Shopping date

Married to Key

Yuki’s POV

Skipping, I turned around the corner, heading towards the WGM house. I saw the staff preparing their cameras behind the gates.

Oh, they’re going to start filming immediately?

I slowed down my pace and started walking. Carefully opening the gate, I bowed and greeted the staff.

“Annyeonghasaeyo.” The staff nodded to acknowledge my greeting. Beside me, I saw an unnie holding a placard in her hand, reading ‘Go and greet your husband’.


I squinted at the board.

“CUT!” The PD roughly pulled his sunglasses off his face. “Yuki-sshi, we can’t have you being so obvious,” he sighed. “We need to retake that scene.”

“PD-nim, the board-“

“Ah, that’s our new way of scripts. Instead of telling you what we want covered in the episode, we’ll use the boards, okay? That way, you can do whatever you want, as long as you follow the boards.”

That’s still scripting the show,I thought, but I nodded anyway. The PD clapped his two hands in delight.

“Good! Now we’ll retake the scene. Don’t be too obvious when you read the boards, okay?”


Key’s POV

“Oppa! I’m home!” I heard Yuki’s voice from downstairs. I heard as she flung her bag down on the couch as she started up the stairs. Still focused on the Internet, I didn’t bother to get up.

“Oppa oppa~” Yuki sang as she opened the door and entered our room.

“Hello~” I kept my eyes on the screen as I replied her.

“Whatcha do-in’?” She asked as she placed both her hands on my shoulder before plopping herself on the bed next to the computer. She leant forward and widened her eyes.

“Fancams?! Woah you watch these too?” Yuki started getting interested. “Hey replay it from the start-“

“What? No no no they’re just videos some Shawols sent us.” I hastily closed the window and turned the computer off. “Not fancams.” Yuki squinted her eyes at me.

“If you say so,” she shrugged. “What are we doing today?”

“Shopping.” I replied bluntly as I searched through the wardrobe for a change of clothes. Yuki jumped up from the bed.

“Shopping?” She came towards me and elbowed me. “Like a date?” Looking at her, I saw her raising her eyebrows and smirking. I groaned.

“Whatever you say.” I grabbed a t-shirt, jacket and jeans, along with a cap. “I need to go and change.”

Yuki’s POV

“I swear this is all scripted,” Key said as soon as we were settled in the car, on our way to DDM mall.

“I know,” I replied. I wasn’t so delusional to believe that Key would willingly bring me out to shop.

“Good.” Using his cap, he covered his face and dozed off for a while.

I smiled.

Call me a e, but I really like his sleeping face.

3rd person’s POV

“Action!” The woman next to the PD held up a board saying ‘clothes shop’.

The couple entered the shopping mall, trying hard to ignore the looks all the other shoppers were giving them.

“KEY OPPAAAAAAAAAAAA!”  A group of five teenage girls came running towards them. They managed to run past the staff and headed straight towards Key, asking for his autograph. Since they couldn’t do much to stop them, the staff just filmed it as part of their footage. Yuki quietly approached one of the cameras while Key was with his fans.

“So this is how it’s like to date an idol,” she whispered into the camera. Key had already signed for the girls, and had politely rejected the others starting to come to him.

“Park Yuki, let’s go.” He grabbed Yuki by the arm and made her walk with him.

“Omona it’s 2Ki!” The other fans screamed. Luckily, the staff ignored them and so they could carry on filming as usual.

(a/n: I’m sorry I just had to write this and insert this here)

----------------------- Backroom interview ------------------------

Q: Why did you decide to go shopping with Yuki?

Key: Ah… I’m the type of the person who loves to shop, and I thought to myself that when I get a girlfriend, I need to go out and buy clothes for her. -nods-

--------------------- End of backroom interview ----------------------

“What should we buy today?” Yuki asked as she walked alongside Key.



“Clothes?” Yuki asked.

“Uh huh. Eh, that shop looks good,” Key said as he pulled Yuki into one of the clothes shop.

---------------------- Backroom interview --------------------

Q: How did you feel?

Yuki: Uh…quite happy? It was like he had planned what to do in the mall. I quite like guys who think ahead and plan stuff. -sheepish smile-

--------------------- End of backroom interview ----------------------

Key began picking clothes out for Yuki, while Yuki wandered around looking for clothes that fit her style.

“Yah Park Yuki, go try this on.” Key tossed her a denim romper.

“Eh, I like this.”

“Of course, I know your style just by looking at your dressing,” Key said smugly.

“He seems like he’s enjoying himself,” Yuki whispered into the camera as she headed towards the changing room.

Key’s POV

I began picking out clothes for Yuki. It was so fun dressing her up. I always loved going shopping to buy clothes, but I’ve started to feel guilty because I’ve been shopping too much. I took out a variety of clothes, ranging from dresses to t-shirt to skinny jeans, even choosing out shoes as well.

“Do you think she’ll like this?” I asked into the camera as I pulled out an apricot-coloured dress. “She will, won’t she?” I chuckled to myself. It was a variety show, so of course I couldn’t be too boring.

“Key?” Yuki emerged form the fitting room wearing the romper I chose for her. I smiled to myself.

“Good, very good. Change back to your clothes.” I told her. She shrugged.

“Okay.” And she went behind the door once again. She soon came out with her regular clothes back on. I took the romper from her hands and started fitting the other clothes I chose for her against her back.

“There’s no need to try,” I told her confidently. “I trust my judgement~”

“Ah okay whatever.” Yuki said without arguing. After fitting them, I grabbed the armful and brought them over to the counter.

“I’m paying,” I said as I took out my card.

“Eh, so many?!” Yuki exclaimed. “You’re going to buy all?” I just nodded. “Key, it’s only the first shop!” I took the plastic bag from the salesperson. “Well, thank then.” She said. Turning to Yuki, I poked her cheek.

“Your turn to buy me clothes now,” I said cheekily. I threw my arm around her shoulder and dragged her out of the shop.


Yuki’s POV

Key removed his arm from my shoulder and I silently heaved a sigh of relief. It wasn’t comfortable at all, especially when he was taller than me and he began to weigh on me after a while. Moreover, many fans stared at us while we walked through the mall.

“Hey, choose a shop for me!” Key whined.

‘Department store!” I grabbed Key’s arm and headed for the department store. “There’s so much clothes here, aren’t you happy Chicken Rice?” I asked as I began searching for clothes for him. Key just hung around next to me so I picked out a denim jacket for him.

“Is this your size?” I asked him as I pressed it against his body. I removed the jacket from the hanger and passed it to him. “Try it.”

Key put it on and nodded approvingly. “Not bad.”

“Take it then.” I said nonchalantly.

---------------------- Backroom interview --------------------

Q: What’s the type of style you like guys to wear?

Yuki: Uh… I like it when they wear casual clothes. Like a simple t-shirt and jacket with jeans will do.

Q: What do you think of Key’s fashion style?

Yuki: To be really honest…… I find his airport fashion weird.

Q: Why?

Yuki: It’s like, not him. He tries to wear all sorts of different clothing because he’s known as SHINee’s fashionista, but I think that deep inside he still has that desire to wear just really simple clothes without people judging his style.

--------------------- End of backroom interview ----------------------

I tried to continue picking out clothes for Key, but I gave up after a while.

“Ah, it’s so hard to choose clothes for you,” I said in frustration.

“Of course, Almighty Key has his own style.” Key shrugged, and I playfully smacked him on his back.

“Choose your own clothes then!” He picked out a sleeveless black vest.

“You better wear a white t-shirt inside that,” I told him.

“I’m not stupid, Park Yuki-sshi.”

“Okay, okay.” I followed him around as he picked out clothes for himself. After that, I just went to the counter to pay for them. Like I expected, Key mostly picked out casual clothes such as t-shirts and jeans.

“Cut!” The PD shouted. “Very good, you guys! You have worked hard! Um, we’ll take a break here? You guys can go around on your own for around an hour, okay? The staff and I will be resting at the café opposite this shop.” The PD pointed to the café where they would be resting.

“Okay~” Key and I chorused. While the staff were packing up their equipment, I turned to Key.

“Um, should I take that?” I asked him, pointing to the bag of clothes he bought for me.

“You can,” he passed the bag over to me and took the bag containing his clothes in my hand. “I’ll hold this.”


Key’s POV

I headed to Starbucks. Honestly, I didn’t know what I could do walking around in this place for an hour. I could always just buy a cup of coffee and sit at Starbucks waiting for time to pass.

Yes, I would do that.

I bought my cup of hot coffee while looking around for a place to sit. Unfortunately, there wasn’t any. After leaving an autograph for the counter girl, I had no choice but to walk around with my coffee. I didn’t go very far before I heard boys’ voices behind me.

“Hey look, it’s SHINee’s Key,” I heard one of them sneer behind me.

“The man whom my girlfriend loves more than me,” another one of them said. “Wait, is he even a man? Look at all the shopping he does. He must be gay.” I turned around and saw 3 boys laughing. They approached me and cornered me against the wall. I looked around frantically for help but it seemed like all of a sudden the mall was deserted.

What happens to all those crazy fangirls when you need them?

“What do you want?” I asked, trying to keep my cool.

When I get angry, I’m really angry.

“I’m your anti, A-N-T-I. What do you think I want?” One of the boys asked me. “Do you really think you’re the best? Huh Key?!” He grabbed the cup of coffee and poured it over my shirt, before slipping it back into my hand. I winced in pain as the hot coffee began to sip through my t-shirt.

“Oops, looks like you had an accident,” the boys just smirked.

“What do you guys think you’re doing?” I whipped my head to the side and saw Yuki calmly walking towards us. Looking at one another, the three boys quickly ran off.

What cowards.

“Key, are you okay?” Yuki ran towards me and worriedly asked.

“I guess. Good thing we bought clothes.” I gave her a weak smile. “I’ll go and change first, okay?”

“I’ll wait for you outside the toilet.”

Yuki’s POV

I know those boys from my school. I didn’t know they would stoop that low.


I'm back! :)

i think i'm going to be adding backroom interviews from now on hehe.

hope you enjoy reading!



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hey guys! i edited the chapter so it's all good now ^^ sorry for the inconvenience! xx


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Chapter 20: nasi lemak~~~my favourite~~Im drooling already haha~
Chapter 20: awh~~ haha xD oh! Key should eat Hokkien Mee haha. cos i like it. lol. make him be a cannibal and eat chicken rice xD they should attach a mic to Key so Yuki could hear him xP
should've watched the shrek show! haha the first time i watched it i screamed ._.
awhh!! finally Key admits!! xD btw you have a spelling error: " Yuki had decided to cute Key some slack and excused him from the high Jurassic Park ride, " cut. not cute. haha and the jurassic park ride is fun!!! xD haha i like cylon! it's so fun! is the smallest roller coaster the shrek one?
Ilonahaku #6
Chapter #11

Haha, Key failed mission? XD
I find the punishment for Key wonderful! XD Good point scriptwriters! XD
Haha, Key was really upset that he failed, right? XD But I was suprised that the staff members were taken aback by his reaction. XD

Haha, it would be hilarious, if he was hijacked by fans at her school. XD Scandal would be nice, too. XDD Just kidding.
I love when he messes his hair in frustration, it is hot. XD

But I was suprised that she was against the new mission for Key.
Too bad that the staff confessed that they make everything just for sake of ratings. :/ Wow, the staff members can be really scary? Unfortunately, Yuki, you are puppets of show business. :/

Hmm, I didn´t expect that Key would save her that way, either. XD But I love that he gave her a lift. :) Kyaa, Key driving a car. *.*

I don´t like the bad atmosphere in the car. >.<
I wonder if Key was cold, because he wanted to pass mission, or to save Yuki from staff or that he was upset...

But I really liked that Key apologized for the morning. :) Too bad that his reason for not coming to Yuki´s school wasn´t clear before. :/

Awww, it is sweet that Key is proud of her. :D

The fans are really evil, when they want to creat a group against Yuki. T__T I hate the girls from her school. >.< It is so sad that she cried and started to have doubts about Key´s words. T_T

Wow, even Key was scared by fans. I know that he didn´t feel ok with the fans around them, but when he sensed that they don´t look friendly, could he not stayed nearby in case Yuki needed help? ://
Ilonahaku #7
Chapter #10

I think it is really great experience for Yuki to see what is going on in backstage. :)

Things have started to look bad for Yuki, she is already scared of fans. :/
I love that Minho threw a pillow at Key and said to him to stop flirting. It was funny. XD And it made Yuki laugh, which is great.
I liked how Key and Yuki sneaked from the room. XD Kinda sweet. :)

Wow, Key´s idea was to introduce his wife to fans? Quite brave of him. O.o I find it interesting that she stared at his eyes and didn´t avoid eye contact. :)

But I understand her fear, to introduce her to his fans wasn´t part of script and it could cause problems. :/ I was really worried that the things would get out of hand. May be he should have discussed it with a manager. :/
But I am glad that fans reaction wasn´t so bad in the end. :)

Haha, just one word from Key and fans are crazy. XD I believe their fanchants must have been amazing. :)
Awww, Key´s aegyo. *.* And bbuing bbuing? :D I love that gesture. :D

Haha, it is funny how Key knows about fans´ high quality cameras. XD

Haha, Shinee members are perfectionist? XD I love what their manager said about their expectations. :)
I can´t help and find it really sad that SM trains their idols to never be satisfied with their skills. :/

But I am glad that this time Shinee was satisfied with the performance. :)
Ilonahaku #8
Chapter #9

Unfortunately any news always travel really fast. :/
I feel so sorry for her that she can´t even go to school without problems. :/

I like that the article about WGM tells that Key smiles when Yuki calls him by the special nickname. :)
I was happy that Key encouraged her when she was about to leave. :)

Haha, Key, yeah, WGM could complicate your life a little bit, but in the end you will be happy. ;)

Poor Yuki, to have such a bad day at school. :/
Haha, the boys who complained to Yuki about their girlfriends´ problems...XDDD
OMG, the boys were ready to hurt her? O.o They are crazy. O.o I am really glad that Luhan appeared and saved her. :)

Haha, funny how the boys were scared of Luhan. XD Wow, his presence is really something, he has so much respect. O.o

Yeah, Key shouldn´t say that anybody can try to get his wife, if he wants. >.< But although he sees her as a younger sister, he should be protective of her. :)

I wonder if Luhan´s message scared Key... But it was nice that he asked their manager to bring her over. :)
Ilonahaku #9
Chapter #8

It is funny that she hugged him so strongly that she made him choke. XD
And I find Key´s formal behaviour towards her brother funny, too. XD But it is cute that he waved his hand. XD
Wow, her brother feels like at home, when he started to surf through channels in their house, right? XD

Haha, awkward space between them on sofa? XD But I bet it will change. :)
Haha and staffs idea to use TV with boring channels to make them talk more...XD

Haha, Yuki´s brother, is it bad that he is already inseparable from Key? XD Haha, he will feel jealous? XD

Haha, I find Key´s joke with saying hyung funny, too. XD And I like that Minki playfully threw a pillow at him. XD Yeah, like kids. XD

Haha, her brother really suspects Key from all bad things. XD
The moment when Yuki stuffed Minki´s mouth with marshmallows was great.

It is cute that Key thinks that Yuki could feel awkward if she watched him sleep. XD I think it is great feeling and cute view when you look at someone you love and he is sleeping. :)
If I could, I would his cheek, too. :D
I really like how you wrote the flashback about their sleep. ;)

Minki is great that he asked them to show their rooms. XD He is like police. XD
I liked that she took Key by his hand. :)

OMG, they were so lucky that Shinee and staff appeared on time to save them. XD

Haha, I love Minki´s reaction when he saw their room. XD Haha, Shinee members were so surprised when they got to know that Key shares a room with her. XD Poor Key, being cornered by Shinee. XD

It is fun how everyone thinks that Key does weird stuff with Yuki, if they share a room. XD

I would really love to watch Key in WGM in reality. :)
I bet it would be hilarious. XD
I wonder if I am retarded, too, when I laugh at almost everything. XD

I wonder why Minki minds that the couple is awkward. XD

I am really glad that Key can comfort her so well. :) It is good that he can empathize with her situation. :)
I really love reading about Key and Yukis adventures in marriage xD they are to freaking cute! Anyways~ please update soon <3 -SinFulCoLor-