Chapter 26: The Encounter Between Old Foes

The Maiden's Locket
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    Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up upon hearing the cafeteria door open, revealing none other than the popular EXO-K, along with Soyu and Eun Na, walking towards an empty and vacant table near the corner. Murmurs soon filled the whole cafeteria as they stole glances at the group of friends, however, much to their dismay, the main topic of their gossip was nowhere to be found. Their presence could not be detected anywhere. Still, that did not stop the students from gossiping about what had happened earlier in the corridor.
    I heard Kai and that new hottie, L, had an intense fight earlier, a girl whispered as the group of friends walked past their table.
    Yeah, I heard they were fighting over Kai's girl, right? Another one whispered, his eyes locked on Eun Na, who was trying her best to hide behind Chanyeol's tall figure and Sungyeol and Sungjong's safety.
    Really? Wow, I can't believe he has the guts to set his eyes on her. Isn't he aware of how many punches Kai will give him? Another guy whispered back.
    In the midst of gossiping, the cafeteria door burst open once again and an intense aura engulfed the whole area. The murmurs died instantly and the two figures graciously strode towards the table, their footsteps echoed across the quiet room. Everyone watched them closely as they walked with a large gap between them. There was an evident dark and angry aura surrounding Kai, but L remained calm and collected, or so it looked like from his expressionless face. Their eyes fell on the former's hand, wrapped in a tight bandage, but a spot of blood could be clearly seen. Girls quietly gasped while boys gulped.
    Eun Na secretly winced as she looked around the cafeteria. Everyone was looking at them, specifically Kai and L, but they would steal glances at her from time to time. It made her self-conscious, and she had the urge to just run away and begone. But even that was a stupid idea. Deciding to ignore the stares, the lass looked ahead just in time when both guys reached their table. Kai immediately plopped himself next to her and casually leaned on his chair, while L sat across her, both of his forearms resting on the table. No words were spoken. Not in their table. Not in the whole cafeteria. The rest of the boys glanced at each other helplessly, while Soyu and Eun Na shared some secret glances. It was awfully quiet.
    "They're all looking at us..." Sungjong muttered to Sungyeol, who just nodded, agreeing completely. Everyone's eyes were focused on them. It was as if they were waiting for something to happen.
    The silence, however, was soon interrupted when Kai straightened up in his seat and shifted his position so that he would face the other students, who were just sitting and looking at them. They all stiffened upon seeing Kai looking at them, and when he gave them a hard glare, all students instantly burst into loud chatters, shattering the silence looming around earlier. They did not want to get into Kai's bad side. That was the last thing they wanted to do. With a sigh, the said male turned back around and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
    Eun Na nervously bit her bottom lip as she carefully watched Kai's expression. "So, erm, what did the Headmaster say? Did you two get in trouble?" She asked, her eyes shifting from Kai to L.
    "No, I didn't." Both L and Kai responded at the same time. Everyone at their table looked with surprised expressions as both guys looked at each other; one glaring with fire burning in his eyes, while the other remained expressionless yet his eyes were piercing coldly at the other.
    Kai scoffed, "She asked me." He emphasised the word 'me' as if he needed it to be drilled inside the latter's head, which everyone assumed was the point.
    L raised an amused eyebrow. "Really? Last time I checked, she said 'two' so I assumed I was included, which I clearly am." He responded back, his lips curling into a smirk. Kai gritted his jaw and slammed both of his fists on the table. Eun Na and Soyu flinched as the table slightly shook, while the rest of the boys stared with alarmed looks on their faces. Yet, despite the unexpected action, L did not once flinch or blink.
    Sensing the familiar tension, the lass quickly placed her hand on top of Kai's forearm, and as if it was his trigger, the said male relaxed a little. He could not afford to lose his temper once again. He shut his eyes tight before opening them. "I need to talk to you, Myungsoo. Alone." He hissed in betwen his gritted teeth, stressing the word alone as if he was trying to tell him something else.
    For a few seconds, L did nothing but stare before finally speaking up, "I'll be at the hallway." He responded and without any other words, he got up from his seat, shoved his hands inside his pockets and begun walking away. He took a glance at the girl, who, in return, gave him a worried look. He gave her a small, short nod before continuing with his tracks. Not long after L had disappeared out of the cafeteria, Kai shot up from his seat and craned his neck to the side before turning around. He was about to take a step forward when he felt a small tug on the sleeves of his varsity jacket. He looked back and saw Eun Na clutching on the hem of his varsity jacket.
    Eun Na gripped on his jacket tighter, "Kai, please don't hurt him." She pleaded, her eyes looking straight in the male's dark brown orbs. Kai stiffened in his position, and he looked at her with eyebrows furrowed and lips curled into a frown.
    He did not understand why the girl was defending him. He did not even understand how they have come to know each other. Yet even if he was curious to how they have ended up being friends, he did not want to think about it. Simply because he did not like the idea of the girl being friends with the other male. It was not out of jealousy, though it occupied a small part, but it was mostly because of the past circumstances that made him fear of what has to come. He was strong, mentally and physically, and he did not fear anything. In fact, he was the one being feared, but now, fear was rushing through his veins. As if reading his mind, the lass sighed before she let go of his jacket. "He's a friend of mine..." she muttered under her breath, and Kai's expression immediately softened.
    With a smile, he reached out and affectionately ruffled her hair. "Don't worry, I won't do anything to him. At least, I'll try not to." He said and Eun Na looked up at him with a surprised expression. She searched his eyes and found nothing but sincerity.
    "Thank you, Kai." She smiled. Kai gave her a soft smile before turning back around and proceeding his way out the cafeteria. Although he did not want to say it, he had to, but it did not mean he forced himself. He meant every words he had said. As much as his fists were itching to collide with the other male's face, he could not find himself in doing so simply because he knew it would upset the girl. He did not want to upset h

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[PandaDiaries] 15.09.13 I will be updating The Maiden's Locket later tonight! :)


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shineeexogot7 #1
Chapter 2: please i need you to continue this story... don't give up on us! please udate soon
Chapter 38: Hope you update soon authornim! Please continue this.. Im starting to love this.. Hope u go back soon!
BaekChaYun #3
Oooo, this looks promising! I'll mark it for later.
ThornedRose #4
Chapter 38: ...last updated since September...pleaseee hurry~~
Chapter 38: Finished reading it in a couple of hours, 3 I think. But loved it like damn. And then you have my two bias myung and jongin. Your killing me author-nim. Hwaiting on this story/bows/♡
Chapter 38: Okay... um Hi! At first, I subscribed to this story few months ago and sadly, I got very bored with it. Thinking some sort of lame ending, I stopped reading it but didn't unsubscribed. Now, being so bored and wanted to read a fantasy story with lots of mysteries. I went to the Fantasy Tag and clicked your story. I was about to click Suscribe but it already said I subscribed already. Then I finally remember. Shrugging, I start to read this from the start and in the beginning, it got me bored but then I read your quote 'Patience is a Key' and I decided to continue further reading until I got goosebumps since the story is becoming more interesting. Halfway, I'm anticipating the next chapter on what will happen. Author-nim, this is the only fanfic I'm currently waiting to be completed. Due to some circumstances of my previous favorite story, it has to stop for a long time and will probably resume after the problem of the author is solved. As I was saying, your story is truly AMAZING! So amazing that starting this day, I feel excitement run through me. Looking forward when the mysteries unfold one by one. SUPER DUPER LOVED THIS STORY! Author-nim, keep up your excellence in being an author. You have a very fascinating story outline that made me, one of your readers, get excited crazily. Good luck in completing this story. HWAITING :D
Frida-lm96 #8
Chapter 38: omg, I love this story! but i dont really like Kai in this, sorry!! TTwTT
I really hope L and Eun Na get together! <3
hwaiting autornim! <3
Chapter 38: Now that some of the mysteries are revealed, i think i understand what is happening. So, Eun Na's father is a Royal Immortal. am i right haha c: