hospital....” I kept reading,hoping I’ll see her...

And there it was...

“It seems that a woman was on the passenger’s seat,inside of Min Hwan’s car.Choi Min Hwan got at the hospital with both his legs broken and he was unconscious.Fortunately,the woman,that the sources say she’s Min Hwan’s friend,came out from the accident, with nothing broken,only unconscious.”

So she’s not his girlfriend as I thought.I might be sick thinking at this,but knowing it’s just her friend made me feel a little better.


“We all must be thankful to a mysterious man,who stopped and took the woman and the man out from the destroyed car,before suddenly leaving.The people present at the place of the accident didn’t found out his name,or his look,because of the black hoodie he was wearing,and the had,that pretty much covered his whole face.Min Hwan is now at the hospital,and about the woman that was with him,all we know is the she got out from the hospital the next day,walking on her feet.

We must thank again to the mysterious man who saved them.”


Lower,I found a picture....of me.Taking her body out of the car.If they only knew my true identity...press would be all around me.So I’d better keep all this a secret.



I closed the laptop and took a deep breath.She’s good,he has his legs broken.She’s not Min Hwan’s girlfriend,just a friend. I tapped my chin with my finger.No name of the girl....

I stood up and opened the door.As soon as I got into the kitchen they all began to yell again.

“Shut up guys...here’s the laptop....and the bowl...Without ice cream,of course.” I chuckled,while taking my car keys.

“I’ll be back in a few.” I said,leaving the dorm.




♥  So how is it? ♥

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update soon~~
memetchi1234 #2
:3 please update soon
lolitabunny #3
won't you update anymore??<br />
FlamingCharismaGirl #4
@ThroughMagicBaby: Bby!!! ^_^ stay tuned.I'll soon post a new chap<br />
muffie hun, I can`t wait for more chappies~ hwaiting!! <33
FlamingCharismaGirl #6
^_^ Ninja Coconut is an angel sent to me from heaven,to help me with this story haha,I'm so thankful to her
Thank ya!!
yay congrats ninjacoconut~! i am happy that my bestie is a co-author to one of my favorite fan fics ever!!!! n_n
FlamingCharismaGirl #9
Thank you so much for taking time to read my story and to comment *bows and smiles*<br />
I feel so good reading your comments.<333333 Saranghae.<br />
The next days a new chap will be up.
JOON~!<br />
MINHWAN~AHH!Yay he woke up!