I want 3 hours of your time… (Three-Shot)


It turns out that Changmin was now Advisor to you because of his prior experience as the President.


Council Advisor, he’s now called.


Looks like he was here to stay till you graduated.


You couldn’t complain when you looked up and saw Jaejoong sitting on your right hand side.


You couldn’t believe you went from the back of the meeting table to the one sitting at the head of it.


‘President, please give your opening address to your wonderful new cabinet,’ Changmin said lazily.


‘Right,’ you buttoned your blazer as you stood up.


You took in a deep breath.


‘Good Evening, my fellow council members. The former Student Council President has become our Council Advisor. Changmin has kindly stepped down to make way for me, as he felt that my experience as the Student Welfare Officer would give new perspective and direction as I lead the council towards a brighter and better future for the students and school. I sincerely look forward to working with all of you.’


There was applause.


Thank Goodness… At least people were listening.


‘And now, on to the usual meeting,’ you sat down.




Now that you were the Council President, you had to stay back on Saturdays to facilitate detention and during that duration, read through feedbacks from the student population so as not to waste precious time.


Yes, you were still the Welfare Officer on top of being the Prez because Changmin didn't want to let in anymore fangirls/boys into the council.


You had to agree. One less competition was more than welcome.


When it came to the matter of discipline in school, the person by the name of Kim Jaejoong was always around.


The Head Boy, which was defined in your school terms, was the Head Prefect but also held the position of Vice President to your council as well.


Life suddenly became perfect for you as you saw Jaejoong enter the detention classroom.


Both of you were in charge of overseeing the detention of the students on Saturdays.


Every Saturday.


You would have complained, having to wake up early and head for an ‘extra day of school’ but Jaejoong made this responsibility an opportunity to get closer to him.


You were more than happy to shut up.


‘Good morning!’ Jaejoong smiled when he saw you in the classroom, reading what you deemed to be more of a love letter than a feedback.


‘It sure is a good morning!’ It truly was, especially when you knew you got to hang out with Jaejoong for 5 hours every single Saturday till you graduated.


Jaejoong laughed at your comment and sat beside you at the table at the front of the classroom.


‘Can I read some of those?’ Jaejoong asked while pointing at the pile of feedback forms/letters on the table before you.


‘Sure,’ you shrugged.


You watched him smile amusedly at the one he was currently reading and that gave you a tingling feeling all the way to your toes.


‘They’re late,’ Jaejoong suddenly looked up at you.


‘They’re pretty,’ you gazed into his huge doe eyes.


‘Huh?’ Jaejoong stared at you with a strange look in his eyes.


‘Wh-what?’ you stuttered.


‘The students serving detention are late,’ he clarified.


‘Oh, that,’ you felt so stupid for your slip up, ‘Yes, they are.’


It was already 9.14am and the session was supposed to have started at 9.


‘No wonder they’re in detention,’ Jaejoong chuckled to himself and continued reading the form in his pretty hands.


You wonder if they’re as soft as they looked.


‘The bus arrived late!’ a voice boomed from the entrance of the room and you looked towards that direction.


The ‘announcer’ was a burly boy who was flanked by what seemed to be his gang as they settled at the back of the class.


There were now 5 students in the room.


‘Let’s mark attendance then,’ Jaejoong said sarcastically.


You looked at the attendance sheet before Jaejoong.


There were 13 names and only 5 were present so far.


‘Are you gonna mark a ‘late’ under our names, Jaejoong?’


‘That would be most unfortunate for you guys. Right now, you all have just enough sessions to complete every Saturday before you graduate. If I mark you guys as ‘late’ on this sheet, you’ll have to serve 3 weeks more after graduation. We both don’t want any unnecessary fights here, do we?’


‘No wonder everyone loves you,’ the burly boy smirked, ‘Okay, thanks a lot man!’


‘You’re welcome,’ Jaejoong smiled and ticked off the names of the boys present on the list.


‘You seem to be good friends with them,’ you commented.


‘I see them every week,’ Jaejoong sighed.


You simply nodded.




The detention session began and the both of you made the 5 boys wash the floors of the basketball court and clean the sports equipments in the school’s sports storages while you two sat on the bleachers sipping on canned coffee bought from the vending machine in the canteen downstairs while continuing to read the feedbacks.


‘Jaejoong, I’m really curious,’ you began.


He looked at you.


Crap, those eyes.


‘Look away now before you stutter like mad,’ you thought to yourself.


You looked down and asked, ‘How was your date?’


‘You mean the one in which the girl paid for with $50000?’ Jaejoong questioned.




‘We just exchanged basic information about ourselves, went to get lunch - I decided to pay of course, because she did after all do a good deed for the school, and I sent her home.’


You nodded. Didn’t seem to be worth $50000 though.


‘Why did you ask?’ Jaejoong was still looking at you.


‘Just wondering... I thought you would do something special... I mean, she did pay like… a lot for those 3 hours.’


‘Special?’ Jaejoong then chuckled, ‘I’m not that kind of a person.’


You heaved a sigh of relief in your head.


‘You thought I would… go all the way with her?’ Jaejoong was now too close for comfort.


You could only shake your head when you felt your throat go dry.


‘What would you do if I told you I did?’ Jaejoong his lips seductively and your had to restraint yourself from jumping on him at that moment.


‘I wou-would be shocked of course,’ you stuttered.


‘Shocked? You don’t think I’m capable of doing that?’ Jaejoong tiled his head in question and you can safely swear that only he can pull off both adorable and y at the same time.


You didn’t know how to answer him.


‘You think I’m that innocent?’ was he tempting you?


You gulped and pushed him off.




And it felt ing good.


‘The Prez is blushing!’ Jaejoong smirked.


Crap, he surely knows that you like him now.


‘Guys!’ Jaejoong suddenly called out.


The 5 students came out from the sports equipment storage with dirty washcloths in their hands, giving the both of you questioning looks.


‘I’m feeling really charitable today, so I’m letting you guys off now. Be punctual next week!’ Jaejoong waved them off.


The guys cheered, thanked you both and ran off.


‘Why did you do that?’ you asked - it was only 2 hours into the detention session.


‘I needed to get rid of them so we’ll be the only ones around here,’ Jaejoong replied.


You could hear your heart beating rapidly, so loud that you were sure Jaejoong could hear it too. Your whole body was heating up and you crushed the feedback form in your hands due to your overwhelming emotions.


‘Changmin told me about your… problem,’ Jaejoong reached out and brushed your fringe aside.


His fingers made contact with your skin and you almost moaned.


You felt like slapping your embarrassing self.


‘Problem?’ You let out what sounded to resemble a squeak and you cupped your hand to your mouth, looking away from Jaejoong’s piercing eyes.


‘You wanted to bid for me that day, didn’t you?’ Jaejoong grinned cheekily.


‘That tell tale!’ your embarrassment was replaced by betrayal.


‘As I’m feeling really, really, really charitable today, I’ll give you the rest of detention session time, which is coincidentally 3 hours, to spend with me.’


‘I don’t have to pay?’ You asked awkwardly.


‘I’m not a , Prez,’ Jaejoong pouted.


‘I so want to kiss you right now,’ you melted at the sight of his adorable pout.


‘Come on then,’ Jaejoong puckered his lips.


‘! I said that out loud!?’ You cursed and Jaejoong laughed.


‘Yes, you did,’ Jaejoong wasted no time and leaned forward.


He closed the distance between the both of you and wrapped his arms around your waist, his lusciously rosy and soft lips spilling onto yours.


Your breath quickened as he drew more his mouth onto yours. He bent over you even more, and as he grabbed a fistful of your hair to play with it, he began kissing you even harder, deeper… his tongue crawling inside your cavern.


The kiss felt like he was more of eating you than anything else, not that you were complaining of course. You were glad your first kiss was with Kim Jaejoong and it was more than memorable.


It seemed like eternity until you both parted lips, breathless and looking longingly into each other’s eyes.


‘You’re the Prez, so why don’t you solve this problem of yours?’ Jaejoong’s voice was hoarse from that heated kiss, and it was damn y, in your opinion.




‘You’re the Prez,’ Jaejoong shrugged, ‘Define the problem first.’


‘I’m in love with you.’


Jaejoong signaled for you to go on.


‘To solve this problem…’ it was now or never, ‘I want you to be my boyfriend.’


‘Congratulations, Prez just made 2 students really happy,’ Jaejoong smiled warmly at you and hugged you tightly.


‘Wait, you feel likewise?’ You were surprised.


Jaejoong broke the hug but still had this hands around your waist, ‘You think Changmin really wanted to give up his Council President seat for you?’


‘I knew he was blackmailed, he isn’t that kind…’ you sulked.


‘I told him to give up his position and become the advisor or I would use my charms on the entire student population to vote for the other student running in the election.’


‘Why would you?’


‘So we do all sorts of stuff on Saturdays… like what we’re doing now,’ Jaejoong teased you.


You playfully slapped Jaejoong’s arm but giggled rather drunkenly, although there wasn’t a single drop of alcohol in your system.


‘Let’s go to your house,’ Jaejoong gave you a mischievous smirk.


You stared wide-eyed at him.


He couldn’t be meaning to say that he wanted to…


‘W-why?’ you started to stutter again.


‘You don’t know why?’ Jaejoong’s smirk just got wider.


‘Isn’t that too fast?’ You knew you wanted it though.


‘What fast!? You borrowed my notes for 4 months already and I want them back!’ Jaejoong lightly pinched your cheek and added, ‘Dirty minded, Prez!’
























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Chapter 2: I would NEVER murder my Changmean........
Chapter 3: aww this is really cute! loved it!♡
shiningirl #3
Aww that was so adorable loved it so much :D
Wooaah... okay. I could totally imagine Jaejoong in those situations. O_o
Haha. Changmin was blackmailed~ ^^
Nice! A sequel! I'm gonna read it~!!
Sooo sweeeeetttttt and cuteeeee :)))~~~~~~~
ashley123456 #6
jaskdgjfdgkjfkdf!!! It's so cute and soo sweet too~~~ ^____^
14 streak #7
Kyyya that was awesome its a good thing that the new president and the head boy(?) like each other. ^^
kkyyyaaaa!! I really love it!! I love the main character!!
Love works amazingly kekekeke prez n v.prez are too cute! Awww poor changmin hahaha alwayz getting blackmailed!
OMG! this is so cuuuuuuuuuute! i couldn't help but squeal while reading it! <3