Chapter 15: The Best Sound

The Maiden's Locket
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     Fluttering her eyes open, Eun Na groaned a little as she was instantly greeted by a bright sunlight peering through her open window. Covering her eyes with her hand, she slowly sat up in her bed. A yawn escaped her lips as she looked around her bedroom as if it were unfamiliar. She stretched her arms up in the air, feeling refreshed after getting a comfortable sleep last night.
    With a smile, she got up from her bed, slipped her feet inside her Rilakkuma slippers, and walked towards the window. She leaned her palms on the window sill and looked out the familiar surroundings of her neighbourhood. It was a rather warm and calm day; a complete opposite of what it had been yesterday. Slowly, she opened the window and a warm breeze greeted her. A chuckle escaped her lips as her hair danced along with the wind, and she closed her eyes to savour the moment.
    After a few minutes of gazing outside from her bedroom window, the lass walked towards the bathroom. Turning the tap open, she used the cold water gushing out of the faucet to wash her face, waking her up instantly.
    Eun Na lifted her head to look up in the mirror only to be faced by a tired-looking girl. There were bags under her eyes; it was becoming more and more apparent by the day. Her eyelids looked extremely exhausted, and at some point, it would find itself closing half-way. It had been quite a while since she had last a good night sleep. Lately, she had been staying up late for various reasons: firstly, it was due to the fact that she was still not over the 'there-are-Immortal-beings-in-my-house-and-they're-here-to-protect-me' phase; secondly, her Art project was forcing her to stay up late, and lastly, someone specific had been swirling around her mind for quite sometime. Ever since she laid her eyes on him, that was. Of course, that wasn't the last worry she had. There was still the important day next month.
    "No, you can't be emotional again today!" She muttered to herself as she shook her head to scatter her thoughts away. After turning the tap off, she grabbed a pale yellow face towel from the small cabinet underneath the sink. As she patted her face dry, memories from last night flashed across her mind, and the lass paused.
    'I will never be mad at you...'
    Those seven words. The words that L had told her last night, echoed in her mind like a record stuck on replay. Certainly, it was neither a dream nor an imagination of her, rather it was reality. Still, she could not help but feel extremely curious as to why L, the cold-looking, arrogant prince-like Immortal, would say such... warm words.
    Warm. Indeed, those words felt warm. It was the reassurance that she had been searching; the reassurance that she was not a burden, that she needed not to worry about whether she had made the right choice or not. It was amazing, how L was able to put her worries at ease with just words. She knew nothing about the said male, yet she felt greatly comforted by his presence.
    So, he was never mad at me, the girl thought to herself, an endearing smile plastered on her face.
    Gleaming more than ever, Eun Na skipped downstairs, her ponytail bouncing together with her movements. Luckily, Juniors, which meant her, Sungyeol, L and Sungjong, were given a three day off as of now; the Seniors, which meant EXO-K, with the exception of Sehun, who was also a Junior, was on their final exam stage. It was a crucial stage for the Seniors as it would determine whether they would be able to attend higher education or end up being lazy around the house doing absolutely nothing. Fortunately for her, she still had another year to worry about such importance.
    I wonder if Chanyeol is studying now, Eun Na thought to herself. Knowing the fact that the older male had no intention of studying whatsoever, yet still end up perfecting every single exams he took, the concern was instantly wiped off her mind.
    She hopped towards the kitchen, her hands tightly clasped behind her. As she reached the open archway, her eyes immediately spotted a familiar figure. It was Woohyun. His back was facing her, but she could clearly tell that he was cooking something whilst humming as tune. She watched with a cross of admiration and amusement as she walked towards the counter.
    Sensing her presence, Woohyun turned his head to side. "Good morning, Eun Na!" He beamed, giving the girl a light pinch on the nose. Taken aback, she blinked at him, but the older male only gave her a smile before returning his attention back to the pancakes he was cooking.
    "G-good morning to you too, Woohyun." The lass greeted back, a smile etched on her lips. As she reached for the cereals in the cupboard, she stole a glance at Woohyun at the same time he lifted the ladle near his mouth. He parted his lips and tilted the ladle, pouring the contents to his mouth. A satisfied smile soon glued itself on his face as he his lips, an action the girl found rather... attractive.
    With a gulp, Eun Na forced herself to look away and her eyes soon fell on the familiar clothing on his body. He was wearing her white chocolate-coloured Rilakkuma apron, a present she had received from Sehun for her seventeenth birthday. Knowing she was a big fan of the character itself and loved cooking, it was a perfect present. Eun Na clasped her lips tightly, trying to suppress the laughter desperate to escape. Somehow, it was rather amusing to see a manly guy like Woohyun wear such a girly apparel.
    "Are you amused to see me wearing this cute clothing?" Woohyun suddenly asked, tilting his head to the side a little, his lips formed into a little smirk.
    The lass giggled a little. "A little bit," she admitted, pinching the air with her thumb and first finger a little. Woohyun let out a genuine laugh. "It suits you, Namu." She smiled at the older male, but he just blinked at her, his expression puzzled.
    "Namu?" He repeated the word, sounding very curious.
    "Ah, that wasn't meant to be said aloud." The girl muttered to herself, seemingly embarrassed upon saying aloud the nickname she had created for them, on she ought to kept as a secret. Before she could explain her mistake, did the other Immortals stepped inside the kitchen, the ambrosial scent of pancakes wafted through their nose.
    “Good morning, Eun Na!” Sungjong beamed as he immediately greeted the older girl with a tight hug around the waist. Despite the surprise she received from the sudden skin ship, she gave the younger male a smile.
    "Good morning, Sungjong." She greeted back as she gave the younger a pat on the back. Sungjong released the older girl, but his smile never left his face. If even, it was brighter than usual.
    The others remained silent, their eyebrows raised at the younger male, who casually sat down on an empty seat. They wondered how the younger male was able to become so... affectionate towards the older girl all of a sudden. It wasn't anything out of ordinary, since Sungjong was naturally affectionate, but only towards his fellow older brothers.
    Sensing the stares, Sungjong looked at everyone in return and raised his eyebrow. "What?" He asked, genuinely confused as to why his older brothers were looking at him as if he did something unexpected. The older males awkwardly cleared their throat and looked away.
    Eun Na chuckled silently before it instantly died as she realised that a certain someone was not present. "Where's L?" She asked, her heart pounding just at the fact that his name escaped her lips. Sungyeol glanced up from his plate and looked at the girl before turning his body left to right, meaning to spot his best friend, but to no avail.
    The tall Immortal sighed. "Probably still sleeping. Ugh, I'll go get his lazy down here." He said, taking a mouthful of the pancake before standing up from his seat. Before he could walk out of the kitchen, however, did the lass stop him.
    "It's okay, Yeollie, I can go and get him." Eun Na called out, giving the older male a smile of reassurance. Once the lass was out of sight, Sungyeol looked back at the rest with a puzzled expression plastered on his face.
    "What did she just call me?" He asked, pointing a finger to himself. Still, a smile soon curled up in his lips. "Ah, I see. She gave me a nickname..." he proudly remarked, earning surprised looks from the rest.
    "What?" Dongwoo breathed out, raising an eyebrow at the tall male.
    Woohyun rolled his eyes, "Don't even think

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[PandaDiaries] 15.09.13 I will be updating The Maiden's Locket later tonight! :)


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shineeexogot7 #1
Chapter 2: please i need you to continue this story... don't give up on us! please udate soon
Chapter 38: Hope you update soon authornim! Please continue this.. Im starting to love this.. Hope u go back soon!
BaekChaYun #3
Oooo, this looks promising! I'll mark it for later.
ThornedRose #4
Chapter 38: ...last updated since September...pleaseee hurry~~
Chapter 38: Finished reading it in a couple of hours, 3 I think. But loved it like damn. And then you have my two bias myung and jongin. Your killing me author-nim. Hwaiting on this story/bows/♡
Chapter 38: Okay... um Hi! At first, I subscribed to this story few months ago and sadly, I got very bored with it. Thinking some sort of lame ending, I stopped reading it but didn't unsubscribed. Now, being so bored and wanted to read a fantasy story with lots of mysteries. I went to the Fantasy Tag and clicked your story. I was about to click Suscribe but it already said I subscribed already. Then I finally remember. Shrugging, I start to read this from the start and in the beginning, it got me bored but then I read your quote 'Patience is a Key' and I decided to continue further reading until I got goosebumps since the story is becoming more interesting. Halfway, I'm anticipating the next chapter on what will happen. Author-nim, this is the only fanfic I'm currently waiting to be completed. Due to some circumstances of my previous favorite story, it has to stop for a long time and will probably resume after the problem of the author is solved. As I was saying, your story is truly AMAZING! So amazing that starting this day, I feel excitement run through me. Looking forward when the mysteries unfold one by one. SUPER DUPER LOVED THIS STORY! Author-nim, keep up your excellence in being an author. You have a very fascinating story outline that made me, one of your readers, get excited crazily. Good luck in completing this story. HWAITING :D
Frida-lm96 #8
Chapter 38: omg, I love this story! but i dont really like Kai in this, sorry!! TTwTT
I really hope L and Eun Na get together! <3
hwaiting autornim! <3
Chapter 38: Now that some of the mysteries are revealed, i think i understand what is happening. So, Eun Na's father is a Royal Immortal. am i right haha c: