Chapter 2

"My ultimate fangirl?" "Yea.. your ultimate fangirl:)"
(A/N) Hi guys!^^ i'll probably fast forward this ff cuz i dun noe what else to write..:P all i can think of now is badass Chaerin appearing infront of Jiyong...hehe:)) Here's a new update:)) _____________________________________ "Oppa!!" Chaerin called out and ran to cling on Jiyong's arm. "Ugh! What do you want??" an irritated Jiyong groaned. "Yah! You're seriously a human leech!" Seungri said. "Shut up you Seungrat!><" Chaerin said and slapped Seungri's arm. "Jingyo!~ let's go!^^" Chaerin cooed whilst clinging onto him. "I don't want to go! Leave me alone will you?!?!" Chaerin pouted after hearing him. "Oppa!~" she whinned. "Good luck hyung" Seungri teased earning a death glare from Jiyong. "Come on oppa!!^^" Chaerin said and pulled him away to the school garden. When they reached the garden, Chaerin sat Jiyong down and took out the lunchbox she made for him and started feeding him while he read his book. "Say ah~!" Chaerin cooed while she lifted the spoonful of food to his mouth. "Have you eaten?" Jiyong asked coldly. Chaerin's eye immediately lit up. "See! Oppa!! You do care for me!!^^" she squealed excitedly. "What?? In yur dreams brat.. I just dont want to get scolded by your parents for not taking care of you." he said and went back to reading his book. Chaerin smilled happily even though he was cold with her. She knew that he cared for her...
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ilabya25 #1
SkyintheDragon #2
Chapter 8: please update this story,
21_blackjack_21 #3
Oh no CL is drunk! It's sobinteresting I love the story! Please update soon! Thank you!
omo... i think i love it now!!!!!! hahahhahahha.. just update faster please.. gomawo..
cl_jiD #5
Ohh but poor jiyong he's been wasted everyday... but yeah it's his fault for getting back with kiko in front of her. But i do hope she forgives him soon:)
Krysia #6
wooo <3 haha try to space it out, its quite hard to read.....but anyway...niceeeee
cl_jiD #7
oh you know i always somehow wanted to see a story with a similar plot to this one... where there's like this boy who had always disregarded or who has always been in denial about how he's in reality fond of his fangirl, a fangirl who has followed him since like forever and I mean what if the time comes she won't be there anymore? Anyway though this may not exactly be the plot of your story but i still look forward to it.
sounds interesting waiting for the 1st chaper<3