Second Shot

I want 3 hours of your time… (Three-Shot)


It was the day of the auction, err-hum, you meant to say the Valentine’s Day Festival.


The ultimate er Shim Changmin was sick and your hatred towards him rose to new heights when you had to take over his responsibility as the person in charge of the auction. That meant that you could never have those 3 hours in which had been looking forward to since last year.


You had missed the chance to steal Jaejoong for yourself last year because the bids went over the top and you couldn’t afford to bid any higher.


You swear, you would murder Changmin in his sick bed after this event was over.


You made your way to the podium and looked at the crowd gathered at the stage, which was about 99.99% of the student population, minus that sick bastard Changmin.


‘You were the one who brought up this problem last month, so you solve this problem!’ Changmin gave you that signature evil smirk of his while lying on the bed in the sick bay.


That almost became his deathbed, if not for the intrusion of the school nurse, who arrived with paramedics who carried Changmin onto the stretcher, telling you that he had a bad case of food poisoning.


You weren’t surprised anyway. Changmin practically ate all the cupcakes you brought for the council members this morning while setting up the stage for the bid.


It wasn’t entirely your fault right? I mean, everyone ate your cupcakes and no one else suffered like Changmin did.


You decided that he just didn’t wash his hands before consuming your food, so you just shrugged and brought the microphone towards your mouth.


‘Good afternoon, one and all! Welcome to the Student Council’s event booth. You guys are gathered here for the chance to win the bid to date Jaejoong for 3 hours. Remember that your generosity (You winced inwardly. LIKE AS IF THEY’RE DOING THIS BECAUSE OF THEIR CHARITABLE HEARTS! THEY ALL WANT TO GET THEIR HANDS ON THAT PRETTY OF JAEJOONG’S. AND SO DO YOU, BUT YOU CAN’T. DAMN…) will go towards the school fund. We are hoping to build an extension to the school to provide more classrooms for self study sessions and a place for you guys to hang out after school.’


Screams were heard when Jaejoong walked up onto the stage.


You cursed every single profanity you knew inside your disturbed mind because Jaejoong had his hair perfectly styled, his fringe covering one eye, making him appear ier than ever. He was wearing what looked to be a designer suit worth 5 digits, give or take an extra zero at the back, leaving the top two buttons of his shirt ed, his alabaster skin on display, enough to cause excessive internal bleeding, not just from the nose. He was just asking to be , with his tailored suit accentuating his slender and tempting body.


You just wanted to pounce on him and ravish him right there and then but you can’t.


You had to ‘sell’ Jaejoong like a pimp to the hungry vultures that were now crowding at the edge of the stage.


You hated yourself.


You guessed you could use that big sum of money you saved up for months to spoil yourself rotten but murdering Changmin and bribing the judge to let you off from a lifetime imprisonment seemed like a better idea.


You grinned evilly to yourself for a second or two before proceeding with the auction.


‘The bid starts at $20.’


‘Are you serious!? I’m worth that little?’ Jaejoong glanced at you, pretending to look hurt.


‘The principal said to keep the starting price affordable but don’t worry, the figures will jump. You’re worth so much more in those eyes,’ you pointed to the raving ‘beasts’ raising their hands.


Jaejoong shrugged.


Within a minute, you heard a $50000.


Jaejoong and you were stunned and you almost dropped the microphone.


The highest bid last year was $20000, and that was already insane.


‘The !?’ you screamed into the microphone.


‘Language!’ The principal suddenly appeared beside you and you almost fell on your poor bum.


‘Sorry,’ you bowed in apology before continuing, ‘$50000 offered by the girl in the blue polka dotted tee. Anything higher than that? Anybody?’


No one would go higher than that, not unless they robbed the bank or something…


So Jaejoong went on his 3 hour forced escapade with ‘polka dot girl’.


You felt so bad for Jaejoong.


You felt bad for yourself.


And to get over your hurt, you took a taxi to the hospital.


For what?


To murder Changmin, of course.




Unfortunately, you didn’t murder Changmin.


Instead, you visited him, but you brought along white roses just to spite him.


‘I’m not dead yet,’ Changmin frowned.


‘I wish you were,’ you spat, throwing the bouquet on his body.




GAWD, was he really that blind?


‘I couldn’t bid for Jaejoong,’ you almost wanted to strangle Changmin to death when the nurse came in to tell you that no flowers or plants were allowed in the room and told you to get rid of them or she would do so on your behalf.


You tossed the bouquet angrily at her.


You developed a sudden dislike towards nurses. It seemed that they liked popping up to intervene the murder of Changmin.


‘You’ll marry a nurse one day,’ you concluded.


‘No way, I’d rather marry a doctor,’ Changmin rolled his eyes, ‘I only want to associate with smart people.’


Why, thank you,’ I grinned.


‘You’re freaking stupid,’ Changmin deadpanned.


‘Then why are you hanging out with me?’


‘If I could walk out and get away from you, I would, but I’m bedridden for the next 2 or so days,’ he replied monotonously.


‘Ahh,’ you pretended to care for your cousin, ‘How sad for you then, having to unwillingly put up with my stupidity right now.’


Changmin nodded vehemently and you sulked.


‘You said you wanted to bid for Jaejoong?’ Changmin went back to your earlier topic.


‘Yes, and I would have, but still failed…’ you thought about that crazy $50000 cheque that you had collected earlier.




Then you filled him in about the insanely insane amount bade for Jaejoong’s time.


‘Seriously!?’ Changmin shrieked and held his aching stomach while he caught his breath for a moment before continuing, ‘ I don’t understand what you idiots see in him.’


‘If you did, you’re in trouble,’ it was your turn to roll your eyes.


‘Yeah,’ Changmin shivered.




3 days after the auction was a Tuesday, so you had to go for another one of those crappy, long and boring council meetings, it would be, if Jaejoong wasn’t there.


Thankfully, you realised that it was about the Council Elections and recruitment of new members. That was the only meeting so far in Changmin’s entire running as President that can garner full attention from all s.


‘In 3 weeks, there will be the Student Council President election. After that’s settled, the meeting following up from that event will be the President’s selection of new council members. You guys, the existing members of my council will decide whether you still want to continue to hold the same positions or leave.’


‘Will you be holding on to your Head Boy position, Jaejoong?’ the Treasurer asked.


‘It’s just one year more, so why not?’ Jaejoong grinned, ‘Besides, I love catching people when they break the rules.’


You made a mental note to break more rules in the future.


‘Then I’m staying,’ the Treasurer smiled.


You thought likewise.




You were crying in Changmin’s arms when he revealed the craziest news you have ever heard in your entire life.


Changmin had won the elections, hands down, because no one could compete with the fact that Changmin allowed Jaejoong to be put up for bids once again the previous month. And everyone, except you and perhaps Jaejoong, worshipped him for that.


But then, Changmin told you to stay behind one day after the council meeting, wanting to speak one on one with you.


‘I’m going to give this seat up to you.’


‘This is not a bus,’ you tried to be sarcastic.


‘I mean, the position as Student Council President.’


‘Are you serious!? Are you drunk? Who blackmailed you!?’ You panicked at your cousin’s sudden and shocking revelation.


‘This is solely my decision. I owe you this much. And besides, this would make a good birthday present over all these years of not giving you one.’


‘Why the sudden change of heart?’ You never knew Changmin could be this kind.


‘I’m always kind, just to certain people,’ you rolled your eyes as he continued, ‘And, I think you’ll benefit from this position more than me.’


You knew exactly what he was talking about.


Then you went forward to hug Changmin and began crying hysterically in his arms.


Maybe Changmin wasn’t that bad, boring and evil after all.


You decided to call off murdering him.



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Chapter 2: I would NEVER murder my Changmean........
Chapter 3: aww this is really cute! loved it!♡
shiningirl #3
Aww that was so adorable loved it so much :D
Wooaah... okay. I could totally imagine Jaejoong in those situations. O_o
Haha. Changmin was blackmailed~ ^^
Nice! A sequel! I'm gonna read it~!!
Sooo sweeeeetttttt and cuteeeee :)))~~~~~~~
ashley123456 #6
jaskdgjfdgkjfkdf!!! It's so cute and soo sweet too~~~ ^____^
14 streak #7
Kyyya that was awesome its a good thing that the new president and the head boy(?) like each other. ^^
kkyyyaaaa!! I really love it!! I love the main character!!
Love works amazingly kekekeke prez n v.prez are too cute! Awww poor changmin hahaha alwayz getting blackmailed!
OMG! this is so cuuuuuuuuuute! i couldn't help but squeal while reading it! <3