teaser o4

☆ Mazic | Hiatus.

JYP releases more information on 'Mazic'?

by: jjaeking - 8 minutes ago                                                                                                                   129856 views  |   4200 comments

JYP finally decides to release more information on their new girl group that fans have been waiting for-

  • "They're called Mazic ;  7 members who are full with beauty and talent."
  • "One of the best girl groups I've seen so far." 
  • "Their debut is just around the corner, until then, we will release one member at a time."
  • "They can pull off y, cute, retro, any kind of style."
  • "2PM has also helped them prepare for debut."'
  • "Any missing information will have to wait and can be found in the future."

Stay tuned to find out more about Mazic!


Source: JYP's Official Site





    Diva's POV;

'WARRRRIORS, UH,' { back ground music

"AND ONE, TWO, THREE, AND FOUR, FIVE, SIX, AND SEVEN, EIGHT." we counted together. It was extra extra practice for the both of us- we're both known as the dancers of the group; although I'm the main dancer and she's the lead dancer. We both enjoy dancing and because all the other members where busy with vocal training at the moment, we decided extra dance practice wouldn't hurt. 

At first, she seemed so idk what the right word is; cold. She's sarcastic and blunt and doesn't really have much of a humor, however, the more time she was around us, the more she opened up. We both auditioned around the same time, actually, I think if I can remember correctly- 2 years ago when JYP held their auditions, her, Pucca, and I all got in. It's funny how when we started training together, we would all rap together just for fun and practice and we'd always cause a lot of ruckus around JYP; we never imagined we'd be debuting as a group. 

"Enough, come eat." Jae Hyun said to us from the door, breaking my thought. He wasn't smiling, actually he looked pretty worn out. I wonder why, we were actually being quiet and haven't caused much trouble today.

I grabbed my sweatshirt that was laying next to the mirror, turned off the music, and we all left the practice room to go eat. I wonder what was for dinner tonight, probably salads- again. I don't mind, because the members know how to make the best salads in the world, except for one of the girls. She should never cook, seriously.

Hahah; since we're about to debut soon, JYP put us on this 'debut diet'. It really . We had to cut so much from our meals, it's ridiculous, and on top of that- we barely have time to eat. Hopefully after we debut, I can start going out and eat all the wonders in the world. One thing this stupid diet can't stop me from is my lovely cheesecake, heh, maybe if I'm sneaky enough- Jae Hyun won't catch me grabbing a bite.



author's note: {o9/1o 1o:33 pm} eh, I'm not happy with this teaser :( idunrike it that much. Anyways, all applications are due in an hour and a half~ after that, I will no longer accept applications. Huhuhu, I just want to realease all the members riiight nao >:3 but I can't. It'll take 2-3 days in total to realease all the members, so look forward to all the teasers & shizzz. BTW, if you get picked, it's a MUST that you comment. If you don't we replace you with someone else who is more active- it motivates us to write & it makes us know that ur up to date and actually reading along :] ok, that's all for tonight~

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Ayo! So, there will be a surprise for you all tonight~ please look forward to it. (P.S: Story will start shortly)


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i changed my username from beastbangblock to -agassi o u o
just wanted to let you know~
Oneofakind22 #2
Yay excited for their debut as well :)
The tweets was do cute glad they're keeping people up to date.
Yay!!! Glad that schools over for you!!! I loved the prologue and tweets! So excited to see how the debut goes !!
ah, you didn't abandon the story :3 so loyal!
ASDFGHJKL the prologue & the tweets <3 /throwing up rainbows.
I'm hungry now. Now I want what Hanbyul is eating. -.- thanks. My OC's friendship with Diva and Pucca makes me want to throw up some more rainbows *---* G'AHH I just love everything about these updates. And that additional story about a gym trainer B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. I'm glad everybody is getting along with each other, but seriously our stupid manager. No need to get mad at Reiko and everybody else -__-. I want to kick him in the balls. I shall end my comment herrrre. ^^
Oneofakind22 #6
Omg thank you for choosing me and congrats to the other girls chosen. I am excited to see how the girls get along since a lot of them seem blunt. Can't wait for the story to start :)
sorry I didn't comment before but thank you for choosing me~!!!!
congrats to those chosen!!!
mianhae again for not commenting before~~~can't wait for the story to start!!!