First Shot

I want 3 hours of your time… (Three-Shot)


From your observations so far, you could see that no one was really paying attention to the Student Council President speaking.


To be honest, you weren’t either.


You had a bunch of canary yellow Post-it notes stuck on the council meeting’s proposal before you, engaging in a rather blatant written conversation with the council’s treasurer who was seated beside you about the Head Boy’s new y hairstyle.


The Head Boy.


Just thinking about that title in your head was enough to make you see stars.


Kim Jaejoong.


And that made you squeal in delight and when you recovered a few seconds later, you were greeted by 23 pairs of eyes staring curiously at your outburst.


‘Sorry, please continue,’ you scratched your head embarrassedly.


The note was passed back to you and you stared at it.



You giggled at the truthfulness of the treasurer’s thoughts, albeit they were dirty ones. You can’t blame her though. All the girls in school (and most guys) were guilty of that too, even yourself.


You had to admit it, the reason why about 95% of the student council was made up of girls was because Head Boy: Kim Jaejoong, was in it.


The only way you could get close to his awesomeness was by joining the council.


He was also the reason why you never wore your tie properly, why you sometimes purposely come in late for school on Fridays (he’s on morning school gate duties on that day catching latecomers and dishing out the punishments) and why you were now sitting in a sweltering hot and stuffy student council room with a broken down air-conditioner listening to the boring Shim Changmin talk in his monotonous voice about the sudden spike of theft cases in school.


Speaking of which, you stole Jaejoong’s notes before, well… kind of. It wasn’t like you snuck like a ninja during recess to do so. It was that you were absent the day before and you had to get notes for the previous day’s lessons.


Who better than to approach His Royal Attractiveness right? Even more of a better reason to get to listen to his lovely voice, look into those big doe eyes and drown in them…


‘Erm, Jaejoong, I was wondering if -’ you approached him that morning after your absence for the notes.


‘Oh, you’re back in school. Feeling better?’ Jaejoong flashed a pearly white smile at you and it reminded you about having to make an appointment with the dentist sometime soon.


‘Yeah, thanks for your concern, Jaejoong,’ you smiled back at him.


‘What’s up?’ he asked casually, twirling a pen with his right hand and you couldn’t help but stare at those long and slender digits.


‘I – I wa-want to borrow your notes for yesterday’s lessons,’ you managed to pull your longing gaze away from his fingers, ‘Can I?’


‘Sure,’ he leaned downwards to fish out his notebook from his haversack on the floor and handed it to you.


‘Thanks, I’ll return it to you as soon as I’ve copied them.’


‘Take your time, there’s no rush,’ he grinned before suddenly standing up and walking out of class and called out, ‘Hey, you there! Tuck in your uniform!’


You sure took your time with the notes.


You heard Changmin call your name and you jolted up in your seat, ‘Yes?’


‘I’ve been calling your name thrice. It’s your turn to report on the student feedbacks this month.’


‘Ri-right!’ you got off from your seat and headed to the front of the meeting table where Changmin was standing previously.


He took a seat to let you have the position.


You cleared your throat and opened your mouth to speak when –


‘My apologies for being late,’ that lovely voice seemed to echo in the room and you almost swooned at the sight.


It was His Royal Attractiveness, the school’s Head Boy, the one and only Kim Jaejoong.


‘It’s alright, I’m sure you have a valid excuse,’ Changmin waved his apology off and with a flick of his right hand, everyone on the right side of table scrolled their swivel chairs downwards to make space for Jaejoong to seat directly opposite of the Council President at the front of the long desk.


Which was extremely close to where you were standing of course. That made your presentation all the more nerve wrecking.


Everyone, who was half dead or had already died during Changmin’s nag session were now revived and were all sitting upright and paying attention.


Of course they were, Jaejoong’s presence was phenomenal and not to mention, able to wake the ‘dead’.


No, they weren’t planning to pay attention to you. Not really, because you knew everyone was probably actively using their brains, fantasizing about Kim Jaejoong in their dirty minds right now.


You wish you were still in your seat so you could relax and ravish at the sight of the drop dead gorgeous Head Boy.


‘Aren’t you going to start!?’ Changmin’s ugly voice woke you from your thoughts again and you winced.


‘I have compiled the feedbacks from the students this month and have discovered the main problem.’


Only Changmin and Jaejoong nodded. The rest were salivating, inwardly of course, but you could easily read their hunger for Jaejoong in those obsessed eyes.


‘There was a whooping 968 feedbacks collected so far this month, which is natural, because of the upcoming Valentine’s Day.’


‘Ahh,’ Changmin nodded, shooting Jaejoong a quick ‘It’s because of you’ look.


Jaejoong chuckled and looked back at you, waiting for you to continue.


You then realised everyone was now paying attention to you, because of the keywords, ‘Valentine’s Day’.


‘Last year, all clubs and societies, including our council, participated in the annual Valentine’s Day Festival. To refresh everyone’s memories, which I don’t think anyone had forgotten but I still have to do it so as standard presentation protocol,’ you stared at Changmin, who had a pleasant smile on his face because you were loyally following his damn list of presentation rules, ‘I shall do so. Here goes. Head Boy Kim Jaejoong was put on auction for the fundraising event. The winning bidder had 3 hours to go on a date with him. We had 2 rounds of this, so there were 2 dates Jaejoong had to go on, of course. So now back to the feedbacks. With an overwhelming response from the feedbacks received, the students were wondering if our council would be putting Jaejoong back up for grabs.’


Jaejoong laughed heartedly and you can safely swear that almost everyone, minus boring and annoying Changmin, went weak in the knees, clutching onto their poor hearts at the beautiful sound that came out from the ethereal beauty.


‘That isn’t a major issue, these morons!’ Changmin rolled his eyes, ‘The feedback box is to voice out problems in school, for us council members to create and improve the school environment, not for us to discuss about out poor Jaejoong.’


Everyone stared angrily at Changmin.


Everyone wanted Jaejoong up for auction again.


Everyone wanted that precious 3-hour date.


And you had been saving up since the day last year that they announced such an auction. So anyone can imagine just how much you were willing to pour out for 3 hours with His Royal Attractiveness.


‘And so, to the root of the problem we go!’ You ignored Changmin’s unwillingness to further discuss this ‘problem’, ‘We shall discuss about how to solve this issue.’


‘Put Jaejoong back up for auction! Case settled!’ The treasurer grinned.


Everyone nodded.


‘Don’t I have a say in this?’ Jaejoong looked amusedly around the table.


‘Yes, but I think no one will want to hear your objection to this,’ you gave a weak smile at Jaejoong.


‘Guessed as much,’ Jaejoong leaned back on the swivel chair.


‘So you’re willing to yourself out again this year?’ Changmin gasped.


‘How much did we make with just 2 dates?’ Jaejoong drawled.


‘Enough to install air condition in every classroom.’


‘Maybe after this round we can get the repairmen to maintain those air conditioners!’ Jaejoong joked.


The temperatures suddenly rose ten fold.




It was the hot topic during the weeks leading to the school’s Valentine’s Day Festival.


You knew Changmin was so going to keep his position as School Council President in the upcoming elections in March because he ‘allowed’ Jaejoong to get snagged by desperate students in school.


You scowled inwardly.


You wanted to become School Council President.


You believed you could make more positive changes in school than that boring guy.


But more so because you wanted to seat near Jaejoong, not at the end of the meeting table during council sessions on Tuesdays and Fridays, which made it hard for you to ogle at his perfection.


‘Hey there, need help?’ You didn’t need to look to your left to see who that was because you knew by heart whose lovely voice that belonged to.


‘Hi, Jaejoong!’ you beamed, ‘Yeah sure, it’s really hard to pin these up because I’m so short.’


‘You’re not short… not like them,’ Jaejoong whispered while helping you pin up registrations for students to join the council.




‘The juniors,’ Jaejoong said almost inaudibly.


You scanned around and sure enough, there were a bunch of petite girls staring at the two of you while they pretended to be searching through their lockers.


‘Oh, they’re still growing and don’t be so mean to your suitors!’ you pretended to look fierce.


‘I’m sorry, Student Welfare Officer!’ Jaejoong playfully nudged you.


OH MY GAWD, HE TOUCHED YOU! Well, it’s not exactly a touch but it was still worth raving over, right?


‘Are you alright!? Did I destroy your ribs or something?’ he asked worriedly at your sudden stillness.


‘No, just zoning out,’ more of like having a 'fangirl moment', that is.


‘We are done here.’






‘We’ suddenly became your favourite pronoun.



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Chapter 2: I would NEVER murder my Changmean........
Chapter 3: aww this is really cute! loved it!♡
shiningirl #3
Aww that was so adorable loved it so much :D
Wooaah... okay. I could totally imagine Jaejoong in those situations. O_o
Haha. Changmin was blackmailed~ ^^
Nice! A sequel! I'm gonna read it~!!
Sooo sweeeeetttttt and cuteeeee :)))~~~~~~~
ashley123456 #6
jaskdgjfdgkjfkdf!!! It's so cute and soo sweet too~~~ ^____^
14 streak #7
Kyyya that was awesome its a good thing that the new president and the head boy(?) like each other. ^^
kkyyyaaaa!! I really love it!! I love the main character!!
Love works amazingly kekekeke prez n v.prez are too cute! Awww poor changmin hahaha alwayz getting blackmailed!
OMG! this is so cuuuuuuuuuute! i couldn't help but squeal while reading it! <3