The Role Play Practices


~~~~ P.O.V.

Our school has an event which will showcase role plays about love. Each section must have representatives to present their role play.  Our classmates voted who will be the main casts. For boys, it was Kwangmin and for girls I was the one. I hate Kwangmin ever since elementary years. He annoys me a lot and I easily get piss off. It was now the first day of our practice. I am not so comfortable being with him. He won’t do our practice seriously.

“ Kwangmin, please” I told him calmly.

“ What?” was his answer.

“Let us now be serious so we can go home right away.” I begged.

“ Why? Don’t you like being with me?”  Was his joke response.

“Obviously yes! I don’t like being with you! Isn’t that so obvious?” I supposed.

During our practices we always fight, quarrel, and argue. He lived in pride very much.

One Saturday morning, I was so annoyed with his PRIDE attitude. I told him a poem entitled “Pride” (credits to the owner)


Pride, oh Pride!

You think you have one?

The blast of the feeling of exaltation

After you foolishly thought

You have finally won?


Pride, oh Pride!

The mother of all sins!

The thin line between righteousness

And self-righteousness

That’s what it means!


Kwangmin’s  P.O.V.


I suddenly interrupted ~~~~ even though she wasn’t finish yet.

“Stop!” I said.

“ Why?” was her answer.

“Okay, I’m hit now!” I honestly told her.

“oh really?! “ she jokingly said.

“ Of course!” I quickly answered.


Author’s P.O.V.

It was now their general rehearsal.  Kwangmin and ~~~~ really tried their best. Everyone had butterflies in their tummies during the general rehearsal. They portrayed the role of Snow White and the seven dwarves. They will just hug at the last part. Everyone was so excited for the show which will be held the next day.

Kwangmin was now a little bit in love with ~~~~. He pisses off; annoy her just to catch his attention. 

Many people will now tease them because they are a perfect match. Kwangmin will just laugh every time someone will tease them, while ~~~~ will just ignore.


~~~~’s P.O.V.

I think I’m already in love with Kwangmin. He is the boy who I am happy with. He makes me laugh, smile and forget all the problems I have. I feel like at heaven when I am with him.

“ You know what?. Even though you are not serious every practices, but still I will miss those times. I will miss your jokes, laughs, the way you piss me off, the way you tease me and most of all the time we have spent together.” I admittedly told him.

“Really?! Wow! I was waiting for you to say that. I will also miss the times I will tease you, piss you off and the experiences we have shared together. I will not only miss those times but I will miss YOU my PRINCESS.” He supposed.

“ What? What did you say? You will miss me? And what MY princess? Am I your princess?” I curiously asked.

“ Yes, I will miss you! I will miss the girl who I used to tease. I did not say my PRINCESS, I said my partner” he whispered.

“ HAHA! Okay! I will miss you too my partner! Let’s just do our best tomorrow!” I actively said.

“ Sure, Let’s break a leg!” he respond.


Kwangmin’s P.O.V.

I think I’m already in love with that beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, dazzling, striking woman named ~~~~.

Ever since we were the partner I wanted to stick with her always. I am so happy when I am at her side. I feel like I’m the happiest guy when I’m with her.

I want you to be mine ~~~~. I want you to be happy with me. You were always been my home. I feel so safe when I’m with you ~~~~.

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pikachu16 #1
Update soon !
pikachu16 #2
Yes ! An update !
pikachu16 #3
Update unnie ~ ^^
Update soon! :)
Update!!!!! FIGHTING!!!!!!!!! :D
sequel please
pikachu16 #7
Update ~ <3