I don't believe in love




There was once a girl named ~~~~, who lived in a province. Her mother, who was with her through happy and sad times, died due to Pneumonia. Her father left them when she was still one year old. When her mother died, her aunt decided to bring her to the city and live there. Her aunt let her study in an international school. It was now the time to go to her new school, she just pretended that she was happy even though she wasn’t. When she got into her classroom she felt awkward. Everyone was talking with their friends, while she was alone. The class was so noisy when their teacher arrive, Mr. Lee Jinki . They suddenly keep quiet. “Now, may I introduce to you our new student, ~~~~. When she was about to stood up, a guy suddenly appeared at the door. “Excuse me sir, I’m sorry I’m late.”  A firm voice said. Everyone looked at who it was. It was a handsome, tall guy. It was Choi Minho. ~~~~ then continued her speech. There were no more seats except beside ~~~~~. He just sat there. When ~~~~ was about to go back to her seat, he was straightly looking at Minho that she didn’t notice she already step on Key’s foot. Key shouted at her” next time, please be careful”. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry” was a fear response of ~~~~. In going to her seat she was so happy and murmurs that there was a handsome guy. Minho looked at her and she was shy, she just shut .  There are a lot of girls who flirt to Minho. He ignore them. He hates love stories, because he did not believe in love. It was already their prom, their teacher told them their partners. ~~~~ and Choi Minho. You will be partner. “ What?” was both their reactions. It was now their prom, ~~~~ was so beautiful and Minho was so handsome. ~~~~ already love Minho. Minho felt a strange feeling when he saw ~~~~. It was a feeling he did not know. He thought that he did not believe in love,  but he was wrong.


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