Chapter 5

"My ultimate fangirl?" "Yea.. your ultimate fangirl:)"
(A/N) sorry for spamming so many chapters :P pls comment and subscribe!!^^ and @Queenxtina: yea!!! Papa Teddy!:)) ____________________________________ So for the next few days, the two couples had ttheir times together. Chaerin and Jiyong didnt talk at all. They didnt even smile at each other. No contact at all. It was lunch break now and Chaerin was just wandering around the school garden waiting for Teddy. Then she heard a soft humming from behind a tree. "Hey jiyong.." she greeted timidly as she took a seat beside him. He stared at her. "Why are you not callung me 'oppa' anymore?" he asked annoyingly. Chaerin was confused by his sudden reaction. He used to hate it when she called him 'oppa'. "B-but you hated it when i call you that." Jiyong groaned and ran his fingers through his hair and stood up. Chaerin followed. "Lee Chaerin, stop acting like your fine okay?? Cuz your definitely NOT! Where is that fangirl who used to cling onto me huh?!!!" Jiyong shouted and pinned Chaerin onto the tree trunk. "W-what are you talking a-about jiyong?! I-i have a b-boyfriend now!!" Chaerin said as she tried to struggle out of his grip. "Hey!! Kwon Jiyong!! What do you think your doing to my girl huh?!!" a furious Teddy came up to them and punched Jiyong in the face. "Teddy oppa!! Stop!!" Chaerin shouted as she tried to pull Teddy away from Jiyong. "He wanted to hurt you Chaerin-ah!!" Teddy shouted and stopped hitting Jiyong. Jiyong groaned in pain. "Arghh!!! Nan- molla!!!><(i dont know) you two and everthing is driving me crazy!!! Argh!!" Chaerin screamed and ran off. Teddy ran after her but lost her. When Chaerin reached home, she couldnt stop her tears from flowng. She bawled her eyes out. She quickly packed her stuff and left for the airport. She told her parnts what happend and they booked an air ticket for her. She was going to leave this place. Once and for all...
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ilabya25 #1
SkyintheDragon #2
Chapter 8: please update this story,
21_blackjack_21 #3
Oh no CL is drunk! It's sobinteresting I love the story! Please update soon! Thank you!
omo... i think i love it now!!!!!! hahahhahahha.. just update faster please.. gomawo..
cl_jiD #5
Ohh but poor jiyong he's been wasted everyday... but yeah it's his fault for getting back with kiko in front of her. But i do hope she forgives him soon:)
Krysia #6
wooo <3 haha try to space it out, its quite hard to read.....but anyway...niceeeee
cl_jiD #7
oh you know i always somehow wanted to see a story with a similar plot to this one... where there's like this boy who had always disregarded or who has always been in denial about how he's in reality fond of his fangirl, a fangirl who has followed him since like forever and I mean what if the time comes she won't be there anymore? Anyway though this may not exactly be the plot of your story but i still look forward to it.
sounds interesting waiting for the 1st chaper<3