Chapter 18: The Surprise Attack

The Maiden's Locket
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     “. They’re here.” Hoya muttered under his breath as he stood up from his seat. Everyone looked up at him as he looked around the surroundings with scrutinising eyes. His lips formed into a thin line and his eyebrows furrowed deeply. He recognised this feeling before. It was all too familiar to him. Whispering under his breath, his silver ring suddenly shone in a faint purple light and soon, it transformed into a sickle and a chain. Without any prior warning, he threw the sickle towards the crystal clear glass of the ice cream shop, shattering it into unfixable pieces. The shattered glass scattered everywhere and screams were heard as the people in the shop hurriedly ran out or hid underneath the table.
     L tackled Eun Na on the floor, wrapping his arms around her in the process; cupping the back of her head and burying it on his chest while his other hand enveloped around her back. He gritted his teeth as small fragment of glass made in contact with his exposed skin, grazing it.
     Hoya twirled his sickle and chain before lunging it forward. “Damn these Trackers!” He hissed as his sickle wrapped around the Tracker who was loitering outside. He twirled the chain around his forearm before pulling it with much force towards him. The Tracker landed on the table, smashing it due to its heavy weight. Without needing to be told, Dongwoo pierced his spear straight into the Tracker’s heart. It shrieked in pain before crumbling into ashes.
     Sunggyu stood beside L, his Shuriken thirsty for blood. “Myungsoo, leave this place now. Take Eun Na with you. We’ll follow behind.” He sternly spoke as he looked down at L with a serious look. The younger male did not complain and immediately complied with his leader’s orders. He quickly pulled himself up, but his eyes landed on the girl underneath him, her eyes closed and her hands tightly clasped together in front of her chest. She felt the weight above her ease, and she slowly fluttered her eyes open.
     “We need to go.” He spoke, his face emotionless. The girl nodded almost immediately, knowing that staying here would result in great danger not only to them, but to the other innocent people. L looked at the front entrance, hoping they would be able to get out from there. Sungyeol, who was stood near the door, nodded his head once - a sign that it was clear outside. For a while.
     “Come on.” He circled his hand around her wrist and gently dragged her with him towards the front entrance. He looked around for a while before stepping out of the shop in quick, yet silent, steps. The lass nervously looked around what was then a lively and furnished underground mall. It was a wrecked. Everything was destroyed; every shop was damaged greatly, glass were scattered everywhere and there was a long and evident crack on the floor, as if the ground was parting. The lights continuously flickered on and off. However, what feared her most was the fact that there were lifeless bodies lying on the cold floor, their blood splattered around. Her eyes threatened to tear up, and her feet weakened. It was too unbearable for her to look anymore.
     She averted her gaze in front of her just as L halted to a stop. He cursed under his breath and quickly pulled the girl with him in a small space between a clothing shop and a cafe. There was once a large potted plant stood in between, but that had been long gone and destroyed within the chaos. The girl blinked in confusion as L whispered some unrecognizable words under his breath. A faint glow emitted in his ring before it transformed into a crossbow.
     Eun Na looked up. “L—“ She whispered, but was cut off when L covered with his other hand. He looked down at her with a serious expression.
     “Don’t talk. There’s a Tracker around.” He whispered back, his voice soft and somehow worried, but his eyes were piercing with agitation. The girl did not say anything else and just nodded her head, an action which caused L to take his hand off . Not one of them dared to say anything and allowed the silence to engulf them. L secretly smiled to himself as he looked at the girl in front of him; there was a clear sign of fear in her eyes, and her body was still trembling. He did not know how, but he was certain he would do anything to get her out of here safe and sound. He swore it to himself.
     There was another moment of silence, and Eun Na uncomfortably shifted in her position, but as she did, her forehead bumped against L’s lips. They both stiffened at the sudden contact.
     Hesitantly, she looked up at L only to see him looking down at her with slightly widened eyes. The girl hasn’t realised it until now, but L was awfully close. There was not any space for them to move around as their bodies were clashed against one another. Too close that she could feel his warm breath mixing with hers. So close that if he leaned in, he could practically kiss her on the spot. Her face heated up at the thought, and she could feel it slowly crawling up from her neck to her cheeks. Her heart started beating fast like hummingbird wings, and she feared that the said male would be able to feel it against her chest or hear it over the silence.
     L’s ears perked up at the sound. He could feel them coming closer, their footsteps becoming more and more apparent. A silver bolt, made out of pure mercury, appeared on the stock of his crossbow. With eyes narrowed into dangerous slits, he pointed the crossbow towards the direction where he knew the Tracker would appear. He fixated his eyes and sure enough, the Tracker appeared in his view. A smirk formed on his lips as he shot the bolt, hitting the clueless Tracker straight in the head. It shrieked in pain and shuddered, before turning into ashes.
     “We should probably leave. They’ll find us sooner or later,” L said as he grabbed Eun Na’s wrist in his grip once again. The girl quietly followed behind him as they both dashed towards another shop. “It’s awfully quiet...” he muttered under his breath, but it was audible in her ears. She looked around instantly and furrowed her eyebrows as she also realised the silence around them. Moments ago, there were screams, but those had been long gone, and she wondered how fast those people had gotten out of this underground shopping mall. Surely, there would be a stampede from the amount of people trying to escape. To make things worse, she did not know where the others were, and she grew worried for them.

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[PandaDiaries] 15.09.13 I will be updating The Maiden's Locket later tonight! :)


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shineeexogot7 #1
Chapter 2: please i need you to continue this story... don't give up on us! please udate soon
Chapter 38: Hope you update soon authornim! Please continue this.. Im starting to love this.. Hope u go back soon!
BaekChaYun #3
Oooo, this looks promising! I'll mark it for later.
ThornedRose #4
Chapter 38: ...last updated since September...pleaseee hurry~~
Chapter 38: Finished reading it in a couple of hours, 3 I think. But loved it like damn. And then you have my two bias myung and jongin. Your killing me author-nim. Hwaiting on this story/bows/♡
Chapter 38: Okay... um Hi! At first, I subscribed to this story few months ago and sadly, I got very bored with it. Thinking some sort of lame ending, I stopped reading it but didn't unsubscribed. Now, being so bored and wanted to read a fantasy story with lots of mysteries. I went to the Fantasy Tag and clicked your story. I was about to click Suscribe but it already said I subscribed already. Then I finally remember. Shrugging, I start to read this from the start and in the beginning, it got me bored but then I read your quote 'Patience is a Key' and I decided to continue further reading until I got goosebumps since the story is becoming more interesting. Halfway, I'm anticipating the next chapter on what will happen. Author-nim, this is the only fanfic I'm currently waiting to be completed. Due to some circumstances of my previous favorite story, it has to stop for a long time and will probably resume after the problem of the author is solved. As I was saying, your story is truly AMAZING! So amazing that starting this day, I feel excitement run through me. Looking forward when the mysteries unfold one by one. SUPER DUPER LOVED THIS STORY! Author-nim, keep up your excellence in being an author. You have a very fascinating story outline that made me, one of your readers, get excited crazily. Good luck in completing this story. HWAITING :D
Frida-lm96 #8
Chapter 38: omg, I love this story! but i dont really like Kai in this, sorry!! TTwTT
I really hope L and Eun Na get together! <3
hwaiting autornim! <3
Chapter 38: Now that some of the mysteries are revealed, i think i understand what is happening. So, Eun Na's father is a Royal Immortal. am i right haha c: