The Role Play Presentation


Author’s P.O.V.

It was now the much awaited day for everyone. The people were so excited for the play. The play began with a prayer and the play began. The audience was already screaming aloud. It was now the time to present the play of ~~~~ and Kwangmin. The crowd was screaming more and more.  As ~~~~ and Kwangmin went out of the play, everyone was like shouting, screaming and blaring. During their performance there was a technical error.


Kwangmin’s P.O.V.

 The lights suddenly turned off.

“Oh, a technical error” she whispered.

“Look!” I pointed at the back.

Lighted candles forming the words “Will You be my girlfriend?” was there.

She looked puzzled.

“~~~~, I know you are annoyed and pissed off by me. I just did that so that you will catch my attention. Ever since. You were my home, my hope, my inspiration, my princess and my love. ( after singing Boyfriend)Will you be my girlfriend?” I whispered.


~~~~’s P.O.V.

Girlfriend? Girlfriend? I thought.

“ Yes, Kwangmin.” I cried.

“Thank you God. Thank you ~~~~” he shouted.

After that I realized that our presentation isn’t done yet.

The audience was screaming, shouting and had butterflies in their tummies.

“ Umm, Kwangmin, we did not finish our presentation yet.” I whispered.

“ Oh, yes. Let’s finish it because after our show I will bring you somewhere that you will enjoy with me.” He excitedly said.

“ Okay, somewhere you will enjoy with you. HAHA! Sure!” I said.


Author’s P.O.V.

After their role play, Kwangmin brought her to a cruise. ~~~~ did not expect that he will brought her there. A table was set and a lighted candle. Delicious Food was prepared. The cruise was designed nicely.

“ ~~~~, are you happy with your decision? Kwangmin asked.

“Yes, of course!” she smiled.

“ Thank you! This is my happiest day ever. I will cherish this moment “ he whispered.

“ How much do you love me?” she curiously asked.

“Look at the stars” he replied.

“ Grrr. Stop changing the topic please.” She said.

“ No, I’m not! Just look and count the stars.” He whispered.

“ What? Count? That’s so impossible. There are so many stars that I can’t count anymore. “ she complained.

“ So is my love for you” he sweetly said.

~~~~ was flattered and smiled.

After their conversation, Kwangmin then sang lot of love songs.

It was already 11:30 P.M.

“ Kwangmin, I think I have to go home now” she whispered.

“Oh, sure. I will drive you home.” He said.


Kwangmin’s P.O.V.

They were already at the car of Kwangmin leading to the house of ~~~~.

“ ~~~~ thank you very much! You made my day. I hope our relationship will be fine, good and we will have trust with each other.” I whispered.

“ Yes Kwangmin, I also hope we will build trust, faithfulness and loyalty in this relationship” she smiled.

We already arrive at her house and I opened his door.

“ Goodbye Kwangmin, Thank you for making my day! I love You!” she sweetly said.

I kissed her on her forehead and whispered “ Thank you my love, Thank you for making this night special. Goodbye. Goodnight and sweet dreams. I love you” I whispered.

“ Drive home safely. Goodnight! Sweet dreams.” She said.

“ Yes, I will drive home safely for the girl I love the most.” I shouted.

She smiled and said “ HAHA! Okay! Go home now! Please be safe.

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pikachu16 #1
Update soon !
pikachu16 #2
Yes ! An update !
pikachu16 #3
Update unnie ~ ^^
Update soon! :)
Update!!!!! FIGHTING!!!!!!!!! :D
sequel please
pikachu16 #7
Update ~ <3