Chapter 24: The Suspicions

The Maiden's Locket
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     Soyu furrowed her eyebrows and blinked, trying to process whether her eyes were playing tricks on her or she was actually seeing it right. The former didn't sound uncommon for her, but her consciousness was telling her that it was no fantasy and everything that her eyes were seeing was, in fact, real. Eun Na was hugging a guy. Not just any guy. It happened to be the person who have been missing in action for the past two weeks, without any form of communication to ensure them he was still alive. His back was facing her, but she recognised him straight away. That jet-black hair, tall and lean body, tall height and the fact that he had his arms wrapped around Eun Na was enough evidence to make her convinced he was really back.
    Earlier this morning, Chanyeol had sent her a text, telling her that 'kkmajong' was finally back from America, all safe and sound. The text was then attached with a picture of Kai scowling, his hand slightly covering the lens of the camera. Yet what caught Soyu's attention was the familiar building behind him. It was Seoul Academy High. Heaven knew how fast she hurriedly ran out of the gym, abandoning her volleyball team, who were all desperately calling her name, and headed towards the second floor. Must tell Eun Na! were the words she repeatedly muttered to herself as she fastened her pace, taking two steps at a time in the stairs.
    However, on her way up to the stairs, something caught her eye from the window. Outside the schoolyard, was a large crowd of girls, screaming their lungs out while continuously taking photos with their phones. Among the crowd, she immediately spotted Chanyeol, waving his hands frantically as he tried to escape the hoard of girls surrounding him. Being tall had its perks. Yet unfortunately, Soyu could not find the person she was looking for. Little did she know, he was already with her. Cuddling. Like a couple who haven't seen each other in a decade.
    Thinking that Kai must be making his way to find Eun Na, Soyu walked her way up the first floor only to bump against someone. L. He was carrying two medium-sized boxes, over towering his tall height, hence why he was not able to see Soyu. After greeting and apologising to each other, L continued his way down the stairs, but halted to a stop and looked back at Soyu. 'I'll fetch Eun Na after her class, so you don't have to wait,' he had told her, but before she could respond, the taller male had already left, leaving her to ponder about his statement. It was surprising yet she chose to shrug it off and continued her way up to the second floor. It wasn't like there was not a day where he did not wait for Eun Na outside her class.
    Upon reaching her destination, did she hear a familiar voice. The first voice was from a girl and instantly, she recognised it as belonging to her one and only best friend, Eun Na. Why she was in corridor was a question Soyu never had to answer as she suddenly heard another voice, this time belonging to a guy. It was rather familiar to her, but she could not put her finger on to it.
    Now, it all made sense. The guy was none other than Kai.
    Soyu shook her head in disbelief as she walked closer towards them. "Can you at least acknowledge my presence here?" She remarked, giving Kai a little push in the head.
    Eun Na was the first one to retract her arms around Kai. "Soyu, you're here." She took a step towards Soyu, who tossed her the ball she had been holding on for a while.
    "Why yes, I am here. I ditched my volleyball practice just so I can tell you that this person here is back, but it seems like he found his way to you. As always." Soyu mockingly teased, giving Kai a side-look.
    Kai raised an eyebrow, "Thanks for making me sound like a total creeper, So," he played along, "but I'm touched you ditched your volleyball pratice just for me." He shook his head and pretended to be emotionally affected by Soyu's action. The said girl threw him a glare, but he only let out a chuckle. Eun Na, on the other hand, had a hard time stifling her giggles upon hearing the two bicker with each other. How she missed seeing them like this. The two seemed to have always found a way to mock one another, something the girl could, and will, never understand.
    Soyu rolled her eyes before turning her attention to Eun Na, "L said he'll be waiting for you outside your class later." She announced, rather loudly, and Eun Na stiffened in her position. L was mentioned. His name was mentioned under the presence of Kai. Clutching tightly on the ball in her hands, she whipped her head towards her best friend, her eyes as wide as saucers and her bottom lip nervously trembled.
    Almost hesitant, she nervously glanced at Kai, who was looking at Soyu with a frown. Instantly, Eun Na's heart hammered hard and fast against her chest. "Soyu!" She desperately hissed her best friend's name, giving her a small nudge in the feet. Soyu raised an eyebrow in a quizzical manner, not understanding why the girl was acting like she got caught red-handed.
    Due to Soyu's cluelessness, the lass mentally face-palmed hersef. What am I going to do with you, she thought to herself. Eun Na grabbed Soyu's hand and jerked her down a little to match her height. Soyu furrowed her eyebrows and attempted to straighten up, but the lass only pulled her down again. Using the ball as a cover, she gave Soyu a hard look, "You mentioned L's name!" She whispered, almost inaudible.
    Despite not understanding why Eun Na was whispering, Soyu whispered back, "Well, yeah, I did. So?"

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[PandaDiaries] 15.09.13 I will be updating The Maiden's Locket later tonight! :)


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shineeexogot7 #1
Chapter 2: please i need you to continue this story... don't give up on us! please udate soon
Chapter 38: Hope you update soon authornim! Please continue this.. Im starting to love this.. Hope u go back soon!
BaekChaYun #3
Oooo, this looks promising! I'll mark it for later.
ThornedRose #4
Chapter 38: ...last updated since September...pleaseee hurry~~
Chapter 38: Finished reading it in a couple of hours, 3 I think. But loved it like damn. And then you have my two bias myung and jongin. Your killing me author-nim. Hwaiting on this story/bows/♡
Chapter 38: Okay... um Hi! At first, I subscribed to this story few months ago and sadly, I got very bored with it. Thinking some sort of lame ending, I stopped reading it but didn't unsubscribed. Now, being so bored and wanted to read a fantasy story with lots of mysteries. I went to the Fantasy Tag and clicked your story. I was about to click Suscribe but it already said I subscribed already. Then I finally remember. Shrugging, I start to read this from the start and in the beginning, it got me bored but then I read your quote 'Patience is a Key' and I decided to continue further reading until I got goosebumps since the story is becoming more interesting. Halfway, I'm anticipating the next chapter on what will happen. Author-nim, this is the only fanfic I'm currently waiting to be completed. Due to some circumstances of my previous favorite story, it has to stop for a long time and will probably resume after the problem of the author is solved. As I was saying, your story is truly AMAZING! So amazing that starting this day, I feel excitement run through me. Looking forward when the mysteries unfold one by one. SUPER DUPER LOVED THIS STORY! Author-nim, keep up your excellence in being an author. You have a very fascinating story outline that made me, one of your readers, get excited crazily. Good luck in completing this story. HWAITING :D
Frida-lm96 #8
Chapter 38: omg, I love this story! but i dont really like Kai in this, sorry!! TTwTT
I really hope L and Eun Na get together! <3
hwaiting autornim! <3
Chapter 38: Now that some of the mysteries are revealed, i think i understand what is happening. So, Eun Na's father is a Royal Immortal. am i right haha c: