Member o2 Revealed!

☆ Mazic | Hiatus.

Main Rapper & Composer

Choi Pucca is best known for her carefree personality. She likes living life with no worries and goes with the flow. Pucca just likes having fun. Stress, worry, and sadness is everything she tries to avoid and she's pretty good at that. Honestly, Pucca isn't that good at expressing her feelings. She doesn't like to show signs of weakness. The only thing you can easily tell is when she's mad and when she's happy. When Pucca is angry, prepare to feel her wrath. She could go from calm to steaming mad in less than a second. Anything and anyone in the line of fire is at danger. Pucca is a very stubborn person. She's able to admit when she's wrong but if she's sure she's right, there is no chance of her giving up in a fight. Luckily, she is able to catch herself when she realizes how irrational she's acting and she cools down quick. When Pucca is in a good mood and happy, everyone can tell from all her laughter. Pucca is very humorous. She's always cracking jokes and playing pranks. If you're not funny, Pucca probably won't like you. She is almost never serious so she hates it when people take her jokes seriously. Strangers hear Pucca laugh more than talk. That's because Pucca is usually quiet around people she first meets. Once she warms up to people, she talks as much as she likes. Even though Pucca can be hard to read for most people, she's extremely good at reading others. If someone is upset, she notices, no matter how good they are at hiding it. The people who are best at understanding Pucca are her friends and family. They are the most valuable to her. She was raised in Busan her whole life where she was known as Choi Mina, her real name. No one real calls her that anymore, except for her parents.  Mazic has become part of her family now. She tries to support them as much as she can and always tries to keep the peace... unless someone pushes her buttons. Pucca is just happy that she's able to live out her dream. She's wanted this her whole life, the once in a life time opportunity. Pucca is ambitious and won't let anything get in her way. Failure isn't an option. Success and happiness is her set future. }

Triva: she's an aquarius, likes taking walks at night, terrible at aegyo, often goes to cafes and concerts, loves orange chicken | looks up to G-Dragon. 

  • Name: Choi Mina
  • Stage Name: Pucca 
  • DOB: January 25th
  • Ethnicity: Full Korean
  • Age: 19
  • Blood Type: O
  • Persona: Playful Rapper
  • Fan Club: VOLIC
  • Twitter: pucca_boo

coauthor's note: {04/09 12:31 am} Okok, that's my character. ~

I hope she's likeable.  Hehe. I'm so excited to start the story. ^^

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Ayo! So, there will be a surprise for you all tonight~ please look forward to it. (P.S: Story will start shortly)


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i changed my username from beastbangblock to -agassi o u o
just wanted to let you know~
Oneofakind22 #2
Yay excited for their debut as well :)
The tweets was do cute glad they're keeping people up to date.
Yay!!! Glad that schools over for you!!! I loved the prologue and tweets! So excited to see how the debut goes !!
ah, you didn't abandon the story :3 so loyal!
ASDFGHJKL the prologue & the tweets <3 /throwing up rainbows.
I'm hungry now. Now I want what Hanbyul is eating. -.- thanks. My OC's friendship with Diva and Pucca makes me want to throw up some more rainbows *---* G'AHH I just love everything about these updates. And that additional story about a gym trainer B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. I'm glad everybody is getting along with each other, but seriously our stupid manager. No need to get mad at Reiko and everybody else -__-. I want to kick him in the balls. I shall end my comment herrrre. ^^
Oneofakind22 #6
Omg thank you for choosing me and congrats to the other girls chosen. I am excited to see how the girls get along since a lot of them seem blunt. Can't wait for the story to start :)
sorry I didn't comment before but thank you for choosing me~!!!!
congrats to those chosen!!!
mianhae again for not commenting before~~~can't wait for the story to start!!!