Teaser o1

☆ Mazic | Hiatus.

     Manager's Pov; 

"Phones, now." I yelled at the girls.

It was always like this. Since their debut is just around the corner, I always took phones away the second we left their empty dorms to the practice room; and they wouldn't even get them back until they opened the door back to our dorms. It's a clever technique to get them to actually focus at practice. At first, if you walked into their practices and looked around- you would see every member on their phone. I mean, they practice hard- super hard, but you can't deny it- cell phones ARE  a big distractions.

I sat there and groaned. This had to be the billionth time since I've heard this song. They've been practicing for over 5 hours and watching them repeat the same mistakes, the same choreo, the same synced movements after they caught their mistakes- I've seen it for too long. It's like this every single day for the past couple of months. Except, lately it has been way more hectic, since they're about to debut soon. They wake up before 7am, some times even skip breakfast, and practice until 11pm at night.  "Enough." I called out.

They all turned their heads and looked at me, "mwoh, are we done?" one called out- I didn't even check to see which one called out to me. I'm tired and crabby. Maybe if they were Miss A or something, I'd have paid attention, but to be quite honest, I'm not all that great at the moment and because I needed a break, I guess they can go on one too. 

"Just relax or something. You guys haven't ate all day, wait here, I'll go grab us a few salads from the cafe." That was just my excuse to get out of the building. I walked towards the elevator and pressed the button- waiting for it to 'ding'. 

'Ding.' The elevator door opened and out came 2pm members. "Oh, they're all done already?" Taecyeon said a tad-bit excitedly. 

"Ani, they're on a break. Don't be too much of a distraction for them." I came off coldly as I brushed passed them into the elevator. 





Finally outside- fresh cold air. I light up a cigg and walked down towards to closest cafe. The only time I can release my stress through a puff- is when I'm away from the girls going on arrends. They're fun, wild, talented, and attractive, but man do they cause me stress. 


Btw, I'm Jae Hyun- Mazic's official manager. 

I'm a 27 year old, graduated in media business, and landed a job with JYP 2 years prior to becoming Mazic's official manager. I did little things- cleaned up practice rooms, became an assistance, helped hold the chords at music video session, all sorts of things. When CEO JYP decided to promote me, I was thrilled. I had helped these boys prepare for their debut stage and I wanted nothing more than to help them, but the promoting news wasn't what I had thought... I had to leave my boys and move up a floor to help 'Mazic' debut. One, I knew nothing about these girls & two, what the hell kind of promotion was this? I get paid the big bucks to stress about a group of girls younger than me, great. 

It was like starting at a new job that I had no idea what I was doing or getting myself into. And oh boy, I really didn't know what the hell I was getting myself into when I signed the agreement to become 'Mazic's Mangaer.' 



author's note: ooooou, Jae Hyun is our manager, yer!!! He's so handsome *o* he seems... askjgakasg, lol. We'll see how things turn out for him as the story progress, yessu? but really, he is so handsome- lucky us ;) anywayyys, keep sending in apps and we'll see moar teasers & shizz in the future, yo! btw, I meant to put this up a while ago; but because it's Khmer New Years & blarg, I've been busy. So here it is! I'll update the application list tonight after my Easter dinner. Enjoy the holidays & this teaser 8) KEEEP APPS COMING♥

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Ayo! So, there will be a surprise for you all tonight~ please look forward to it. (P.S: Story will start shortly)


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i changed my username from beastbangblock to -agassi o u o
just wanted to let you know~
Oneofakind22 #2
Yay excited for their debut as well :)
The tweets was do cute glad they're keeping people up to date.
Yay!!! Glad that schools over for you!!! I loved the prologue and tweets! So excited to see how the debut goes !!
ah, you didn't abandon the story :3 so loyal!
ASDFGHJKL the prologue & the tweets <3 /throwing up rainbows.
I'm hungry now. Now I want what Hanbyul is eating. -.- thanks. My OC's friendship with Diva and Pucca makes me want to throw up some more rainbows *---* G'AHH I just love everything about these updates. And that additional story about a gym trainer B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. I'm glad everybody is getting along with each other, but seriously our stupid manager. No need to get mad at Reiko and everybody else -__-. I want to kick him in the balls. I shall end my comment herrrre. ^^
Oneofakind22 #6
Omg thank you for choosing me and congrats to the other girls chosen. I am excited to see how the girls get along since a lot of them seem blunt. Can't wait for the story to start :)
sorry I didn't comment before but thank you for choosing me~!!!!
congrats to those chosen!!!
mianhae again for not commenting before~~~can't wait for the story to start!!!