Feelings of Confusion

Dreams Do Come True

Digging onto her bag checking if she didn't left anything at the studio, Nana lightly smiled to herself when she's already sure that everything's in it. She looked back in front of her but stopped midway in shock when she saw a familiar fish looking at her. "Oppa!" She excalaimed way louder than it should be. So she looked around her afraid that she might caught other's attention. Donghae chuckled seeing Nana act that way. He grabbed her hand and guided her to his car.

"When did you came back?" Nana asked immediately as soon as they got in the car. It's because Donghae and the members have been away for a month for the Super Show Concert. They were not able to see or talk to each other since they're busy.

"Last night." Donghae said and sighed. "I missed Korea so much. The people, the view, the food." He continued and sighed again. "It makes me hungry."

"Are you inviting me for dinner?" Nana asked obviously getting what Donghae's trying to emphasize.

"Hmm....Sort of. And your answer?" Nana chuckled first before answering. "Well, eating while watching the view of Seoul would be great."

- - -

They ordered food for take out and parked the car near the bridge. They sat on the ground and happily ate their dinner while watching the lights of the cars going by. "So how was the tour?" Nana started.

"It was great. I mean, successful."

"Jinjja? Too bad I wasn't able to watch." Nana pouted.

"Aigoo. Stop pouting now. Donghae said as he pinches Nana's cheek. "That's why I came to meet you, right? I know you missed me." Donghae teased.



"J-Just a little bit." Nana shyly admiited and bit her lip. While Donghae smiles at her response.

"But on the other hand, it's also a  bit scary and tiring."

"What do you mean?"

"Tiring because there'a lot of things to do that it even consumes all of my time. Scary because I might not be able to meet the fans' expectations. The stage and their support is so big and overwhelming that I'm afraid they might lose interest in me. It's really hard to be an idol." Donghae explained and sighed afterwards.

"Yeah, maybe what you've said is true. But isn't that what you dreamed of?"


"Dreaming for something means that it makes you happy. So even if how scary and tiring it is to be an idol it must still makes you happy, right?" Nana stated. But Donghae just stared at her as if saying a simple gratitude through his eyes. Well, he was thankful because Nana was able to remind him one of the things that makes him happy. His dream. So he just sincerely smiled and muttered a "It does." Nana smiled back.

But a cold droplet of water suddenly touched her skin. She looked up at the peach black sky to confirm her intuition. Until the small droplets of water poured heavily. And yes, it is already raining. Nana attempted to run and keep herself away from the rain.  But a warm hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. "Where are you going?" Donghae asked.

"Inside the car. It's raining."

"Why do you have to go inside when you can dance in the rain?" Nana just chuckled at the idea.

"May I dance with you?" Donghae asked in a very formal manner bowing his head and offering his hand to Nana.

"Slow?" Nana asked in return as she accpted Donghae's hand. "Slow." And they stayed out dancing, running and playing under the rain.

- - -

Donghae the lights in the dance studio. He went to get the towels stocked inside the cabinet. While Nana stood at the corner of the room hugging herself because of the cold. Nana watches Donghae took off his wet shirt that's pasted on his body. He hanged his towel on his neck. When he's about to turn and take his way towards Nana, the blonde girl immediately drifted her look.

Donghae wrapped the towel on Nana to help her feel warm. While he used the other towel to ruffle Nana's soaking wet hair. Nana was stunned by his action so she looked up at him. Droplets of water dripping from his hair. His arms, chest and his abs aren't even helping. Nana immediately looked away because she can't stand the sight. It's too tempting.

Gosh! Nana, calm down! Nana scolded herself. Then she suddenly felt the instinct of looking back at Donghae's face. And there she met a pair of eyes staring at her. In a matter of a blink of an eye, Nana said, "I love you." She doesn't know how or why she said it. But not because she just felt like bursting out a three worded sentence for nothing. Of course, she means what she have said.

A light "I know." is what she gets in response from Donghae. As if he's not getting what Nana meant by those three words.

"No. I said, I love you." Nana repeated with proper emphasis.




Donghae's not even saying anything. Worst is, he's just staring at her. Nana doesn't know what's going on through his mind. And the silence is killing her. After a minute, Donghae flashed another smile for the nth time that night and lightly pinched Nana's cheek. But the blonde girl was left confused by that smile throughout the night.

- - -

Nana entered her class with a low presence of mind and lack of energy. Even at training she can’t concentrate well. And she thinks she might just go home to rest or something. Because she can’t stay like this for the whole day especially now that they have to go to a TV network and have field training.

“Achoo!” Nana sneezes and sniffs afterwards. Runny nose and colds are the reasons why she’s like this. And she couldn’t blame anyone but herself…and Donghae for playing in the rain last night.

“Unnie, are you okay?” Lizzy asked.


“Are you sure? You seem to be not in yourself today. You should’ve stayed at home and rest. I’m sure the instructor would excuse you.”

“No, it’s okay and besides we’re having an important training today so I can’t miss it.”

Lizzy just nodded at her alibi without interrogating further. She said to Nana that she needs to go to the restroom so it's okay if she heads first.

On her way to the room where the other trainees are, Nana unexpectedly bumped into Donghae and Eunhyuk who seemed to be having a schedule on that day. The four of them bowed and smiled at each other.

“What’re you doing here?” Donghae asked curiously.

“We’re having field training for today.”

“I see.”

“How about you guys? Do you have a show?”

“A taping actually.”

Nana nodded at Donghae’s response. She’s actually trying to stop herself from sneezing but she failed.

“Hachoo!” Donghae and Nana looked at each other when they both realized that they sneezed at the same time.

“You’ve got colds too?” Eunhyuk asked. Nana sniffs before answering. “Yeah. Anyways, we need to go now. See you around.”

Nana left first. When she's a bit away, Donghae looked at Nana over his shoulder thinking about something that Eunhyuk didn’t know. And when he turned around to his original position he caught Eunhyuk looking at him with such a suspicious expression that he couldn’t explain. “What?” Donghae asked. But Eunhyuk didn’t answer but he shook his head instead and sighed as he walks. “Aigoo…”

- - -

Nana was seating on the bench by the hallway alone. Sniffing as usual since her cold hasn’t gone away yet. But she was so shocked to see a coffee in can that suddenly appeared in front of her. She looked behind her and she realized that it was Donghae who’s offering the coffee in can. “Thanks.” She said as she receives the coffee. She didn’t open it immediately and just held it on her hands as a warmer. Donghae sat beside her. “It’s cold. What are you doing here outside?”

“Just having some rest. You?”

“We just took a break.”

And Nana nodded at him and sniffs again. “Seems that you’ve got worse colds than me.” He commented and revealed his hankie and put it on Nana’s nose.



“Go on. Everyone gets colds and it’s normal. So don’t think it’s embarrassing.”

Nana blinked her eyes and looked at the other direction and did as she was told. “Here.” Donghae said handing a pack of chewable medicine for colds. “Take it every four hours.”

“Thank you.” She said and ate a tablet. Then she took another tablet for Donghae. “Ah..” She said gesturing to Donghae to open his mouth. “Why are you giving it to me? It’s yours.”

“But you have colds too.” She reasoned out. And Donghae opened his mouth and took the medicine on Nana’s hand with his mouth.

“Uhm…Oppa, about what I said last night. I-….”

“Donghae ssi!” A staff called out for Donghae from the back and interrupted Nana.

“Wae?” Donghae asked.

“We’re going to tape again.” The staff said.

“Okay. I’ll follow.” He said and looked at Nana. “I need to go now. See you around?”

“Yeah.” Nana replied and smiled. But as soon as Donghae’s out of sight, her smile slowly faded away. She bit her lip and sighed completely confused on what she’s supposed to do now.

- - -

Nana POV

Everything's so confusing right now. I don't even know what to do anymore. I'm currently sulking inside my room. Burying my face on pillow trying to muffle all of my hopeless screams. I got up on a sitting position and slammed my body on the bed facing the ceiling while hugging my pillow. I started kicking and scratching my head like a little kid throwing tantrums. I was just staring at the ceiling. Just staring. But why can I see his face smiling at me? Okay, and now even looking at ceiling won't be easy to do anymore. Ugh! Eotteokke?? Okay, so last night was a stupid move. I told him that I love him. Did I just say that I love him?

"Yes, you literally said it on his face you little moron!" Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, I'm obviously talking to myself right now. Crazy, right?

I said that I love Lee Donghae of SJ? What? Are you stupid? Why did you say such thing?

"But isn't it true?"

"Yeah, it's true. But what now? You're hoping that he'll feel the same way with you and tell you that he loves you too?" And that question I asked myself has hit me like a slab of wood. I sighed.

"I hope so..." I murmured as I roll to my side sighing once again at the fact that I'm hoping for something unsure.

- - -

Donghae POV

Pink lips....

The way she bites her pink lips....

When she pouts....

When she smiles and calls me 'Oppa'....

Aish! Lee Donghae what are you thinking? Stop thinking about Nana having intimate nights with you! It's not going to happen! Lying on my bed, I put my arm over my forehead while looking at the ceiling.

I love you.... I heard Nana's voice saying those three words again on my mind. Her voice is so sweet. And she said that she loves me. I already know what she means when she said those words. God! She doesn't have to repeat it twice! Why does she have to be so cute, honest and caring? Now I can't get her off my mind. Im Nana, why are you doing this to me? Ugh! Stop it! Stop making me want you. "Because if not, I might just really fall in love with you."

I sighed as I loo at my lower half, realizing how hard I already am. "Now, how am I going to deal with this?" I asked myself as I got up from bed to go to the bathroom.

Bathroom? Aish! Donghae what do you think you're going to do? Pleasuring yourself while thinking of Nana? "Aish! Pabo! Pabo! Pabo!" I scolded myself as I went back to bed again. I certainly can't do that! What to do? I asked myself as I put my arm under my pillow. When suddenly, I touched something, my cellphone. Something came to ming so I begun dialing numbers and waited for someone to pick up

- - -

Out of POV

Nana's so lost on her own thoughts when suddenly her phone rang. She reached for her bedside table and answered the phone. "Yoboseyo?" She answered tiredly thinking that it's just Raina who's so bored and needs someone to talk to. Or maybe not. "Hey, it's me." The person on the other line said. She gasped when she realized that its Donghae. "Oppa..."

"Did I wake you up?"

"Uh..No, not really. I'm sort of can't sleep. You?"

"The same."

"I see."

"How's your colds? Are you okay now?"

"Yeah, I'm better. Thanks for the medicine."

"It's nothing. Uhm...Do you want to go for a walk?"


- - -

Still on his pj's, Donghae waited for Nana at the nearby park. He's wearing a cap so no one could notice him. Sitting peacefully on a bench, someone suddenly covered his eyes. It's so soft and warm. He held the hands that's covering his eyes and smiled to himself when he realized who it is. "Yah, Im Nana I know it's you."

"How did you know?" Nana asked while pouting as she removed her hands from Donghae's eyes.

Oh no. Not that pout again. Donghae thought. But he just chuckled at the thought that they're both in pj's and ruffled Nana's hair. "Midnight snack?" He asked. And Nana answered with a bright smile and a nod agreeing with the idea. 

They went to the nearby 7/11 store and bought some chips, sodas, and ice cream of course. When they went out of the store, Nana noticed that the cashier took a picture of them. "Oppa, I think she noticed you." Nana said referring to the cashier. "i think so."

"You're not afraid?"

"Don't worry I'm used to it. Besides, it can't be helped."

They went back to the park and ate their snack. Once in a while, they'll laugh at their random stories. They even played rock-paper-scissor like little kids. "Oppa, I have a song for you."


"Ne. Do you want to hear it?"

Donghae nodded in response and Nana begun to sing.

~ First time I laid my eyes on someone like you 
I can't forget the hour, that moment with you 
Then I have realized, love is growing deep inside 
I feel the beating of my heart 

Coz' every day, every night, I keep looking at the skies 
And I'll pray that someday you will wake up in my arms 
And love will never end 
We belong together, always and forever 
Call my name and I'll be there... ~

"It's beautiful. I like it." Donghae commented. "Nana, thank you....for always being there." He sincerely said while straightly looking at Nana's eyes. And Nana answered with an honest smile. DOnghae did the same thing and ruffled nana's hair once again.

Day by day, they're getting closer and closer to each other. And the closeness surely makes them happy. So even if it makes things and their feelings so confusiong, it's okay. As long as at the end of the day, they could be like this. Smiling while looking at each other's eyes.

- - -

a/n: Hey guys :D Our midterm exams' just days from now...so I hope this chap could do for a while. And btw, abt. Nana's song for Donghae, I'm not the one who composed it. It's an OPM (Original Pilipino Music) sang by Julie Anne San Jose entitled I'll Be There. It's one of my fave songs so I just thought if I could use it for this fic. Here's the link if you want to hear the whole song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8xrNFq2o7Y

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jade13cool #1
Chapter 6: unnie update soon pls pls pls
tkarmun #2
Chapter 8: If only 'Toasted Ramen' and 'Beef Salad Steak' existed
NieyaOzil #3
Chapter 8: Uee should not hate Nana because Joon likes Nana and not her.. if she has nice heart like Nana i believe sooner or later Joon will know her presence and notice her. But I don't blame Uee for having jealousy on Nana. Uee gets insecure because her crush rejected her and likes Nana instead of her.

Donghae should not waste more time. he should confess to Nana before it's too late...
2sweet2beat #4
Chapter 7: Confess!!confess!!
ChooChooPanda #5
Chapter 7: Thanks for the updatee~ I hope Donghae will confess his feelings towards Nana ^.^ pls update soon
Chapter 7: I love this..and i hope donghae will tell nana that beautiful lady in his dream is nana.."̮ нăнɑ̈нă "̮..i just hope donghae-nana love story can become more sweeter than this..Нëнëнë..good update author..
Chapter 5: aigoo.... nana misunderstood the situation :(
NieyaOzil #8
Chapter 5: aaaww Nana is so dumb. Donghae was describing about her and not other girl.. =)
Chapter 4: I hope donghae will protect nana from people who don't like her like uee..