Getting to know her

Chapter 6: Getting to know her
Jieun went to the market to sell her vegetables the next day with a frowning face. Aish! I hate it! My day is getting unluckier and unluckier since that night!
She sat down on the corner and arranged her basket of vegetables. And while doing that, she heard the ahjummas whispering about her. Her ears widened to listen on what the're trying  to say.
"Omona~ Is Jieun really going to marry Infinite's L?"
"I saw it with both of my eyes that she's the girl from the celebratory party!"
"Omo!! She's so lucky!! Marrying a hot guy! My daughter is a big fan of Infinite and she said she wanted to kill the lucky girl.."
Jieun gulped after hearing the last. Oh gosh! I wished that ahjumma wont tell that the unLucky girl was just here in the market. She scratched her hair and pouted.
"Ah Miss, how much is this?" A customer came to her. She looked up and said the costs of it and she forced a smile while handing it to her.
"Thank you." The customer beamed and left. She sighed once again and looked down.
"How much is the cabbage?" Another customer came. She looked up again and said the cost of it. "By the way, are you the... girl.. from the celebratory party of Infinite? The girl that L kissed?" The customer asked making Jieun to widened her eyes. What to say? What to say?
She looked up and forced a smile and nodded. The customer's eyes widened and clasped her hands. "OMO! Unnie you're so lucky! I'm a big fan of Infinite! And you dont know how much I cried after hearing the news! But dont worry! I'm not mad! I'm actually happy for L oppa!" She beamed. She awkwardly smiled and muttered a "Thank You." And with that the customer left.
She held her throbbing chest from the nervousness and sighed. "Atleast one fan accepted me.."
"CUT!" The director said. Myungsoo sighed as the scene they were shooting was finished. "Good job L!" The director said making Myungsoo to smile. After that, he walked to his manager.
"Hyung, can I not go to the dorm first?" He asked. The manager raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms, "Why?"
He rubbed the back of his neck and awkwardly smile, "I...need to go to my..*cough* *cough* girlfriend." The manager scoffed and smacked the back of Myungsoo making him to cough even more.
"Now that everyone knew about your relationship with your girl, you do have now the courage to say it and go to her uh?!" The manager teased.
 Aish. I just need to talk something about her. The interview will be held tomorrow duh. "Fine Fine! just be back before 12am or the other managers will kill me!" The manager added.
"THANK YOU!" Myungsoo patted his manager's back and ran to his car and drove off.
After some hour of driving, Myungsoo finally arrived at the front house of Jieun. He hopped off of his car and eyed her house. "Why is it so dark? Is she here?" He pressed the door bell but no one's answering. He tried again and no one still answered.
"What the heck? It's almost 8pm and she's still not home? Where the heck did she go?" Myungsoo kicked a ball that hit her gate and leaned his back on his car and wait for her.
Aish! It's so tiring! The ahjummas keeps on bugging me with questions. I should be at home at 6pm but they forced me to eat with them.. aigoo!! Jieun rubbed her sore shoulder and when she looked up, she saw a black car. She tilted her head and stopped walking. Who's car is that?! She walked closer and spotted a familiar guy leaning his back on the car. "Psh!" She muttered and walked even closer.
"What are you doing here?" She asked. Myungsoo jumped by the sudden voice and held his throbbing chest. "You scared me!" He said.
Jieun rolled her eyes and opened her gate. Myungsoo eyed her and made a face, "Are you an ahjumma?! Why do you keep on wearing farm suits?"
"I worked okay! Geeeshhh.." She entered and opened the front door of her house. "Work? Where? As a farmer?" Myungsoo asked as he followed behind.
She spun around and set aside the basket she's carrying and crossed her arms. "Farmer?!" She rolled her eyes and entered her house. Before she could close it, Myungsoo blocked it by his shoe. She looked up and furrowed her brows at her.
"Let me in! We need to talk!" Myungsoo said. She scoffed and opened the door wide to let him in. He grinned and followed her to the dining table. She took two glasses of water and sat down opposite from Myungsoo. She handed the other glass to him and drank in one gulp the other one. She wiped her lips with the back of her hand. "Huwaaa~~"
Myungsoo who was looking around of her house turned his head to her and made faces.
"So what are we going to talk about?" Jieun asked him. Myungsoo pursed his lip to the side and propped his elbows on the table and leaned his chin on his palm. "So what is your work? Why are you in a farmer suit when you arrived?"
She rolled her eyes and clenched her fist. "I sell my veggies in the nearby market. I wore this suit because it's more comfortable. The ahjummas will look at me nonstop if i wear casual clothes!"
"Oh.. I thought you are rich.." He mumbled. "...Your house is really big. Uh..Where are you parents?" Myungsoo looked around again. Jieun sighed and her shoulders deflated.
"Umma and appa... they're both in heaven." She said in a low voice. Myungsoo looked at her and blinked. "I...Im sorry.."
She looked up and shook her head with a small smile. "Ani.. it's okay! It's almost 7 years since they're gone."
"Mwo? That means you lived here for almost 7years alone? Where are your relatives?"
"Hm...." She nodded. "I dont know any relatives.. since when I'm young, i'm always with umma and appa only.. and they never bring me to our relatives."
"Oh.. Did you finish college already? Wait.. you're only 20 right? You should be in college!" Myungsoo exclaimed.
She pouted and replied, "I didnt even finish high school.."
Myungsoo's eyes widened. "What?!"
"Yah! I'm alone after my parents were gone! i cant afford myself for the tuition fees." She crossed her arms.
Myungsoo rubbed his temple. Oh great. Nice picking up a girl who didnt even finished her high school. If Appa and Halmoni found this out, they'll probably have a heart attack.
"Wait.. Yah! Why are we talking about my life?!" She asked, confused.
"I need to know something from you. We'll have an interview tomorrow." He stated. Her eyes widened and blinked. "AN INTERVIEW?!"
He nodded and crossed his legs under the table. "Yeah. The CEO announced that we'll do an interview to clear things up about the marriage and I'm sure the reporters will ask something about you."
"YAH! I'm not going to do that! And I need to sell my vegetables tomorrow!" She crossed her arms. 
"Yah Yah Yah! You need to!" Myungsoo said. She pouted and rolled her eyes. "Why do I have to do this things! Aish! Fine!" She gave up. "Now, what lies will we say tomorrow for the interview?!" She added.
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you still not pick up ur poster..
make sure you pick up in this week, or I will delete the poster and it will gone..~
DAMN. Thanks L's Grandma.
oranghead #3
hahahah .. i like it ^_^
update soon :DDD
EunSun #4
I really love ur story. Cant wait for da nxt update
Cute Story. Update Soon.
I already love your fic MWHAHAHA
*da* If she wants grandchildrens they'll have to do IT 8'D
Update soon :)
Interessing :)
Update soon ^^